moonshine snake plant care

Moonshine Snake Plant Care (Sansevieria trifasciata)

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Snake plants from Moonshine are fascinating plants for housing. It has unique pale silver-green leaves and faint bands over the leaves and dark green margins.

The care of a snake plant requires minimal effort because it survives in low lights and can be placed in a window, and before watering, you should dry the soil, which is perfect for the beginner.

This is a tough plant but prefers warmer conditions. You must remember, because of the lack of care, that this tree can suffer from illness. This article will discuss everything you may need to know about leaves curling on your Alocasia plant reasons along with precautions. Let’s get started.

The Benefits Of Planting Snake Plant 

The Snake plant in Moonshine is an excellent household and adds depth to any room with its beautiful leaves. This plant can purify your room’s air, and NASA also researches this plant for air study. If you take them in your sleeping room, you can enjoy better sleep for better air.

They take the toxins from the air and turn them into clean, breathable oxygen, making them a popular bedroom plant.

Snake plants tolerate low light, irregular watering, which is excellent for small rooms and container plantations.

How To Care Moonshine Snake Plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

Sansevieria trifasciata becomes famous for its adaptability and easy caring plant. But as plant, they also have some caring process to make them healthy and beautiful. Take a look at the caring process and put them on your plant.

Make Sure The Proper Sunlight

They live in full sun or little direct light, but they also adapt to low conditions of light. Find a place in your house which gets a lot of sunshine. Bright light makes the nutrients available to the plant. If you provide it with bright light, it will increase faster and maximise the pale silver grey-green leaves.

Water Your Plant Properly

This plant requires little water, which means it does not need much water to stay healthy and thrive. You can stick your finger into the soil when your plant wants to drink. It is time for water if the top layer of soil is dehydrated.  Every 3-6 weeks is the best way to water your moonshine snake plant. But remember that plant always loves wet soil bu don’t let the plant sit in the water, as it causes root rot problem.

Keep Your Plant In Perfect Temperature 

In warmer climates, these plants work well with temperatures between 13°C – 29°C. When you live in a freezing area, try to keep your plants warm in the winter. But don’t maintain your plant for a long time at 29°C. When it’s warmer, you may need to water each other weekly instead of every three weeks.

Feed Your Plant With Proper Fertilizer

Proper lighting and watering will promote profitable plant growth.  But you can fertilize a bit in the summer months if you want to give it an extra boost. The question here is whether fertilizers are good using cactus fertilizer will do well.  In the warmer season, these plants grow more. For this reason, feed your plant with a low fertilizer during the summer months. 

EnsurePerfect Soil

Free draining soil is a well-drained potting mixture. The potting of soil works well for your moonshine, but you can also use an excellent soil-free mix of potting.

Repot Perfectly

It should be sufficient to report Sansevieria moonshine every 2-5 years. You often know when it will be time to repot because the plant will explode out of its present pot. Move the plant to a bigger pot and put it in a fresh pot under the rim of the pot for at least 1″-2.”

The Common Diseases Of Sansevieria Moonshine Plant: (Reason And Prevention)

Snake plant is straightforward to care, but some major issue can harm their healthiness. Don’t worry; we have discussed the issue, so identify the symptoms and treat them, including the treatment process.  

Red Leaf Spot

Reason: This disease often occurs at warmer temperatures in Spring and summer months. When fungal spores find a moist leaf surface to stick to in the air, you choose to adhere to snake plant leaf.

Symptoms: On the infected leaves, you can find red spots. Small red or reddish-brown spots appear on the leaves and have a central tan.

Prevention: Avoid standing water on your snake plant’s leaves is the best prevention method. By making sure your leaves do not get moist when you are watering, you can prevent red leaf spot if you do this. It does not seem to clear to you if the leaves dry. Fungicide can also be used to prevent this.

