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If you are searching for a plant that looks both ordinary and unusual, what you need is Anthurium Superbum, also known as Bird’s Nest Anthurium.
This gorgeous plant will bring back the era of dinosaurs to your home, as it has unique-looking foliage which looks quite prehistoric.
Taking care of this plant is slightly challenging, but if you are familiar with its basic requirements, it shouldn’t represent any problem!
Stay with me to learn more about watering, repotting, Anthurium Superbum light requirements, and everything else.
What is Anthurium Superbum?
Endemic to Ecuador, this exotic plant belongs to the Araceae family, where flowers grow on a spadix, which is a type of inflorescence.
This plant is often found in subtropical or tropical moist lowland, but unfortunately, it is threatened by habitat loss and labeled as “vulnerable” (VU).
When it comes to Anthuriums in general, there are many different types– There is Anthurium Crystallinum (Ace of Spades), Anthurium Veitchii (King Anthurium), Anthurium Clarinervium (Velvet Cardboard), Anthurium Andraeanum (Painter’s Palette) and more.
They more or less have similar requirements, but my main focus here will be on Anthurium Superbum care.
Before I tell you all you need to know about Anthurium Superbum, you need to know something very important. This plant is a hybrid.
What does that mean?
Such plants are the result of cross-pollinating two diverse varieties of the same plant. The seed which grows from this combo is the one from which a hybrid plant will be born.
As for the Anthurium Superbum size, the stems may grow up to 15-20 inches. The larger the spathe, the longer the stem.
Now, let’s get down to learning about how to take care of it.
Watering Anthurium Superbum
Some plants are more tolerable when you forget to water them, the others won’t forgive you if you skip it, but why racking your brain- when you can simply set a reminder.
Regular and proper watering is an essential part of every plant’s maintenance and the same goes for Anthurium Superbum plant.
During the active/growing season, the soil should be kept moist. This period is from March till September.
But knowing that no day is the same, and sometimes you can have plenty of rain during summer as well, you can use a small trick to check whether the moment for watering has come or not.
Dig your finger gently into the soil, about an inch, and if it feels barely moist, then you can water the plant. If that part is still wet, then wait a day or two, check the soil again, and then add water if necessary.
This checking should be done once or twice a week, depending on the outside temperature and overall conditions. So light, type of soil, location- everything should be taken into consideration.
While during the active phase your plant should be watered every few days, during the passive phase once every few weeks is enough.
Aside from all this, you should also observe your plant. The more you do so, the better you will get to know it.
Your plant will be the one “telling” you what to do. So, look at its leaves and overall color, and if it looks healthy and vibrant, then you are doing everything right.
What about humidity?
Special attention should be paid to this, as Anthuriums like a high level of humidity.
If it’s not humid enough, the plant will begin to suffer, the edges of the leaves will start turning brown, and you can bid farewell to your plant.
Maybe you will find these suggestions a bit peculiar, but keeping your plant bears the kitchen sink or in a well-lit bathroom will make it extremely happy.
But, if you want to place it somewhere else, no problem, just make sure it’s humid enough.
You should mist the plant from time to time, and you can also place a pebble tray under the container.
If the air is still overly dry, then consider getting a humidifier, it will be beneficial for your plant.
Light and Temperature Requirements
When a plant is outside, in its natural environment, it adapts to the given conditions, but when kept indoors, it’s up to us to provide optimal ones.
Anthuriums are sensitive to direct light, and exposing them to too much of it may result in burnt leaves, and damaged plant.
To grow properly, they need a medium to bright indirect light, and when they are in passive/dormant phases, they do just fine with even less than that.
That’s why it’s very important to find the right location for them in your home.
Climate and temperature differ from region to region, so I cannot tell you where exactly to put it.
But I can tell you that it’s very important to protect your Anthurium from hot afternoon sunbeams.
Window shades can help you regulate the amount of light and adjust it to fit the plant’s demands.
An essential part of plant care is the temperature, and this one needs to be particularly protected during colder months.
What’s the ideal temperature for Anthurium Superb?
