Monstera Thai Constellation

Monstera Thai Constellation #1 Care Guide for Beginners

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Monstera Thai constellation is a true gem among indoor plants with its unique appearance and simple maintenance. It will refine and enrich every living room, making it a pleasant and joyful place to spend your time.

If you are looking for a plant you don’t have to observe, pet or sing to 24/7, then you may consider owning this beauty. Like many other Monstera plants, Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation is very easy to maintain. It doesn’t ask for much, except watering 3-4x a week, indirect sunlight, and a temperature of around 75-78 Fahrenheit. Keep in mind that cream/white parts of Monstera Thai leaves are actually without chlorophyll; hence, artificial light could also be considered. It could grow up to two and a half meters (about 8 feet).

Are you interested to know more about Monstera Thai Constellation features and care? Keep reading to find out other interesting and useful details that will improve your knowledge as well as your gardening skills.

What is Monstera Thai Constellation?

Monstera Deliciosa originally arose from the tropical environment and got its delicious part of the name from the fruit called swiss cheese or a fruit salad. It tastes similar to some other tropical fruits. 

Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation, on the other hand, owes its remarkable appearance of green leaves sprinkled with white or creamy patterns to the lack of chlorophyll.

Its name comes from its birth-place of the Thailand laboratory, where it got pretty impressive looks. The green background is splashed by creamy yellow segments making this Monstera into a work of art.

What is Monstera Thai Constellation?

Relatively simple maintenance and appealing physique make this cultivar one of the favorites among indoor plant lovers. 

It is a product of the laboratory conducted a propagation method using tissue culture.

However, this characteristic shouldn’t be seen as a flaw or an imperfection. It contributes to the plant’s exotic and unique charm. 

The overall impression this occurrence makes is that of a starry sky. And that’s where the Constellation part of the name of this variety comes from. 

But this is not the only curiosity related to the diva among plants. 

The Thai constellation, like many other Monstera plants, has heart-shaped leaves that start to split as the plant grows. Evolutionally wise, the splitting leaves are due to the tropical winds that found their way through without ripping the entire leaf off.

Being a Monstera, a jungle, tropical climber, this one can also grow huge if you give it enough space and adequate care. 

Soil Requirements

If you want your plant to live and grow into a healthy and sumptuous exemplar, make certain that the soil is well-drained. I can’t stress that enough since it is the most important step in providing a healthy environment for the Monstera family.

If the water stays at the bottom of the root, it can make it go soggy and eventually become rotten. And you know what that means for the entire plant. 

This incident, of course, is not only due to the type of soil your plant lives in. That also depends on the pot. It has to be the one with a good drainage mechanism in order not to keep water. 

Besides, the soil should be mixed with perlite and bark so that the drainage process flows undisturbed.

Related: Best Potting Soil For Indoor Plants

Monstera Thai Constellation Lighting Requirements

When it comes to lighting, we have to remember that every living creature must have enough light to live and develop normally. 

But at the same time, we mustn’t forget that too much light can be harmful. It can damage our skin as well as the leaves of the plants. 

From my experience, moderation is the key to a healthy amount of light. 

Thai Constellation, with its variegated leaves, must be lightened cautiously for a couple of reasons.

The main reason is that this plant is deficient in chlorophyll in the white parts of the leaf. Chlorophyll is an essential substance in the process of photosynthesis. 

Monstera Thai Constellation Lighting Requirements

Having all this in mind, we have to provide Thai Monstera Constellation brighter environment than some other sorts that don’t have chlorophyll deficiency.

However, this doesn’t mean that we have to expose it to direct sunlight ruthlessly. 

Lightning must be abundant but filtered or diffused through transparent curtains or windows with some texture on the glass.

Artificial lighting could also be considered if you struggle to ensure enough natural light for your Thai Monstera. 

Watering Monstera Thai Constellation

As well as lighting, watering is a game of finding the perfect balance. 

Never forget that Thai Monstera, being a member of the Monstera family, is a jungle creature. The tropical forest would be its optimal environment. 

