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I bet you’ve been to someone’s home and immediately noticed that one plant in the corner of the room that caught your eye. If that is the case, there is a high chance that the plant you saw is Monstera Deliciosa.
Monstera Deliciosa Summary: Monstera Deliciosa likes moderately moist soil, and bright, but indirect light, making it perfect for indoor care. There are several ways to propagate it, depending on your personal preference, such as with air layering, seeds, by separation, and with cuttings. A great thing about this plant is that you won’t have to worry too much about pests and using specialized products to kill insects since it can simply be sprayed with water and regular insecticide.
How does one care for Monstera Deliciosa, you might ask? Well, today, I’m going to teach you something about that. I’ll talk about everything you need to know when caring for Monstera Deliciosa, including tips on watering, pruning, propagating, and repotting Monstera Deliciosa. Also, I’m going to touch the subject about potential problems you might come across while taking care of Monstera Deliciosa. In the end, I will answer some of the most common questions about this plant.
Now, without any further due, let’s dive more into the topic and discuss Monstera Deliciosa care in detail.
What is Monstera Deliciosa
Monstera Deliciosa is one of the most commonly known types of this plant, which belongs to the Araceae family.
There are over 48 species of Monstera plant, some of which are quite unique and different from others, which, along with simple care, makes this plan quite popular. Here are some of the Monstera plant types, that can be seen indoors, along with the Monstera Deliciosa:
- Monstera Dubia
- Monstera Siltepecana
- Monstera Pinnatipartita
- Monstera Borsigiana
- Monstera Epipremnoides
- Monstera Adansonii
- Monstera Acuminata
- Monstera Obliqua
- Monstera Thai Constellation
- Monstera Karstenianum
- Monstera Standleyana
Apart from these, there are also more types of Monstera plants, but these are the most common for indoor care.
Also, I didn’t list a special type of Monstera, which is called Monstera Variegata because it is not exactly a different type, just discolored regular Monstera plant.
Watering Monstera Deliciosa
Every living being on the planet needs water to survive. Plants and animals alike. However, some need more, some less, depending on the season.
When it comes to watering Monstera Deliciosa, it is quite a simple process, since this plant doesn’t require a lot of water.
For optimal growth, you only need to water it once in a couple of weeks, depending on the temperature and climate.
If you need a better and more stable orientation point, let’s say that Monstera Deliciosa needs to be watered once the top 2 inches of the soil is dry.
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As for the water you can use, Monsteras don’t require any special type of water with additional minerals. You just need to make sure water is fresh. For this purpose, you can use filtered tap water. It is not a good idea to use normal tap water, since it has a lot of chlorine and fluoride, which might harm the plant.
However, if you are too lazy to remember to water your plant every week, you can check out some of the self-watering pots, as well.
Light and Temperature Requirements

Monstera Deliciosa is a perfect houseplant because it thrives the most in room temperature, and bright, but yet, indirect light.
The most suitable temperature to grow Monstera Deliciosa is 64⁰F – 86⁰F. I don’t recommend it to put the plant in the room with the temperatures under 59⁰C.
Also, during the hot months, it is not a good idea to expose the plant to direct sunlight, since it might cause some troubles, which I am going to cover later in this article.
Apart from that, when the weather is cold, putting it outside or on your balcony can cause frostbites, which can harm the plant as well.
Therefore, during the colder months, make sure to put your plant indoors, and keep it at room temperature, so it could continue to grow, without too much trouble.
Soil Requirements of Monstera Deliciosa
A great thing about Monstera Deliciosa is that it can be grown in different types of soil and temperatures, which allows people from all around the world to care for it.
You should keep in mind that this plant enjoys soil that is moderately moist, meaning that there is never too much, neither too few water in the soil.
Related: Best Potting Soil For Indoor Plants
For this purpose, you can combine different types of soils, such as, for instance, a well-draining potting mix and the mix that contains bark, charcoal, and a bit of perlite.
This combination lets you water your plant on a regular basis, without making the soil too soggy. However, if you don’t like to experiment, you can also use the standard Miracle-Gro potting mix. In that case, you will need to think more closely about watering.
Monstera Deliciosa Fertilizing
Monstera Deliciosa has epiphytic roots, which means that it would be best to use liquid-based fertilizer to feed your plant. However, even if you decide to use a different type, it is perfectly fine, since Monsteras are not too picky about it.
A very useful observation of Monstera plants is that they don’t require too much maintenance. You can simply water them and use regular liquid fertilizer, and they will be happy.
The best time of the season to fertilize Deliciosa is during the spring and summer time. You should apply the fertilizer once per month, to maximize its effectiveness.
As for the fertilization during winter, you don’t have to worry too much about that, since your Deliciosa plant might not need the extra food during the cold weather.
Monstera Deliciosa Pruning
As I had already mentioned above, Monstera Deliciosa grows quite fast, so, besides regular repotting or separation, you might also need to prune it from time to time. This is usually done only when the plant is mature enough, after about 2-4 years.