Between 65-70 will make them utterly happy, while anything below 55 is suffering for them. In some cases, they can even die.
Mind the drafty doors and windows, they are as equally dangerous as cold temperature.
But, another thing to keep a watchful eye on is forced air.
You have it all year around- heaters, fans, and air conditioners, and if your plant is located close to any of these, it will begin to die slowly.
However, gentle air circulation is a completely different thing, and it’s important to provide fresh air for your plant as well.
If you open the window a bit on a warm and humid day, be sure your plant will be extremely grateful.
Soil requirements
When in nature, this plant develops in the moss and leaf litter of tree branches, so when choosing the right type of potting mix for your plant, you need to have these characteristics on your mind.
Something that is used for orchids can be an excellent choice for Anthurium Superbum, as these mixtures are loose and breathable. just what this plant needs.
It’s usually a combo of multiple ingredients, such as potting mix, then charcoal, gravel, perlite, etc.
As you can see, this combo is the one that won’t keep the water inside the pot too long, so you minimize the risk to have your plant’s roots rot.
When you combine the right mix of soil with a good watering schedule, your plant will thrive and will treat you with lush and vibrant foliage.
Fertilizing Anthurium Superbum
Do know that pouring more fertilizer than it’s really necessary or more than the instruction says won’t make your plant grow faster.
Quite the contrary, it will burn the roots of your plant, and that’s the beginning of the end, so follow the prescribed dosage.
The rule for fertilizing Bird’s nest is regular but restrained.
During growth stadium, March to September, one dosage every 6 to 8 weeks is ideal, if you use an all-purpose fertilizer. In case you opt for the formula used for orchids, then every 3-6 weeks is sufficient.
Anthuriums like phosphorous, so when choosing the right fertilizer for them, look for those letters N-P-K to see the ratio of ingredients.
Phosphorus is the one in the middle, and it’s beneficial for the plant’s overall growth and health, so choose the one with a higher level of P.
Anthurium Superbum Pruning
Some plants are pruned because after a certain period they start looking messy, while the others are trimmed just to keep them healthy.
Anthurium Superbum belongs to the later ones.
So, how is it done?
Take your plant and observe it, inspect its overall look, and check the leaves.
If you spot any which are dead or discolored- get rid of them. In case there are dead or wilted blossoms, get rid of them as well. They should be cut down to the stem’s base.
When you trim the leaves which go wayward, always pick older ones. Don’t remove too many of them, just the necessary ones.
Those teensy-weensy plants may look so adorable, but they are very harmful to the main plant.
These are called suckers, and what they do is stealing the nutrients from the main plant.
Remove them, and if you want you can plant them in some other container.
Important note for you- due to some chemicals contained in this plant, you should wear gloves when interacting with the plant.
As for the tools, whatever you choose, a knife or pruning shears, make sure it’s sharp. Dull blades can damage the stems, and your plant will become more vulnerable, and prone to diseases and infections.
For that reason, clean the tools after each use, and you will minimize the risk for bacterial infections to occur.
Rubbing alcohol does the job perfectly.
Anthurium Superbum Repotting
The good thing about this plant is that it doesn’t grow at the speed of light, so it doesn’t require frequent repotting.
Every two to four years is how often you should transplant it.
As for the ideal time, spring or summer are the best, but if the climate is warmer where you live, the fall is okay as well.
The best is to follow your plant, as each of them has an individual speed of growth, and based on that decide whether to repot it or not.
When choosing the new adequate pot, select the next one in size.
Your plant needs to adjust to its new home gradually, so getting an oversized one will lead to roots developing like crazy, and the upper part of the plant stagnating.
Also, make sure the chosen pot has proper drainage so that your plant wouldn’t be soaked in water.
At least one hole is good, but more would be even better.
Ceramic or plastic, it’s all a matter of personal preference, as long as the size fits.
I’d like to add something here.
The usual procedure aside, while browsing the web, you may encounter quite unusual and extremely decorative solutions for keeping your Anthurium Superbum.
Instead of placing it in the soil, you can put it in the container which has just water and nothing else.
