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Well, hello, my Monstera Lovers!
This post is for all of you who like caring and sharing Monsteras in your home.
Monsteras are beautiful plants that enrich your space and give you a jungle touch to your home decoration.
Today, I’m presenting you one more member of the Monstera family. It’s her highness, Monstera Dubia.
What is Monstera Dubia?
Monstera Dubia is Monstera plant highness, not just because of its extravagance, but also because of its love for height.
It belongs to smaller Monsteras.
Monstera Dubia is also known as a Shingling Plant. This name came from a shingling action this plant does during its growth.
Monstera Dubia climbs against a surface, and it reaches the light.
It’s the plant that grows in Central and Southern America.
Many people think it grows on the tree. This shingling plant goes against the trees, following their lines.
In Colombia, you can see this Monstera on the street or in the park. It’s a common thing there.
Let see the other Monstera Dubia common things you are interested in.
There are different types, but some of the most popular ones are:
- Monstera Siltepecana
- Monstera Deliciosa
- Monstera Borsigiana
- Monstera Epipremnoides
- Monstera Adansonii
- Monstera Obliqua
- Monstera Acuminata
- Monstera Pinnatipartita
- Monstera Thai Consteallation
- Monstera Karstenianum
- Monstera Standleyana
Light and Temperature Requirements of Monstera Dubia

Ideal light is the most essential condition for your baby’s development.
Monstera Dubia mustn’t be in dark places. It can’t be left directly on the sun either.
Place your Monstera where the light can touch it indirectly.
If you expose it to any light too much, its leaves will be without color, and they will dry up.
Plus, if your Monstera is too exposed to heat, it will become scorched.
Following the light, rotate your pot from time to time, and make sure your plant gets the light on all its sides equally.
If we go one step back, I will remind you that Monstera Dubia comes from the part of the world where temperatures are high.
Cooler places are out of the question.
Be careful, and keep your room warm during a cold period of the year. The average room temperature must be between 15C (60F) and 27C (80F).
Watering Monstera Dubia Plant

Watering Monstera Dubia is easy.
You water it as you water the other plants in your room.
You must water it at least once a week.
Make sure your Monstera Dubia has got its soil pretty moisturized.
When you come home and when you see your beloved Monstera’s soil dried on the top, don’t panic. It’s normal if that day was hot.
However, it doesn’t mean that the soil is completely dried.
You can check the soil wetness by sticking your finger into it. Instead of the finger, you can use a wooden stick.
If the soil is dried, water it. If the soil is moist enough, water it another day.
Watering can depend on your room temperature and of the season of the year.
Monster Dubia is dying for water, but as you place it inside, do not overreact with too much water. You don’t want to kill your plant.
Check the pot where you plant you Monstera.
When you lift the pot, you will see if the pot is lighter or heavier.
When it’s lighter, it means that you have to water your plant.
If it’s heavier, it means that you don’t have to water it.
In that case, skip the watering.
Listen to your Monstera Dubia needs.
Monstera Dubia likes humidity a lot.
It’s easy when humidity is high, but when it isn’t, we have to create one.
For extra humidity, use a Spray Bottle.
Fill the bottle with water, and mist the plant from time to time.
Repeat misting several times per day, depending on the heat.
If you aren’t a too attentive person, use a Pebble Tray to provide your plants’ humidity.
To be honest, using a Pebble Tray, is the easiest way to infuse this thirsty animal.
Related: Best Plant Humidifiers and a Buying Guide.
Fertilizing Monstera Dubia
Fertilizing your Monstera is important.
As this plant grows quickly, its leaves can change its color.
It doesn’t happen when you don’t water your plant, it happens when your plant needs to be fertilized, too.
Fertilization helps your plants to get a healthy, green color and amazing healthy leaves.
However, don’t exaggerate with its fertilization.
Fertilize your Monstera Dubia three or four times a year.
It would be enough to keep it healthy and good looking.
Repotting Monstera Dubia
Repotting your Monstera Dubia is an important process.
I’ll give you a plastic example.
Would you feel comfortable in tight clothes that you overgrew?
Would you still wear those clothes or would you continue to buy them?
I wouldn’t.
It’s the same thing with your plant’s pots. Plants overgrow their pots.
They don’t feel comfortable when it happens. The plant and its roots need to expand.
They need a bigger space.
If you leave your plant in a smaller pot, it will be confused and it won’t know how to grow further.
When you do repotting, don’t exaggerate with the size of the other pot.
It doesn’t have to be much bigger than the old one. Just pick the pot which is one size bigger than the old one.
If space is bigger than it needs to be, plants can be confused about where to grow then. Help them to grow in the right direction.
Following the next step, you can learn when it is the right time to repot your plant and the best way to do it.
The right time for repotting
The most obvious repotting sign is when you notice that your plant overgrew its pot.
When you notice that the soil size in the pot is reduced and it dries a lot.
When you haven’t repotted your plant for a long time (a year, for example).
When plants stopped growing and when they changed its color
When you see the plant is coming out through the drainage holes on the bottom of the pot.
The right season for repotting
It’s the late spring or summer.
When the temperature is higher because it helps growing better and faster.
That’s the time when the growth is the most active.
Step by step repotting phase
Choose the right pot (one size bigger than the old one)
Choose the pot with drainage holes
Wash the pot and prepare it for repotting (all the unnecessarily things must be washed from the pot, so they can not affect your plant)
Don’t put too much soil in these first steps. Just put a little bit of soil, before you add your plant.
Always try to use fresh soil
Before repotting the plant, water it first.
Try to pull out gently your plant with your hands.
If it doesn’t work with your hands, try to use a knife by going around the edges of the pot and try to pull it out again.
Prune the root ball.
Cut the rotten ends away.
Put the plant in the center of the pot. Let the soil be your support to fix the plant properly.
When you fill the pot with soil, water your repotted plant.
Don’t forget that your plant has to get used to its new home.
Choosing the Pot

