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The ZZ plant is a popular indoor succulent plant that is easy to care for. This eternity plant is native to Africa and is drought tolerant. ZZ plants are grown for their attractive, glossy, dark green leaves which can be up to 12 inches long.
These plants do best in bright, indirect light and they are slow growers. They can be propagated by division or stem cuttings. ZZ plants are a great choice for any home or office. They are easy to care for and thrive in low-light conditions. In this guide, we will provide you with everything you need to know about how to care for a ZZ plant.

Species and Origin
Commonly known as the ZZ Plant, Zamioculcas zamiifolia is native to eastern Africa (specifically Kenya). It belongs to the Araceae family. This plant was discovered by Johannes Jacobus Smith in 1928. The name of the species comes from “zami”, which means “a type of rush” in the Kikuyu language, and “culcas”, which is an ancient name for the Calamus palm.
ZZ(Zamioculcas zamiifolia) plants are succulents that have thick, glossy leaves. They typically grow to a height of about 2 feet (60 cm) and a width of about 1 foot (30 cm). This is a slow grower, but the ZZ Plant is a full-grown plant when it’s about one foot tall.
General ZZ Plant Care Tips
ZZ plants are easy to care for, but they do require some maintenance. Here are the basic steps you should follow when caring for your ZZ plant.
1) Trim off any dead or dying leaves . This will help prevent disease and insects from attacking your plant. I recommend using a pair of sterilized pruning scissors for this task.
2) Repot your ZZ plant every two years or when it becomes pot-bound . Be sure to use a well-draining soil mix and a pot that is one size larger than the current pot.
3) Fertilize your plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer (10-10-10) every month during the growing season.
4) Mist your plant with water occasionally to keep the leaves moist.
5) Be sure to place your plant in a cool, dark place (50-60F) when it is not in use. This will help prevent the leaves from wilting.

Lighting Conditions for Zanzibar Gem?
ZZ plants do well in bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight- this can cause the leaves to turn yellow. If your plant is not getting enough light, the leaves will start to curl up. Place your ZZ plant in front of a window where it will get bright, indirect light for most of the day.
If you plan to keep your zz plant outside during warmer months, make sure that it is in an area that gets at least two hours of direct sun every day (morning or afternoon).
They can tolerate low light, but be careful because ZZ plants can easily sunburn. Also note that small ZZ plants should be placed in low light areas (bright, filtered light) until they are about one foot tall.
Temperature Requirements for Zuzu Plant
Same as other succulents, ZZ Plant likes warm temperatures around 70-80 F. It could be a little droopy at 50F. Avoid exposing the plant to temperatures lower than 50F.
What Type of Soil ZZ Plants Like?
ZZ plants do well in a soil mix that is high in organic matter. I recommend using a potting mix that is specifically designed for succulents or cacti. You can also make your own soil mix by combining equal parts of potting soil, sand, and perlite.
Repoting ZZ Plant
ZZ plants should be repotted every two years or when they become pot-bound. Be sure to use a well-draining soil mix and a pot that is one size larger than the current pot.
This plant has rhizome rot, so it is very important to use a well-draining soil mix. If the plant’s roots are left in water for too long, they will rot and the plant will die.
Make sure the pot has drainage hole so excess water can escape. I also recommend using a pot with a saucer to catch the water. This will help prevent the soil from becoming soggy and will keep the roots of the plant from sitting in water.

Watering Needs of Zanzibar Gem
ZZ plants do not require a lot of water. In fact, overwatering can be the number one cause of death for ZZ plants. Allow the top inch (2.5 cm) of soil to dry out before watering your plant again.
If you live in a hot, dry climate, you may need to water your plant more often than if you live in a cooler, wet climate.
It is also important to note that you should never let your plant sit in water. This can cause root rot and kill your plant.
Make sure that the pot has enough drainage holes. From time to time let the soil completely dry out before watering again.
Fertilizing Requirements for ZZ Plant
ZZ plants prefer to be fertilized regularly during the growing season (spring and summer). Use a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer once a month. But you can use a granular fertilizer also.
Make sure that you do not fertilize the plant any more than once a month. Fertilizing more frequently can cause damage to your plant.
If your ZZ plant is kept indoors, it may not need as much feeding as one kept outdoors. Outdoor plants (in warm climates) will need to be fertilized more often than plants that are kept inside.
Propagation of ZZ Plant
Zamioculcas zamiifolia (ZZ plant) is easy to propagate and grow from seed and cuttings. If you take your ZZ plant outside in the summer, you’ll likely notice small white flowers growing out of the stems. These will eventually turn into seeds that can be harvested and planted.
You can also propagate ZZ plants by taking stem cuttings from the mother plant. Cut a 12-inch (30 cm) stem from the mother plant and remove all of the leaves except for two or three at the top. Dip the cut end of the stem into a rooting hormone and then place it in moist soil. Keep the soil moist and in a warm place (70-80F) until the stem has rooted.
ZZ plants can also be propagated by division. When the plant becomes too large, you can divide it into two or more plants. Simply dig up the plant and cut it into sections with a sharp knife. Each section should have at least one stem and some roots. Replant the sections in moist soil and keep them warm until they have rooted.
ZZ plants are easy to propagate and make a great addition to any home or garden. With a little bit of care, your ZZ plant will thrive and provide you with years of enjoyment. This way, you can grow ZZ plants indefinitely!

