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If you want your garden to look a bit more exotic, then consider planting anthurium crystallinum! This is a truly magnetizing plant, vibrant, quite elegant and best of all, not demanding. This convenient Anthurium Crystallinum care guide will tell you how to make this adorable plant prosper.
Learn how to plant and take care of their big and vivid leaves with a few tips from this ultimate Crystal Anthurium care guide where I’ll cover:
Anthurium Crystallinum Infoa
Anthurium crystallinum is a plant from Panama, with large, green, oval leaves that can grow up to 90 cm in height. It’s also known as a crystal anthurium plant, and that’s the second most popular name people use.
It is commonly grown as a houseplant and it is considered to be one of the less demanding plants to grow.
I often hear about the great battle – anthurium clarinervium vs crystallinum…
Well, these 2 are cousins, and I can’t still make my mind on who prevails. Anthurium clarinervium (check out the article, know your anthurium) is equally beautiful and equally easy to take care of.
There are a lot of different Anthurium types you might be interested in. Some of the most popular are:
The only thing you have to pay attention to is the temperature – around 16 degrees Celsius is the perfect growing temperature for this stunning plant.
It will also require a humid climate with a lot of light.
When all of growing conditions are met, expect vibrant, oval leaves and pale green spathes.
Professional gardeners and collectors are especially drawn to this plant and love to show it off on their patios.
How to Grow Anthurium Crystallinum?
This is a tropic plant and you will have to imitate those conditions.
Besides these criteria, they don’t require too much attention and you can easily turn your patio into a tropical paradise.
Firstly, there isn’t a specific time in the year this flower should be planted. You can do it in the winter as well if you are able to meet all of the requirements.
Because of the required humidity level and temperature, it might be best to do it during spring or autumn.
These plants are grown for their leaves and not flowers or fruits, which means that you might have difficulties getting a seed to start with.
Producing the seed is tricky and requires a lot of patience. You will also have to pay attention to the plants and track its development.
The first developed flowers are female and later they grow into a male. If you have collected the pollen, you can introduce it to the male flower and fruits will be produced.
Seeds are placed in the fruit and before planting, wash off the pulp.
Because it is quite sticky, it may be difficult to remove all of it. You can put the seeds in a cup with water and let it sit in it for a few days – water will dissolve whatever is left of the pulp.
The best potting mix for anthurium crystallinum consists of peat moss, pine bark and perlite and it is the same for an adult plant, cuttings and seeds.
To create the needed humid environment, the seed should be placed on the top of the potting mix and covered with a glass jar.
If this too much of a hassle for you, there are other ways of growing anthurium crystallinum as well.
Cuttings are often used instead of seeds. Keep in mind that this is the pricier option.
When the plant arrives, allow it to breathe and investigate the conditions of the roots and leaves.
If the leaves are yellow, but the root is healthy, don’t worry – you can still grow a stunning plant.
Unravel the roots and use the same potting mix as described above. Also, make sure that the pot is big enough so the leaves have room to grow and spread.
Place the pot in an area with a lot of sunlight and water the plant regularly.
How to Care for Anthurium Crystallinum?
Planting and taking care of anthurium crystallinum isn’t difficult. As said before, this is a tropical plant and if you can create those conditions, it will thrive. Anthurium crystallinum growth rate can be admiring!
With a few tricks and rules to stick by, you won’t have to put too much work or attention.
Control the humidity, light and regularly water it, and those stunning leaves will quickly develop.
If you don’t have a large garden, grow it on the terrace or patio.
For humidity, make sure that the room has good air circulation and it isn’t affected by air conditioners or anything that might cause dry air.
A criterion for temperature is a bit harder to meet because it should be around 60oF. Spring and autumn are the best seasons for growing.
Also, choose the right soil and fertilizers for the best results.
And that how to care for anthurium crystallinum!
When it comes to Anthurium Crystallinum care, regular watering is more important than anything else. Because these plants are from tropical regions, they have adapted to wet seasons and heavy rainfalls.
If you want these plants to thrive, you will have to keep track of watering.
This is of the utmost importance when you are starting from the seed.
After placing the seed in the pot, water the top layer of the soil to stop the sinking of the seed.
During the growing season, the soil should always be moist at the top but drier in the lower layers.
You can easily check the dryness – with the finger check the moist of the surface and dig the finger a few inches into the soil. If the deeper layers are just as moist as the top layer, it isn’t the time for next watering.
This checking should turn into a habit during the growing season.
Also, adult plants require the same conditions – the top layer should always be wetter than the bottom layers, but do not overwater the plant.
Another thing you should take into consideration is the season. The amount of needed water will vary during the year.