That means it prefers moist soil, but have in mind that water must circulate. Never allow the roots to sink in the water. 

The advice is this, and you should remember it by heart. Never allow the soil to dry or lay soaked in water. Neither is beneficial to the plant’s health.  

How will you know when it’s the right time to water the plant? There is no perfect answer to this question. However, you can observe the plant and inspect it by doing a simple test with your finger.

I myself water mine 3-4 times a week.

If the top couple of centimeters of the soil feels dry to touch, that is the time to water it. 

During colder months of the year, this is roughly one to two times a week. But, in the hot summer months, it will be necessary to do this more often. Let’s say, about every two days.

Humidity and Temperature Requirements

Being a tropical cultivar Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation loves hot temperatures and humid air. It may sound like a contradiction, but it can be achieved with a little effort.

During winter days, the temperature must be 13 degrees or above. In the summer, it will thrive optimally in the temperature of 24-26 degrees Celsius (75-78 Fahrenheit).

During cold days, when the heating in our homes is constantly on, you should make sure that the air in the room where your Thai beauty lives is not dry. 

You can achieve optimal humidity in various ways. 

Probably the easiest one is sprinkling the plant with water droplets of preferably soft water.

You may even give it a full shower with tepid water in the bathroom to refresh it.   

Additionally, never let the leaves soak in the dust. Clean them with a wet cloth or give them a proper shower. And if you have some extra dollars to spend, you can consider buying a humidifier to prevent air dryness.

Monstera Thai Constellation Fertilization

When it comes to the fertilization process, don’t forget to provide your plant with enough balanced nutritive substances that are necessary for it to progress steadily. 

Most house plants will appreciate fertilization in the spring and summer months. When it comes to Thai Constellation, it is no exception. 

Monstera Thai Constellation Fertilization

During the active growing season in the summer and spring months, the fertilizer may be applied once every month. 

Organic houseplant fertilizer may be the best choice if you want your plant to thrive and progress swimmingly.

I would recommend fertilizers that are slow-releasing. 

It means that a small number of nutritive substances are being released to the soil steadily and in regular time intervals.

If you choose liquid fertilizer instead, make sure that you follow up on the instructions to determine the adequate dosage.

Propagating Monstera Thai Constellation

Even though it may sound like a difficult task to propagate a plant, with the Thai Constellation, as well as other Monstera plants, it is an easy- peasy job to do. 

One of the reasons for its popularity may be partly due to its easy maintenance as well as propagation. 

There are three ways you can propagate your Thai Beauty – by stem cuttings, by separation, or by air layering. 

1. Propagation through stem cuttings 

This one can be done in soil or water. In both cases, make sure that your pruning shears are sterilized to avoid any kind of pathogen transmission to the stem. 

If you propagate your plant in soil, the cutting can be shorter (6-8 inches). However, if you choose to propagate it in water, the cutting has to be about 8 inches.

In both cases, you make a cutting above the leaf node. Always make sure that the portion you have cut has at least two leaves and a node. That way, you can stimulate new growth.

The next step is to leave a stem to form a protective tissue which can take about a couple of days. 

After you have followed all steps comes the main event, and that is planting. 

Put the cutting in soil, no more than a couple of inches deep, and tap it in with fingers. Optionally, you can tie up your new plant to some kind of a stick or a straw. That will keep it straight if it’s bending or falling. 

The rest you have to do is regular watering, optimal conditions concerning light and humidity, and patience mixed with hope that it will thrive into a homemade jungle beast.

Propagating monstera thai constellation

Propagating a Thai Constellation in water is similar to the previous method. The difference is, you can monitor root growth progression in real-time. You can see how the roots are forming and advancing in a transparent glass jar. 

The jar must be deep enough so it can hold your baby plant.

Is there anything specific to consider?

The main tip here is to change the water more often, preferably every two to three days.

An ideal choice of water is the one collected out of the rain or the distilled one. You can use tap water also but leave it overnight before using it to propagate your plant. 