Choosing the right pot for your Monstera Dubia or choosing the pot for the other plants is a quiet pleasure.
Women usually choose it by its appearance.
They always search the pot to match it with their interior design or to match it with colors of their furniture and walls.
Choosing the pot for these occasions isn’t always a useful thing.
My favorite is terracotta pot because you can match it with everything and it looks so rustic and old fashion.
But terracotta pot is a tricky choice.
It absorbs too much water, it changes its color quickly and qualitative terracotta is expensive.
Here is some advice, if you want to choose your pot on a budget.
Clay pots
Clay pots aren’t expensive and they are heavy.
Their weight is an advantage because they will maintain your heavier plants, such as Monsteras.
If you have kids or grandchildren who run all over your house, clay pots are perfect.
They won’t break them down easily.
You can find clay pots in different sizes.
Clay pots allow the air and water circulation, which is quite important for your plants.
If you decide to use clay pots, you will have to water your Monstera more often.
The air and water circulation can prevent pests and other problems you may have with your Monstera.
Clay pots are reusable.
Plastic pots
Plastic pots are the most inexpensive.
It’s not good to reuse them, because many pests can stick easily on them.
They aren’t certainly eco-friendly, but they have some advantages, too.
Some people don’t use plastic pots because they save too much water in the soil.
Sometimes it can be a good thing, especially if you are on vacation or you forgot to water your plant.
Plastic pots are lighter and they are a good choice for your baby Monster.
You can replace it easily to find the perfect position for your baby.
To sum up the pots options, here’s my advice.
If you are aware of pollution and if you are eco-friendly, use the clay pots.
If you don’t have time to buy a clay pot, use temporarily a plastic pot, but don’t use it to repotting your Monster.
Provide your Monstera all the luxury you can afford.
Pruning Monstera Dubia
Pruning Monstera Dubia is as easy as you prune all other plants.
Pruning has a healing influence on your plant, so don’t miss pruning your plant.
Pruning your Monstera Dubia you control its growth.
Pruning means to cut the old leaves that have no use or benefits anymore.
To prune your Monster, follow the next steps.
The best time to prune your Monstera is in the spring.
Step 1
Prepare gloves, sharp and sterilized pruning shears, or sterilized knife.
Step 2
When you prune your Monstera Dubia, you need to know specifically what you want to prune.
If you are pruning to heal it, prune just old, yellow, or destroyed leaves at the base of the stem.
If you are pruning to grow more or less, cut on the spot you want, depending on your pruning reasons.
You can cut it on the top or lower.
How difficult can it be?
How to Propagate Monstera Dubia