Once the plant is mature, it will continue to grow. Since you will most likely have it in your home, you will have to prune it, to prevent it to become too large.
Basically, you only need to prune Monstera Deliciosa when it becomes too large for your home. Another option is to completely repot the plant, but more about that later.
Monstera Deliciosa Propagation

There are several ways to propagate Monstera Deliciosa, whether you are looking for methods to grow normal or variegated Monstera Deliciosa.
Let’s mention the most common ones, and learn more about each of them. In short, there are 4 different, but also quite similar ways you can use to propagate this beautiful plant:
- Monstera Deliciosa propagation via cuttings
- Monstera Deliciosa propagation by using fruit seeds
- Monstera Deliciosa propagation by separation
- Monstera Deliciosa propagation with air layering
Each of these methods is different from others in some way or another. What they all have in common though, is that they are quite effective if done right.
1. Propagating Monstera Deliciosa via Stem Cuttings
The most used way of Monstera Deliciosa propagation is by taking a stem cutting. It is a relatively straightforward method, which just requires that you follow several simple steps, in order to propagate your plant.
Before the actual process, you will need to take a good stem cutting. To successfully do that, you will need to know exactly where to cut Monstera Deliciosa.
Some houseplants can be propagated simply by cutting off a leaf or two. However, that is not the case with Monstera Deliciosa.
To have any chance of success for Monstera Deliciosa propagation, you’ll need to cut off a piece of stem, preferably with at least 3 or 4 leaves on it.
Before you decide to go through with that plan though, make sure to sanitize your gardening tools. What you want to do is use shears or relatively sharp knife to cut the stem you decided to use.
The best spot to cut is at the bottom part of the plant, at the spot where the root node can be found. From the node itself, the plant can grow new roots, allowing you to raise a new plant.
After that is done, there are two separate paths you are free to take when it comes to the propagation of your Monstera Deliciosa via stem cutting:
- Propagating Monstera Deliciosa in soil
- Propagating Monstera Deliciosa in water
Propagating in soil
Once you take a cutting to propagate, you can do the actual process in one of two ways, to propagate your plant in water or in soil. Most people choose to use the soil method, but eventually, it is just a matter of personal preference.
Propagating in the soil is quite simple, though it has some flaws, as well as positive sides. The only thing you should keep in mind is to put the cutting in a pot with a proper soil mix.
One downside of this method is that it doesn’t allow you to see what’s happening in the pot and whether the roots grow as they should.
However, both of these methods, propagation in soil and water alike, give almost identical results, so which one you will use largely depends on yourself and what you like more.
Propagating in water
Another way to propagate Monstera Deliciosa with cutting is to put the cutting you had taken before into a jar, bowl, or vase filled with clean water.
Once there, it may take about 2-3 weeks for roots to start growing from the node, and when they are fully grown, you can repot the plant, or leave it in water.
Most people tend to repot it, but it will look as dashing as in soil if you leave it in a decorative vase or jar of water.
To keep your plant healthy during its time in water, keep the water fresh. There is nothing else you can really do.
The upside of water propagation is that you are able to see the roots growing over time, which could help you to notice if something goes wrong.
2. Monstera Deliciosa Propagation with Seeds
If you don’t fancy propagating Monstera Deliciosa via cuttings, and prefer to grow your plants from their very humble beginnings as seeds, you can use these seeds to propagate Monstera Deliciosa.
As it might not be widely known, sometimes you can see Monstera Deliciosa fruit growing. And where is a fruit, you can also find some seeds as well.
This means that you can grow the new Monstera Deliciosa plant completely from the start, by using these seeds.
However, it is uncommon to see Monstera flowers and fruits, which is one of the reasons this propagation method is not quite popular.
Another reason for that is that it takes much longer to yield results, compared to all other propagation methods.
Also, if you want to propagate Monstera Deliciosa from seeds, you will most likely need to get some artificial LED light, since it is important to have a constant source of light, in order for this method to work.
So, to be completely honest, growing Monstera Deliciosa from seeds requires a lot of work, commitment, and special tools.
3. Propagating Monstera Deliciosa by Separation
When your Monstera Deliciosa gets quite large, you basically have two options, either to repot it to a larger pot or to separate it into two or more plants.
A lot of gardeners choose to separate the plant, to avoid having to move it to a new pot. There are a lot of reasons for that, such as lack of space in your home, or they simply want to gift a new plant to their friends or family.
To do this, simply put your Monstera Deliciosa on the side, and carefully take it out of the pot. Then, simply use sterilized tools to cut it in half from the roots, which will allow you to make two individual plants.
After that, put the new specimen in another pot, which shouldn’t be much larger than roots, only about 2-4 inches wider. Once you do this, simply consider the same Monstera Deliciosa care tips, as you did for the mother plant.
4. Propagating Monstera Deliciosa with Air Layering
The general idea of this propagation method is to grow roots on the plant itself, before taking off a stem from it.
Just like it was the case with propagation from seeds, not too many people use this method because it requires the use of additional materials and tools.
