String of Pickles

String of Pickles Plant- #1 Care Guide From A-Z

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Today, let’s talk about this String of Pickles plant also known as Othonna Capensis. This is a succulent that can become very abundant and it has small yellow flowers when in bloom. It is not the most attractive plant in my opinion, but it does grow well outdoors in southern California, here we have to water them every so often but they do the job pretty well the only problem is that they will overtake your entire property, but you can cut them down and let them grow back or just throw them away.

The Othonna capensis plants are usually about 2 feet tall with bright green leaves and dark brown stems they have very small white flowers when in bloom. The plant itself is native to South Africa the place where it gets its name is because of its resemblance to a string of pickles. But there are other plants like the mother-in-law’s tongue or snake plant that look very similar to this one, but they can’t produce seeds which makes them even more appealing.

String of Pickles

Where will I find String of Pickles?

When trying to find these plants you might see them for sale at your local nursery, but if you can’t find them locally then you can always find them online.

How do I take care of it?

Othonna capensis plants are pretty tough and they don’t need a lot of water, but they will do better if you water them every so often. They also like to be in the sun, but make sure that they don’t get too hot or they might start to burn.

What can I use it for?

These plants are great for outdoor use, but you can also keep them indoors if you want. They don’t take up a lot of space and they look pretty cool, so they would be good for people who want to have a little bit of green in their home without having to worry about taking care of it.

About Ruby Necklace Plant

The string of pickles plant care is not too difficult, but there are a few things you will want to keep in mind about this specific plant.

This trailing succulent has small, yellow flowers when it blooms. The only problem is that they will overtake your entire property if you’re not careful! You can cut them down, but they’ll just keep growing back.

A member of the daisy family, this plant is native to the Cape region of South Africa and gets its name from the string-like appearance it acquires after flowering. The good news is that you can easily propagate your String of pickles by taking cuttings and replanting them.

Most succulents are easy to care for, and String of pickles is no exception.

ruby necklace

Light Requirements for Ruby Necklace

First and foremost, the plants do well in direct sunlight or bright indirect light. If you plan on keeping these indoors, think about making sure they get enough light at all times of the day.

South-facing window sills are a great place to keep these plants for example. During the summer months, you can move them outside and alternate between periods of the sun(direct light), and shade. The full sun will help them to stay healthy and produce more flowers.

ruby necklace

What Temperature is Best for Othona Plants?

The String of pickles plant prefers warmer temperatures and can tolerate a temperature range of 40 to 100 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature drops below 40 F, you will want to make sure your plant is indoors.

If it’s grown outdoors, it can tolerate low temperatures, but the “ideal” temperature range is between 60 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Direct sun exposure will help raise the temperature around the plant.

Water Requirements

Since succulents like it dry, make sure not to overwater the String of pickles plants.

You can tell when they need to be watered by sticking your finger in the soil. If the top inch or so is dry, it’s time to water them.

You can also water succulents using a spray bottle – this is especially helpful if you live in a hot climate.

You’ll want to water the plants until the soil is wet, but not drenched. Allow the plants to dry out before watering them again.

What Soil Can You Use for Othonna Plants

The string of pickles likes soil that drains well. A cactus mix or potting soil made for succulents is perfect. You can also add some sand to the soil to help with drainage.

Well draining soil is necessary to prevent root rot. The pot should have drainage hole to help with this. Let the soil dry before watering the plant again.

When repoting this trailing succulents, always choose a larger pot size.

These trailing succulents look amazing in hanging baskets!

Fertilizer Requirements

Fertilizing your String of pickles once every one or two months will help them grow faster and give you larger blooms.

Ruby necklace plant is a heavy feeder and needs fertilizer frequently. However, since Othonna capensis plants aren’t very big, you only need to give them small amounts.