Southern Blight

Reason: Sclerotium rolfsii and parasitic fungus are responsible for making this disease. This disease is also affective for another plant in your garden, And they usually affect in warm or humid form.

Symptoms: Fungal growths appear on the leaves first as white areas and then as brown. You can see white veins, on the other hand, near the ground line that turn tan and dark when the fungus spreads.

Prevention: Let the plant first dry and begin to remove the diseased leaves. Fungicides can heal your plant if your plant health isn’t improving and keep your snake plant in good airflow.

Spiders Mites

Reason: Spider mites feed on the fluids in the Snake Plants’ leaves, and they can be found as pests on the bottom of the leaves as suckers.

Symptoms: Your plant leaves gradually can appear in a different color called discolor and overall turn yellow.

Prevention: In dry conditions, spider mites thrive well, so keeping the plants in a moist environment is an excellent idea, too get prevention.  Remove the spider mites places and eggs area and clean the dusted area of your snake plant.


Reason: The most common species is mealybug. They like succulent plants such as snake and mealybugs, which often affective overwatered plants because they are highly moisture attracted.

Symptoms: Mealybug Damage involves yellowed and dropping leaves, distorted growth, and soothing black mould. You can see the problems if your plant is affected by these bugs.

Prevention: I thing inspecting the plant from a nursery is the best idea because mealybugs can also affect a neighbouring plant. When you take them home, carefully inspect all new plants. If your plant are affected by this problem quarantine them from other healthy plant.

Root Rot

Reason: The root rot caused by over watering is the most frequently seen problem with snaked plants. If water can’t drain well and the roots can’t dry up perfectly this problem can be occur.  On the other hand, The roots may die because of a lack of oxygen or overgrowth of a soil surface fungus

Symptoms: The usual symptoms of rot are browning. Day by day, when root getting rot in advance level, the leaves turn yellow, wilt, or drop, and they become mushy.

Prevention: Even in warm, arid conditions, your snake plant can easily tolerate three weeks or longer without water. The best thought When it is completely dried out from the top 2-4″ of the soil then water your plant. Another work you can try Wash the healthy roots in fresh soil and repot the healthy areas of the plant.

Some Important FAQ

This section has gathered some essential questions and answers that are very important to understand the discussion above. Please go through it; we hope it might be bromelin.

  • How can I know my snake plant is dying?

The roots turns brown and brittle—the classic signs of redness. With the progress of root rot, the leaves turns yellow, winds or drops and then becomes mushy. The problem may pass the point of rectification after visibility of symptoms in the leaves and hurt the whole plant.

  • How healthy snake plant is look loke?

The fleshy green leaves are the sign of a healthy and root plants caring process when you see wrinkles in the leaves; it is over-watered, so the roots are damaged.

  • How get rid from the bug problem?

Spay your snake plant which includes in here and these are Baby Shampoo Bug Spray, Cooking Oil Spray, Herbal Oil Spray, Dish Soap Spray, Neem Oil, Rubbing Alcohol, Sticky Fly Paper.

  • How can I make my snake plant tall?

Find a 2″ diameter wider nursery pot than the current pot if you are looking for your plant to grow bigger. You can reuse the same pot and change the soil just if you want to keep your plant the same height.

  • Can my snake plant survive in direct sunlight?

Snake Plant withstands both direct sun and low light happily. In the shade or the swimming pool, you can put it in full sun on your porch.

  • Can my snake plant survive without water for six weeks?

While the water, light and indoor temperatures may vary, your snake plant might only require water every two weeks, but it can last six weeks without watering depending on the circumstances.

Final Word

Moonshine Snake Plant is easy to plant and caring. But as a rule you have to follow some rule to keep your plant healthy for long time. Actually some matter you always have to keep your mind for proper caring proper soil, proper sunlight, proper watering and proper fertilizer. If you remember these things when you are caring your plant.

But even after maintaining the procedure you can faces some other problem and we also discussed about that. After following this procedure we sure you can find good result.

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