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General Watering Tips for Anthurium
You have plants which will be mad at you if you forget to water them, then again some won’t mind if you skip a day or two, because they have some “secret supplies”.
A good watering schedule is an important part of keeping plants, and Anthurium is no exception.
The crucial thing about this plant is humidity, a fine balance between dry and soaked soil.
If you live in the regions where the climate and temperature are stable, then you will be able to make a predictive watering schedule, but that’s rarely the case.
It’s much better to check the soil and rely on its condition. Insert your finger into it, and if an inch below the surface is dry- it’s time to water your plant, if it’s still wet, wait till tomorrow and then check again.
During the active phase, when the plant grows, it’s important to keep the soil moist. This period includes months from March till September.
When the plant is in the stagnant, passive, or dormant phase, as you wish, its water demands significantly decrease, so once every few weeks is more than enough.
Still, don’t forget to check the soil before you do it.
What Are Anthurium’s Humidity Requirements?

This type of plant thrives on higher humidity, and it doesn’t have enough of it, its leaves will turn brown, it will start to look sad and will eventually die.
I mean, it’s not like it’s gonna happen overnight, but still, you mustn’t neglect your plant.
If you live somewhere where mother nature did a great job and provided your environment with an optimal level of humidity, then it will be easier for you to take good care of your plant.
If not, then you’ll have to find some ways to make up for the lack of it.
For example, a good location, such as the kitchen. Or even a well-lit bathroom.
I know it sounds silly, but these are the most humid rooms in anyone’s place, so chances are your plant may like it.
But, don’t worry, you can place it wherever you want as long as there are enough light and humidity.
What you should do is mist your plant. You can even do it daily.
Another thing you can do is put a pebble tray under the pot. That way your plant will have some supplies to use when in need.
In case you live in the areas where the climate is drier, I think humidifier would be the best solution.
As you can see, there are so many ways to create a humid environment and keep your plant happy and healthy.
Temperature and Light Requirements for Anthurium
When in its natural surroundings, a plant knows how to adapt to everything around, from soil type, sunshine, temperature, and manages to grow.
When inside, YOU need to make sure all the conditions are optimal.
Each Anthurium has its own needs and preferences, but some average would be between 65-70. Avoid exposing your plant to temperatures below 55.
Aside from temperature, the draft is another thing you need to pay attention to.
Never locate your plant on the drafty windows or anywhere near drafty doors.
The same goes for air-conditioners, heaters or fans. Extremely hot or cold air blowing from these devices is not good for any plant.
But, that doesn’t mean you should lock your plant in a room with no air. It needs fresh air to develop properly.
As for the light, don’t expose it to direct light, or else you could burn it. Yes, this is not the type of plant that requires an excessive amount of direct light, so you need to find some shadier location, where the light is diffused.
To regulate the amount of light your plant receives, you can put shades on your window, and regulate it based on the weather conditions.
What Type of Soil Does Anthurium Like?
Again, when in its natural environment, the plant finds the necessary nutrients and uses them to grow and develop.
When choosing the suitable potting mix for Anthuriums, think the type which won’t retain water, something breathable to say so.
There are some good mixes you can purchase, but you can also create your very own, by combining it with charcoal, perlite, peat moss or gravel.
When to Fertilize Anthurium Plants?
Overall, they require regular yet restrained feeding.
When they are in an active phase, from March to September, they should be fed every 6 to 8 weeks.
When in a dormant stadium, you can do it once or twice, depending on the specific requirements of the plant you posses.
One of the key ingredients for their healthy growth is phosphorus (P), so mind those letters on the bottle when selecting the fertilizer.
My advice is to opt for liquid fertilizer because they are much simpler to use.
Just follow what the instructions say, and nothing can go wrong.
Do Anthuriums Need to be Pruned?
Yes, they do. It’s the way to keep them happy and healthy and help them eliminate dead leaves or diseased parts.
No one can tell you when is the right time to do so, it depends on your plant’s overall look.
Inspect your plant to see if there are any parts that look unhealthy, like brown and crispy edges- those are to be removed.
When you cut dead or wilted blossoms, do so down to the stem base.
In case your plant looks a bit bushy, you can remove the older leaves, to make sure younger ones will receive enough nutrients.
Which tools are required for pruning?
A knife or pruning shears are suitable, as long as they are sharp and sterile.
Before and after you utilize the tools, disinfect them with rubbing alcohol and you will avoid bacterial infections.
When to Repot Anthurium Plant?

As this plant doesn’t grow so fast, you don’t need to repot it often. You can do it once every two years, or even once per four years if it’s a type that doesn’t grow rapidly.
But, that’s up to you to evaluate when to repot anthurium.
You should do so in the spring or summer, as the plant will adapt faster and continue to grow without any interruptions.
Transplantation is done either to replenish the soil or to provide a more comfortable home for your plant.
If you do so just to refresh the soil, you can use the same pot, but wash and disinfect it first.
In case you are looking for a new one, pick the next size, so that your plant could develop properly in the upper part.
And of course, mind the drainage holes, otherwise, your plant will have wet feet, and that’s not good.
As for the material, it’s up to you to decide. There are plastic containers, ceramic containers, and there’s a fantastic selection of decorative pots as well.
Anthurium Propagation
To be as practical as possible, you should do so when transplanting your plant.
That’s because roots are already accessible, so you can find the stems which have already started developing and put them in new pots.
Propagation is, in most cases done by division, you cannot establish a new plant by using a leaf only, it needs to have some stem.
When there are multiple stems on the root, chose the ones that look well-developed and and accommodate them in new pots.
If it has only one stem, then cut the top off, but make sure some leaves are left, so that it can adapt faster.
When propagation and planting are done, place the Anthurium so that it’s not directly exposed to sunlight and leave it be until it gets used to the new environment.
Don’t feed it immediately, as it’s still delicate and vulnerable.
Anthurium Most Common Problems and Solutions

Diseased or dying leaves, discoloration, funky smelling roots, some tiny spots all over the leaves are situations gardeners have to deal with, but there’s always some solution.
The most important is to follow the basic guidelines and keep your plant in a good location where the light and temperature are optimal, and all other factors.
If you have noticed the leaves are turning brown, one of the reasons is too much direct sunlight, nutrients deficiency, or fungal issues.
The first situation is solved by relocation, it’s as simple as that. The second- try with different fertilizer, the one which is compatible with Anthurium’s specific needs, and for the third one- you can inspect the roots, remove the infected parts and use a fungicide if the problem is persistent,
If there are dead flowers, remove them and make room for the plant to produce the new ones. The dead ones will only drain its energy.
If you don’t water your plant properly, you will soon spot drooping and yellowing leaves, and the same happens if the light is not adequate.
But if the problem is persistent even if you follow the good watering schedule and you’ve found an adequately-lit room for your plant, perhaps it’s some other health issue.
Splitting leaves are usually caused by the lack of humidity. Mist your plant every day, even twice if the temperature is too hot, and it will revive.
As for the pest, the most commonly present ones are mites and aphids. Unless the plant is all covered in these tiny pests, soap, and water, or horticultural oil should be enough to clean the plant.
Of course, if your plant is stagnating, then then the problem is more serious, so the only solution would be to inspect the roots, and repot it.
Rooting roots are usually the result of too much watering, but if the roots are damaged too much, try the luck with the new plant by planting the healthy part of the root.