For indoor potting soil: mix 1/4 teaspoon of balanced fertilizer for every gallon of potting soil

For outdoor soil: mix 1/2 teaspoon of balanced fertilizer for every gallon of soil

If you’re planning on repotting your plant, skip fertilizing for at least a month beforehand so the soil has time to recover.

string of pickles

How to Propagate String of Pickles Plant

If you want more string of pickles plants, there are a few ways you can propagate them. You can take stem cuttings and grow your plant indoors in a pot or outdoors during the summer months.

You can also dig up some of the roots and replant them. This little pickles plants propagate easily from the roots and will grow a new plants in no time!

  1. Cut a stem off of the plant that has at least two leaves attached to it.
  2. Remove the bottom leaves and then replant the stem in soil.
  3. Be sure to water it regularly and keep it in a sunny location.
  4. In about two to four weeks, you will see new roots form and a new plant will start to grow.

How to Prune String Of Pickles Plant

The best time for pruning your little pickle is during summer, usually around June or July. You can remove dead leaves or stems whenever they appear on the plant.

When pruning, just remove the stem that you want. The little ones will form roots and grow into a new String of pickles plants! You can then replant them or give them to a friend.

Keeping Your Plant Healthy

The string of pickles is a pretty tough plant that is very hardy. They’re well-suited for indoor growing and will even thrive in a windowless office.

They’re tolerant of low light conditions, so they can survive on a desk or table that doesn’t get much direct sun.

String of pickles plants grow quickly, so you may need to repot them every year.

Even though succulents like it dry, be sure to give them water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

If you’re having a hard time keeping track of when to water, try using a moisture meter to help.

Fertilize your succulents every month with a balanced fertilizer. This will help them grow faster and produce more blooms.

Common Issues, Pests and Diseases

The string of pickles plants is very easy to care for, but there are a few issues that can arise. They’re vulnerable to root rot if their soil stays wet for too long.

You will know if this is happening because the leaves will start turning yellow or brown and fall off. This is caused by bacteria in the soil that forms when the plant doesn’t have enough air circulation.

To prevent this, make sure to water your succulent thoroughly and then allow the soil to dry out before watering it again. You can also add some sand to the potting soil to help with drainage.

Another issue that can occur is mealybugs. These are tiny, white bugs that suck sap from the succulent’s stems and leaves. You can remove these with rubbing alcohol, but if you see ants crawling up your plant, it might be infested with mealybugs.

As we all know, aphids like to feed on succulents and they can cause some issues as well. Their feeding usually doesn’t kill the plant, but it can lead to stem rot or mold.

Small infestations of aphids are usually easy to treat with insecticidal soap. If you’re not looking for an organic method, try using neem oil instead. This will stop the aphids from feeding but is less harmful to other insects in your garden.

If you have snails or slugs in your garden, they can also be a problem for succulents. To get rid of them, use a product like sluggo or set out a trail of beer to lure them in.

Last but not least, always keep an eye out for diseases like powdery mildew and root rot. These can severely damage your plant and might even kill it.

If you see any signs of disease, take your plant to a garden center for diagnosis and treatment.

On the other side, Othonna capensis is Drought tolerant succulent that can take some neglect. If you forget to water it for a week, it will still be okay.

Additional Tips

– String of pickles is well known for its ability to rid indoor air of toxins such as formaldehyde and carbon monoxide.

– Keep your plant away from heating vents.

– If you’re growing your plant in a container, make sure that it has proper drainage holes. Water the plant only when the soil is dry. Watering too often may result in root rot.

– String of pickles is a succulent, so over-watering is not an issue.

– Fertilize your plant once a month with a balanced fertilizer.

– Snip off spent blooms to keep the plant looking tidy and encourage new blooms to form.

Final Thought

Ruby necklace plants are easy to grow and propagate. They make great houseplants because they’re tolerant of low light conditions and don’t require much care. In addition to being easy to care for, string of pickles plants is also fun to propagate and share with friends.

They’re perfect for both indoor and outdoor gardens because they do well in a variety of climates. This makes them an excellent choice for all kinds of gardeners and a great addition to every home!

That’s all for today, I hope you enjoyed learning about the String of Pickles plant. Thanks for reading!

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