The plant will get the necessary nutrients from the water.
Of course, to make those thick and hair-like roots look so impressive, you need to rinse them clean, otherwise, it will look like messy and muddy water with a spooky monster inside.
Only when perfectly clean they look stylish, and they can develop properly- and you get to watch that day from day.
Marvelous, isn’t it?
Anthurium Superbum Propagation
The very best moment to propagate your plant is when you repot it, to avoid shocking it more than necessary.
The roots are already free and accessible, so the opportunity is more than ideal. Repotting, as I mentioned, is usually done in the spring.
The method best used for Anthuriums is division.
If there are multiple stems on the root, select the ones which have already started growing, and replant them in new containers.
If your plant has a single stem, then cut the top off, but be sure to have some leaves left. Do note that you cannot start a new plant using leaves only, it needs to have at least some tiny stem.
After you finish propagating it, find some shadier location, where your plant won’t be overly exposed to the sun.
Never fertilize immediately after transplantation, it won’t speed up its growth, and it may have countereffect on its development.
Wait approximately 6 weeks until you feed the newly established plant.
As you can see, there’s nothing overly complicated.
Anthurium Superbum Problems and Solutions
When noticing a tiny spot that spoils the perfection, gardeners who are just getting started usually freak out.
Various diseases, and pests, leaves turning brown or yellow, color is changing- all those situations are common scenarios, an integral part of plant maintenance.
So, have no worries, here comes the brief guide on the frequently seen issues and tips on how to deal with them and save your plant.
Leaves are turning brown
It’s one of the most common problems for multiple plants, not just for Anthuriums, and it happens for various reasons. One of them is too much direct sunlight, so if this is the thing, find some shadier location for your plant.
The other is nutrients deficiency, so try with different fertilizers. The third reason may be the plant’s age, so you can remove such leaves- they are bound to die anyway.
Finally, it can be due to fungal issues, root rot, and this requires either specific fungicide, or even better- repotting. This way you will inspect and clean the roots thoroughly, and increase the chances for plants to survive.
Rotting roots
This usually happens due to the excessive watering, so then the solution is simple, water it less frequently.
But if roots are overly damages, you need to clean them and repot, or take the healthy part and establish a new plant.
Dead flowers
This is not an issue at all, it’s the part of the plant’s natural cycle. When you spot these, pinch them with and your plant will get more energy to produce the new ones.
Splitting leaves
The most common reason why this happens is low humidity. If the leaves split down the middle of the plant, it’s the sign that they are not getting enough humidity.
Mist them in the morning, or use air-humidifier, and the problem will be solved.
Drooping and yellowing leaves
Another commonly seen issue, and it happens due to improper watering or inadequate light. Also, it may be the signal that the plant is experiencing some health issues.
Various pests
Majority of house plant has several “enemies” in common- mites, and aphids. Thrips are also one of the attackers.
These are eliminated quite simply, by using soap and water, or horticultural oil. No heavy chemicals are needed.
All in all, if you have a good watering schedule, you pay attention to temperature, humidity, and light, and repot it when needed- these scenarios can be maximally avoided.
1. Does Anthurium Superbum purify the air?
Yes, it has air-purifying properties. It’s extremely effective at eliminating various harmful chemicals, for example, ammonia and formaldehyde.
2. Can I keep Anthurium Superbum in my bedroom?
As long as the air is humid enough, it’s okay to keep one in the same room where you sleep.
3. Is Anthurium Superbum toxic to pets?
A single bite won’t kill them, but it may cause some problems. This plant has insoluble calcium oxalate crystals, just like other plants from this family.
When a pet chews or bites it, those crystals are released, and they irritate the mouth and gastrointestinal tract and may lead to difficulties when breathing.
4. Is Anthurium Superbum poisonous to people?
Yes, for the same reasons as it is for pets. Those crystals may irritate skin and eyes. Adult humans are reasonable enough and won’t bite the plant, but those who have little children should open their eyes widely.
For that reason, finding a smart location for the plant is very important. The best would be to place it out of the reach of both curious pets and curious kiddos.