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Do you own a Wandering Jew plant? Or do you just want to learn more about it?
The point itself is to be able to take care of it by putting it on the right, well-lighted spot and to water it in the right way, so the soil doesn’t get either too much soaked in water, nor too dry.
Many people around the world enjoy gardening and having beautiful places full of flowers in their backyards and homes. But it is not that easy job or hobby if you want to call it like that.
That’s why you are here with me today, where I will help you learn how to grow and take care of a Wandering Jew plant.
How Do I Grow a Wandering Jew Plant?

Now, when we talk about growing and taking care of a Wandering Jew plant, you should know that it is fairly easy to do it.
If you follow some simple steps, you shouldn’t have a problem with it and you can really enjoy having the same plant for years.
I will mention several tips on what you should do and how to treat a Wandering Jew plant, in order to make it reach the height of its potential.
How much light does it need?
The first step in unlocking the full potential of Wandering Jew plant is to put it on the right spot in your house, so it could get the amount of light it needs.
It is important to expose it to the bright sunlight, but make sure it is not direct.
This way, it will bloom to its potential and have more flowers. If that is not the case, the leaves will start dying.
That is why it is crucial to pick a perfect spot for your plant, which is just one of the several tips to follow.
How much water does it need?
When it comes to the watering, Wandering Jew plant is not too needy at all.
What you should know is that you shouldn’t water it too much so it is soaked, because it can be counter-productive.
Of course, it is also not a good idea to let it dry, because the plant might die that way.
The plant needs to be watered so that the soil inside the pot is equally moist everywhere.
You will know that it needs water when the soil is dry at half the depth of the pot. That is the time when you should water it again.
What type of soil do I use?

As for the soil itself, you can use both standard and organic mix of the soil for indoor plants. Here’s the list of the best soil you can find online, and any of these from the list could do an amazing job.
Apart from the already packed mixed soil, you can also create your own mix.
If you want to do that, make sure to balance all the ingredients, so you don’t have a problem with watering later on.
Now, you might also be interested in what fertilizer to use and the answer to that question is the water-soluble fertilizer.
You should try to use it, let’s say, two times per month when it is the growing season. Just do not forget to water it down to below 50% so it doesn’t damage the leaves
Pruning and Propagation
In order to keep your plant healthy and beautiful, you should prune it regularly.
The best way to do it is just to prune back the haulm and cut the little haulm tips.
That way you will make your plant look a bit prettier and bushier.
As for the propagation, you can use the haulm remains you cut during pruning, so do not throw them away, they can be potted again and used to grow another plant.
To do that, take a couple of leaves from the haulm remains and put them in a pot that has the same soil composition as the usual one and place it on a similar spot, with natural bright light, so it could grow better.
It will take around a month and a half before you start noticing the parts of a new plant.
Possible Issues with Wandering Jew Plant
Alas, as with all other plants, there are some issues that may occur when it comes to Wandering Jew plant too.
Skin reaction
You can never really know who is allergic to some plant, so it is the best not to touch the Wandering Jew plant too much since it can cause a skin reaction to some people and animals as well.
So, as much as your dog or cat like the plant and want to either eat it or sleep on it, do not let them do it, for their sake.
It is just a simple matter that can easily be avoided.
What people usually do is having this plant hanged on a wall or using a hanging pot.
Either way, it is a good idea to keep it out of the reach of both pets and people.
Possible pests
The most usual pests that can be found in a Wandering Jew plant are spider mites.
What you should do is keep the soil moist enough because they don’t like wet areas, they prefer dry and warm spots.
If that doesn’t prove efficient, you can try washing the plant with water and try to remove the mites.
And if that itself doesn’t solve the problem, then you may have to use more specialized products to deal with it.
Apart from that, another possible issue can be gnats flying around the plant.
They usually happen to be there because the plant was, either watered too much or it didn’t drain properly.
So if that happens, check your watering and draining output.
All of this can cause root to rot, so it would be a good idea not to let that happen if you want your plant to live and bloom for a long period of time.
Related Questions
Now that we have gone over the process of growing the plant itself and the problems that may occur, let me answer some of the most asked questions people may have.
1. How to know where exactly to put the plant in the house?
It’s really just a system of trial and error. Decide on one place, then monitor your plant.
If you notice that leaves are losing their color, you might want to move it to a place with a brighter light.
Repeat until you see the properly colored leaves when they start growing again.
2. What to do if the cuttings rot over and over again?
If this happens, that means your plant has a fungal infection.
In order for you to stop this, you should sterilize the instrument you are using for cutting.
Also, remember to sink it into the chlorox and rooting hormone before next cutting.
3. Can a Wandering Jew plant hurt my pet?
Not really, the only thing it can do is irritate their stomach and cause a skin reaction in some cases.
But still, the plant itself is not deadly.
4. Can a Wandering Jew grow outside the house?
The answer is yes, it can! Just follow the tips above and you shouldn’t have any problems wherever you decide to grow the plant.
Hopefully, this short guide of mine helped you learn more about Wandering Jew plant. Now you can take better care of it. But remember, nothing will help it grow more than your love and care!
What of these three Wandering Jew plants is your favorite? Do you have any of them? Can you share some more tips and tricks with the rest of us?