Observe what’s going on with the roots, and when they become long and strong enough, place them into an adequate pot. 

From my personal experience, propagation in the soil is a more successful method since the roots damped in water tend to rot more easily before they become good and strong enough to be planted in soil. 

Even when they form successfully, they are usually too fragile and weak. 

2. Propagation via Separation 

If your Monstera grows too big, so it overtakes your living room and tends to transform it into a tropical jungle, you can calm it down by separating it into two smaller plants. 

Firstly, make sure that the soil is dry. Then remove the plant carefully from the pot and separate the roots with a sterilized knife. 

This way, you can get two smaller plants. One you can offer to a friend as a beautiful and original present, and the other you can keep for yourself.   

3. Propagation via Sphagnum Moss (Air Layering)  

Sphagnum moss is a plant known for its wet habitats, such as swamps, from where it inherited great water preserving ability. 

This makes it a great soil supplement. It can also be used independently to propagate your Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation. 

With this method, you will also make a small cut, just a tiny one, below the aerial root of the plant. 

These roots have their full purpose in the natural habitat of Monstera cultivar. It is the way the plant attaches itself to the tree, which then functions as a support for this climbing acrobat among plants. 

But in your living room or your balcony garden, aerial roots serve as one of the methods of propagating. 

The next step, after you’ve made a small cut at the stem below the node is to wrap the whole section with the sphagnum moss that you previously put inside of a plastic foil or a bag. 

You can use metal or plastic ties to secure that the nodes stay in contact with the substrate in what they should grow. 

Leave some open space so you can moisten the substrate every two or three days approximately. 

Now, all you have to do is observe the progress of aerial roots. 

After about a month or so, the section should be ready for cutting and planting into an adequate pot.

Repotting Monstera Thai Constellation

Keeping in mind that Thai Constellation grows slower than its full-colored relatives, there is no need for frequent migration from one pot to the other. 

Under ideal conditions, it will grow to its full potential in about two to three years. 

When this occurs, you can repot it into a pot that is only one size bigger than the current one. 

It doesn’t need much extra space since that will only slow down its progress. 

When it comes to potting, the most important tip is that you make sure to provide a container that has a good drainage mechanism. That way, your Monstera Deliciosa can live and develop into a lavishing head turner without much disturbance.

Related: Picking the Right Pot for Indoor Plants – 6 Rules

Monstera Thai Constellation Problems and Fixes

I have mentioned more than once that Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation is one undemanding creature that will thrive with just some essential conditions of temperature, humidity, and watering that you can easily provide. 

But sometimes, even with all that enabled, in reality, things can go wrong.

Monstera Thai Constellation Problems and Fixes

When it comes to care-related difficulties of Thai Constellation, we can divide the most common ones into two categories: the inner problems that reflect processes that happen inside the plant, as a result of carelessness, and the outer ones that come from some kind of intruders from the outside even when the plant itself is in perfect health.

1. Root Rot

The first category of problems is most often related to the condition of root rot. 

The main symptoms and manifestations of this unfortunate occurrence are leaves that become yellow, droopy, and start to wilt and eventually fall off. 

It may be due to overwatering when the root doesn’t get enough oxygen since it is in water for too long. 

So the first thing to be cautious of is to make sure that you don’t go too crazy with watering your Monstera. 

We often think that the plant will appreciate water whenever, but it is not true. 

You have to be careful not to drown your plant, since even the healthy roots can be damaged if they get in touch with the rotten ones. 

If this, after all, happen, my advice is that you remove the rotten roots with clean prunes and then report the plant in the new soil, but take good care not to overwater it again, and enable a good drainage mechanism of the pot itself. 

2. Temperature Issues

The other reason for yellow and dying leaves could be sudden exposure to temperature stress, whether it’s too hot or too cold. So, try to keep the air conditions and temperature levels of the room steady and constant. 

Also, avoid fertilizing your plant more than it’s necessary since this can lead to salt build-up, which is as well one of the common problems related to Monstera Thai care. 