Potential Problems
ZZ plants are susceptible to fungal and bacterial problems. The most common issue that results in a decline is overwatering or allowing water to collect on the leaves. You can help control this by using a fast-draining potting mixture and providing good ventilation. It may also be beneficial to rotate your plant every few weeks to make it symmetrical.
ZZ plants are not typically prone to insects or diseases, but they can get them from time to time.
Here are a few things you can do to help prevent insect and disease problems.
– Keep your plant in a healthy condition by providing the right growing conditions.
– Inspect your plant regularly for any signs of pests or diseases.
– Use a potting mix to help with drainage.
– Provide good ventilation to help control moisture levels.
– Rotate your plant every few weeks to keep it symmetrical.
– Remove any dead or dying leaves or stems.
– Do not fertilize excessively.
– If you water, water deeply but infrequently.
ZZ Plant Problems Troubleshooting Tips
One part milk to nine parts water will help prevent fungus problems on your ZZ plant if it has them. You can also use fungicide (available at garden centers) to help control any fungus problems.
If your plant is wilting, it may be due to a lack of water or fertilizer. Check the soil moisture levels and fertilize if necessary.
If the leaves are turning yellow, it may be due to overwatering, under watering, or a lack of fertilizer.
Special Plant Care Tips
- Naturally shiny leaves- To keep the leaves of your ZZ plant looking shiny, gently wipe them with a damp cloth occasionally. This way they will get emerald green color!
- The ZZ plant is one of the easiest plants to care for and is perfect plant for those who are new to houseplants.
- It does well in indirect bright light and doesn’t require much attention.
- Drought tolerant plant- The ZZ plant can tolerate dry soil for long periods. This is one of the best conditions for most indoor plants.
- With minimal care, it will grow to about 4 ft (1.2 m) tall and wide in 10 years.
- Keep it away from small children and pets who may eat it- The ZZ plant is mildly toxic- it may cause skin irritation in some people.
- ZZ plants are a great choice for anyone looking for an easy-to-care-for houseplant. With a little bit of care, your ZZ plant will thrive
Frequently Asked Questions
How to Make Zamioculcas Roots Thicker?
Decreased watering and decreased feeding causes Zamioculcas to use up large amount of stored energy, which is the reason behind thicker, healthier stems.
Is it safe to eat Zamioculcas?
Everything I have read says that it is not edible, but there are no reports of anyone poisoning themselves with it so far as I can tell.
What to Do With Yellow leaves?
Yellow leaves can indicate that your plant is either under-watered or over-watered. Also, not enough bright light can stress it out and make the leaves yellow as well.
Is Zamioculcas Poisonous?
Yes, Zamioculcas zamiifolia (ZZ plant) is poisonous to pets and people. Others may have allergic reactions to it.
What are the Benefits of Zamioculcas?
Calcium is an essential mineral that plays a vital role in various body processes especially bone formation and maintenance. It also aids in clotting of blood, muscle contraction, transmission of nerve impulses, enzyme activations etc.
How often should I water my Zamioculcas?
Watering frequency should be reduced as the plant gets older and more established. Water when the top few inches of soil feel dry. Do not water if the leaves are wet.
Final Thoughts
These slow growers are perfect for waiting rooms and they can survive months of neglect. Zanzibar Gem(Zuzu Plant) store water, but only if the soil is already moist.
With oval-shaped leaves look like an artificial plant. Don’t forget that larger plants may need to be divided every 3-4 years.
ZZ plants make a great addition to any home garden and can be easily propagated. With a little bit of care, your ZZ plant will thrive and provide you with years of enjoyment.
If you have any questions or comments about caring for your ZZ plants, please leave a message below. Thanks for reading!