To properly propagate Monstera Deliciosa with air layering, you need to use sphagnum moss, as well as some bindings.
The first thing you should do is clean your cutting tools, such as a small knife. Then, simply make a very small and barely noticeable cut on the side of the root done at the bottom of the plant’s stem.
After that is done, wrap the node you just cut in sphagnum moss and wrap it some plastic to prevent the moss from falling down.
Make sure to regularly spray the sphagnum moss with fresh water every couple of days, in order to keep it moist enough.
After about 30 days or a bit more, you should see the roots growing in the wrapping. After another month, you will most likely be able to take a cutting and repot the plant.
Monstera Deliciosa Repotting
Monstera plants grow quite fast during the first several years, so it is a good idea to repot them when they get larger, in order to ensure continuous growth.
If left unattended, Monstera Deliciosa can grow quite a bit, which can make the pot too small to hold it. That is not how you should treat your plant, since it can slow its progress and harm the plant.
Because of that, it is common to repot Monstera Deliciosa at least once a year, during the first 3 or 4 years, while the plant is still young.
Once it is fully grown, after 4 years, let’s say, you don’t need to repot it every year, but only once in a couple of years, depending on its growth. If it becomes too large for its current pot, simply repot it to another one.
However, in case you want to keep the plant smaller, you can also choose to separate it and make several plants from the main plant.
Another reason for repotting Monstera Deliciosa is because it needs fresh soil from time to time, just like all plants.
As for the best time and season to do this, it would be the best to repot Monstera Deliciosa in early spring, or we could say from the end of March to mid-April.
When it comes to the pot selection, a lot of people choose to use terracotta pots instead of standard nursery pots.

The reason for that is because Monstera Deliciosa likes to be in balanced soil, which is neither too wet nor too dry.
Terracotta pots are perfect for that since they allow the air to freely circulate the whole area, thus keeping the soil moderately moist.
Apart from that, it also helps you to see when the plant needs watering. If you can feel the moisture on the pot, then there is still water in the soil, telling you that you might want to wait with adding more water.
The repotting process is quite simple. When you find a perfect pot for the plant, make sure to put new soil in the bottom third part of the pot.
Then, simply transfer the plant, along with some of the old soil on the root node. After that, fill in the rest of the soil and tuck it in nicely, while also using the small stake to stabilize the plant.
Once the repotting process is done, water the plant, and wait for a couple of weeks before adding fertilizer.
Monstera Deliciosa Problems and Solutions
One of the best things about Monstera Deliciosa is that it’s relatively easy to take care of it, which means that there are usually either no problems with it, or these problems are quite simple to avoid and deal with. Let’s see what they are.
Dry and Curly Leaves
Even if you are not an expert on any type of plant, you probably know that when the plant’s leaves are curly and dry, there is trouble ahead.
The most common cause of this symptom is underwatering, meaning that the plant didn’t get enough water.
The most obvious way to fix this issue is to make some changes to your watering schedule. Water your plant more often, and see if the condition will improve.
If that doesn’t happen, then the problem might be the humidity in the room where you put your plant. Try changing its location, until you find the most suitable room to put your Monstera Deliciosa.
However, if nothing you do helps your plant to recover, you will need to remove the damaged parts, so it wouldn’t spread to the healthy parts of your plant.
Related: Best Plant Humidifiers and a Buying Guide.
Small Leaves without Holes
If you notice that your Monstera Deliciosa plant doesn’t have holes on leaves, you might think that something is wrong, right?
Well, it might not always be the case, since it can happen that young specimens don’t have holes on leaves until several of them show up.
Also, this can be a sign that your plant needs more light in the room, so you might want to either move it to the location with more light, or to use some sort of artificial light, but yet indirect light.
Brown or White Colored Leaves
If your Monstera Deliciosa gets too much water, you might notice that leaves are becoming darker, which might lead to the plant’s death, if not dealt with.
Make sure only to water your plant when you notice that the top of the soil is completely dry, to avoid this issue.
Apart from that, if you notice that your plant is getting white-colored leaves, it might indicate that it’s getting too much salt.
Do I need to worry about pests and disease attacking my Monstera Deliciosa?
Luckily, Monstera Deliciosa is not so common target for pests and diseases. However, it might be attacked by bacteria and fungi anyway, which might lead to yellow leaves and darker spots, as well as to root infection, in the most severe cases.
This can easily be dealt with if you regularly clean your plant with a fungicide or cleaning mist, simply by spraying the plant.
Is Monstera Deliciosa toxic to pets?
Absolutely yes! Monstera Deliciosa contains a high amount of calcium oxalates, which makes it quite toxic to small children and pets.
If eaten, it can cause severe burning in the mouth, as well as swelling, and eventually even vomiting, which is why you should keep your pets and children away from this plant.
Can I grow Monstera Deliciosa in an apartment with bad lighting?
Monstera Deliciosa likes having a lot of indirect light, which makes it much harder to grow in darker apartments.
However, it is possible to do it, if you use some of the artificial grow light, but you need to be extra careful when doing that, in order not to damage the plant in the process.