During summer, anthurium crystallinum requires more water than during any other season. You will probably have to water it a few days each week.
In contrast, wintertime is allowing longer breaks between two waterings – regularly check the soil and as long as the top layer is wet, do not water it again.
PH of the water could affect the plant as well. It is best to use water in which pH is close to neutral, or slightly below.
Alkaline tap water will work, but your plant will require more care and attention.
Anthurium crystallinum watering should be optimal for a plant to thrive, so keep a good eye on the soil!
This species is not different than any other anthurium – they all require a lot of light to grow.
Both indoor and outdoor plants should get a medium amount of light during the day.
Also, consider them placing them partly in the shade – in this way you are mimicking their natural habitat.
They should never be directly exposed to light because their leaves are delicate and sunlight can damage them.
Damaged leaves can be recognized by yellow spots. Over time, the leaves will change their color from yellow to brown and you will notice dead ends as well.
Also, the amount of needed light changes throughout the seasons. During winter, they won’t require as much light as in spring and summer.
Meeting this criterion is harder for people that are growing them inside their homes.
If there the room doesn’t get too much sunlight during the day, you can use other sources of light.
LED lamps are great for these plants because they don’t produce too much heat and you can set the intensity of the light.
If you notice that this light source is damaging the leaves, consider switching to plants that don’t require light.
This is the most challenging requirement to meet for crystallinum care.
You can’t control the outside temperature during seasons and both too high and low temperatures can cause the death of the plant.
With indoor plants, it can be easier to maintain a constant temperature and prevent the death of the plants.
The perfect temperature is between 60 and 70 degrees, which is why planting them in spring is highly recommended.
Temperatures below 55 degrees (or 12oC) are harmful, too low for the plant and cause death.
In the tropical areas, these plants are exposed to constant evaporation of water and got used to humid air.
This humidity is important to them as much as good lightning, water and temperature.
Air conditioners or heaters will dry the air and damage the plant.
Humidifiers are a great solution, however, keep in mind that they will require daily refills.
Just as with the lightning, it is all about the right spot.
The bathroom and kitchen have more humid air than other rooms, and you should consider placing the plants inside these rooms or close to them.
Slow air circulation is important as well, and you can place them near the windows. Make sure that they aren’t directly exposed to the wind, because strong wind can harm the plant.
Brown ends will warn you that the air isn’t humid enough, so move a plant to a different room if you notice them.
So, which fertilizer is the best for anthurium crystallinum?
Fertilizer plays a significant role in the development of anthurium crystalline.
With the right one, you will get a healthy plant with vivid green and large leaves, and turn your garden into a tropical paradise.
It is recommended to use organic fertilizers over artificial.
Artificial fertilizers won’t damage the plants, but large amounts do little work and you won’t get any grand results.
Also, this plant rarely produces flowers, but fertilizer may encourage the formation of them.
For flower growth, slow-release fertilizers are recommended, with a 3:2:1 ratio. When mixing fertilizer with water, use only 20% strength fertilizer.
Phosphorus could positively affect the growth of flowers, so look for it when choosing a fertilizer.
Other nutrients fertilizer should have are nitrogen (choose nitrate-nitrogen over ammonical), calcium and magnesium.
Is often fertilizing necessary?
If we are talking about outdoor plants, they won’t require regular fertilizing.
In their natural habitats, these tropical plants use minerals brought by rain. If the rainfall in your city has a positive impact on the plant, you won’t have to fertilize them frequently.
However, indoor plants require more attention. Weekly fertilizing is often enough for these plants to thrive.
When you are watering them, add fertilizer to the water and sprinkle it around.
Overfertilizing will lead to small leaves and pale colors. If this happens, stop adding fertilizer to the water and give your plant a break.
Also, during winter you can stop fertilizing them entirely and start again when spring arrives.
Proper soil mix is just as important as fertilizer and all other conditions.
If the soil is bad, water won’t penetrate deep enough and root won’t be able to grow enough to reach all of the minerals.
When you have the right soil, fertilizer will do its job properly and you will get a stunning plant.
Sphagnum moss is great for growing anthurium crystallinum, especially if you are starting from seeds. Pine bark and perlites should also be present in the soil.
These ingredients make the soil porous, making small pockets of air that this plant needs.
Also, this mix is holding the moisture and allowing you to take longer breaks when watering. With less effort, amazing results will be delivered.
Coconut coir is also beneficial, as well as orchid bark. Mix them with peat moss in 1:1:1 ratio to get the perfect growing mix for your plant.
Both mixes are amazing and mimic their natural habitat – all of the things present in the ground of tropical areas can be found in these mixes as well.
And that’s how the perfect Anthurium Crystallinum soil should look like.