Monstera Dubia is easy to cultivate.
It grows like a weed.
It can grow from one meter to over three meters in height.
Its leaves can be 12, 7 centimeters in length.
The best time to propagate your Monstera Dubia is in the spring.
Stem Cuttings
Step 1 – Sterilize
When you find your pruning shears, please, sterilize them. Plants are living beings, too.
Find some alcohol you already have in the house.
You always have to cut under the leaf node.
Step 2 – Heal it
It’s a healing time for your Monster.
After cutting off its stem, leave it on the Sun or somewhere where it’s pleasantly warm.
The heat will help the stem cutting to grow.
You need to wait for seven days for any type of progress.
Step 3 – Prepare a pot
Meanwhile, prepare a pot.
After a week, put your healthy stem cutting in the pot, 5 centimeters below the soil.
It won’t be able to stand by itself, so improvise!
You can use a straw or a wooden stick that you will tie against the stem cutting.
Step 4 – Give much love
This step is the most important and it is love.
Take care of your Monstera cutting as you do with other plants.
Just love it and you will see it grow.
Propagation Using Separation
Find your sterilized pruning shears.
Cut your Monstera in two parts, and you’ll get two Monsteras.
Step 1 – Water ut
Water is what we need.
The soil must be wet.
Step 2 – Prepare a pot with good drainage
Prepare a pot with drainage holes.
Take your Monstera out of the old pot.
Be careful with its roots.
Shower the plant.
Step 3 – Cut & double the plant
Cut your plant and double it.
While cutting, be extremely careful where you cut it.
After all these efforts, we don’t want to damage our Monster.
Step 4 – Plant them 5cm
Place both parts in two different pots.
Put them 5 centimeters below the soil and make them stable, by putting the soil around the plants.
It has to be tight, but not too tight because plants need to breed.
Step 5 – Enjoy!
Don’t forget to water them, as we explained before.
Don’t forget to love them, of course.
Monstera Dubia Pests, Problems and Solutions
Monstera Dubia is a thankful plant to grow.
You won’t have too many problems with this Monster.
That’s the reason why many people like it.
But, still, what would life be without teeny-tiny problems?
When I said teeny-tiny, I meant it.

Two teeny-tiny problems attack your Monster. Those are scale insects and red spider mites.
In just one click on Monstera Dubia’s big sister, Monstera Adansonii, you can learn more about these ‘’pain in the ear’’ pests.
In the same text, under each pest, you will find the best ‘’ medicine’’ which can help you to get rid of the ‘’pain’’.
Problems and Solutions
Monstera plants can be affected by other things besides pests. Those things can cause Monstera’s color change, leaf spots, or even infection.
Those are things that each Monstera must deal with. It can be Monstera Adansonii, Monstera Obliqua, Monstera Variegata, or even Monstera Dubia, but all Monsteras have the same problems and the same solutions.
Exploring all Monstera types above will bring you great knowledge and you will be able to stand up against all the difficulties in the Monstera world.
Good luck and have faith in your Monsteras!
1. Is there any fruit on Monstera Dubia?
No, there aren’t. Monstera Dubia doesn’t give you any fruit.
Other Monstera types threaten you with delicious fruit. For example, Monstera Deliciosa has unusual fruit. It is very ‘’ delicious’’. The taste is sweet and it has all flavors of tropical fruit.
2. Is Monstera Dubia a poisonous plant?
No, it isn’t. But, it doesn’t mean that you can eat it, use it for a drink potion or heal your cuts. However, there are other Monsteras which are poisonous, mostly for pets.
3. Can Monstera Dubia be outside during the warm period of the year?
Yes, you can put your Monstera Dubia outside during the hot days, but you must follow the temperature that your Monstera Dubia requires.
4. Why Monstera Dubia sometimes have curly leaves?
It depends on the way you water your Monstera. Not enough water can lead to it.
Pay attention to your watering plan and keep the instructions about watering your Monstera Dubia.
5. Why Monstera Dubia cannot split its leaves?
That’s because your Monstera isn’t old enough. Young Monsteras have stick leaves. It needs more time, that’s all.