If you want new generations, propagation is essential. These are several ways on how to propagate anthurium crystallinum.
Starting from seed or roots is more demanding than starting from cuttings, but both can be done without too much effort in the end.
This is because anthurium crystallinum is a quite tolerable plant and adapts to different conditions.
Also, it should be done during the growing period – the first half of March is the best time to start.
1. Crystallinum propagation by cuttings
Before getting the cuttings, make sure that you have all of the needed tools as well as the new pot for your plant and everything it might need.
The stem should be no less than 6 inches long, with a few leaves.
The pot for planting should have holes and the potting mix should cover ¾ of the pot.
Before placing the stem, create a small hole, about 4 inches deep. After placing the stem, add a small amount of potting mix around it.
Be careful that the soil isn’t covering the leaves. By moisturizing the soil, you can prevent sinking of the leaves and keep them at the top.
If you notice the leaves sinking, add more water.
Place your pot in a room with proper temperature, light and humidity. Slowly roots will develop and the leaves will start growing.
2. Crystallinum propagation by division
Before planting, carefully untangle the roots. The roots should be healthy and a few leaves on them are recommended.
Place them in a pot with the growing mix and put a glass jar over the roots. In this way, you are creating the best growing conditions for anthurium crystallinum.
Also, water the soil regularly, because the plant requires a fair amount of water in the growing period.
3. Crystallinum propagation by seed
This is the most difficult and longest method out of all three.
First, your plant should develop flower, then fruit from which you can take the seed.
After washing the pulp, steps are the same as when propagation by division.
Because you are starting from the seed, the plant will probably adapt better to any imperfect growing conditions. However, make sure to keep it in a warm area with high humidity.
There you go… anthurium crystallinum propagation isn’t a rocket science
As your plant grows, you will have to switch the pots.
This species is growing fast, but if you start with a 10-inch pot, you can wait at least a year before repotting it.
Usually, roots will determine when it is the right time to switch to a bigger pot.
If they are taking over half the pot, repotting is recommended.
It is best to do it during spring when the growing period starts, but the beginning of fall is suitable as well.
After taking the plant, carefully detangle the roots and fill the new pot with the growing mix.
Leaves should not be touching the soil and roots should take up less than half of a pot.
Once you are done, put the plant back in its place and continue with regular watering and fertilizing.
Common Problems and Solutions
Just like with any other plant, problems can occur.
Here are some of the most common problems and ways to solve them.
1. Yellow leaves
Yellow leaves are the first sign of overwatering and if you spot them, take a break.
Keep track of the soil’s moist and when it feels dry, start with regular watering again.
Yellow leaves could also indicate that the plant is exposed to direct sunlight which is damaging to the plant.
Because of the gentle leaves, make sure that the plants stay in the shade when the light is most intense (usually, noon and afternoon).
If the room is bright during the entire day, you can keep the plants on the window or near the windows. It shouldn’t be exposed to direct sunlight, so place sheer curtains that will filtrate the sun rays and reduce their intensity.
The first spot you choose, might not be the best, so move your plant around to find the right one.
2. Brown leaves and dead ends
Brown leaves occur in low air humidity. Eventually, these brown leaves develop dead ends and the plant starts dying.
If you can’t create a needed air humidity, water the plants regularly.
Because evaporation is faster when air is dry, the plants will need more water.
Also, if you are starting from seed or roots, remember that trick with the jar – place a jar over the seed and you will create a humid air suitable for its growth.
3. Problem with pests
Fortunately, insects aren’t attracted to this plant, but some pests might occur.
Mealybugs are the most common. You will recognize them as white balls under the leaves. With a little bit of water, you can easily sprinkle them off.
Scale or aphids are other types that you can find. These won’t cause much damage and you can remove them in the same way as mealybugs.
Why do anthurium flowers turn green?
When kept in greenhouses, a plant is often forced to flower when it’s not yet ready to bloom. As a consequence, its flowers turn green, and as they age, they lose color.
Is anthurium poisonous to humans?
This plant contains oxalate crystals, which are not safe for human consumption. So, the answer is yes, this plant is toxic to humans.
Is anthurium poisonous to dogs?
No, it isn’t, due to oxalate crystals. If your dog ingests any type of Anthurium, it will experience mouth irritation, and other unpleasant symptoms.
Can anthurium grow in water?
Yes, absolutely, and you will enjoy the interesting view of roots developing before your eyes. In this case, soil requirements doubts won’t be among your concerns. Just make sure the water is clean and fresh, change it regularly.
Are anthurium poisonous to cats?
Yes, they are dangerous for cats as well, due to oxalate crystals. If your feline friend ingests this plant, it will cause a series of unpleasant reactions among which gastrointestinal issues, pain, and others.