Usual reactions to overfertilizing are once again yellow leaves with brown tips. However, if you do make this mistake, try washing the soil with running water. Later drain it properly to remove the extra water from the pot.  

In the other group of Thai Constellation enemies are all those annoying tiny bugs and pests that like to inhabit and damage healthy plants with zero regrets. I will name a couple of the most common pests that love to bother Monstera Deliciosa Thai Constellation.

3. Mealybugs 

You can easily recognize these little intruders since they look like a soft, snowy cover on the foliage, where they feed on juices produced by the plant. 

It is way easier to encounter and destroy them before they multiply. 

The best way to get rid of them is with the help of 70% rubbing alcohol, in which you can dip cotton balls or swabs and remove the mealybugs. 

Since they like to hide, make sure to inspect every angle of the plant. Besides that, you can mix water with some mild liquid soap (just a few drops) and make a solution that you will then spray on the foliage. 

4. Spider mites

These tiny spider relatives are less than one millimeter in size but can cause much more damage to your plants. 

As well as mealybugs, they also suck the plant fluids, leaving the light dots as a result.

Since they are almost invisible to the eye, they can operate long before you notice something is wrong with your Monstera’s foliage.

So be cautious and seek tiny web-like formations under the leaves. 

Spider mites like hot weather conditions, so make sure that the humidity levels in the room are optional to prevent them from spreading. 

However, if they eventually spread, you can fight them the same way as mealybugs, or you can choose to remove the infected area entirely. 

An additional tip is to prevent the dust from collecting on the leaves of the plant since spider mites love the dusty environment. 

5. Soft scale insects

If there are transparent sticky traces (honeydew) or even black molds on the leaves of your Monstera Deliciosa, it is probably because they contain soft scales. 

These are very similar to other pests having in mind that they also suck plant fluids, making it dehydrated and droopy with yellow leaves that eventually fall off prematurely. 

The sticky sweet dew they leave can attract ants which then can move them all over the plant, and that is on a truly vicious circle that you must get in the way off. 

Luckily, this is not a very hard task if you act adequately as soon as you spot sticky honeydew traces. 

To put scale bugs under control, I would recommend using neem oil or some other horticultural spray, but always test it on a small patch of the foliage to see how it reacts.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is Thai Constellation so expensive?

You may have heard that Variegated Monstera is one of the most expensive plants in the world. I must say that this is quite true when we talk about all variegated plants – they are pretty costly.

Due to slow propagation, they belong to rare variations of the monstera family, and that adds up to their price on the market.
It goes for the Thai Constellation also, since it was initially produced in only one laboratory in the world.

The other reason for being so expensive is their popularity among social media influencers. Due to its rare looks, it was one of the most wanted Instagram plants in 2020.

What does Monstera Deliciosa symbolize?

Many people believe that every plant has its meaning and symbolic purpose that can affect the quality of their lives.
This spiritual aspect of the plants is very powerful and originates from the ancient days of human history.

Monstera Deliciosa in the world of symbols usually signifies the relationship one has with the elders as it symbolizes respect towards the ancestors and the family history in general.

In some cultures, it is believed that Monstera is a plant of honor, longevity, and respect.

What is the difference between the Thai Constellation and Albo Borsigiana Monstera plant?

The Thai Constellation and Albo Borsigiana Monstera look similar, but there are some differences.

The main one regards the method of propagation. Albo Borsigiana plant usually comes from one mother plant, as a cutting. While Thai Constellation is a product of tissue culture.

Albo Borsigiana has a bigger space between the nodes. It affects the overall appearance of these plants, making them look sparser or fuller.

There is a difference in variegation patterns also. Albo Borsigiana has perfectly white segments, while the Thai Constellation is rather sprinkled with creamy-white freckles.

How do you revive a dying Monstera?

We live in a frantic world where our time and mind get crowded with all the things we have to do during the day. Some duties as taking regular care of our house plants may easily slip out of our things-to-be-done list.

Luckily, there are ways to fix this, especially with durable plants like Monstera.

If your Monstera looks droopy, dehydrated, and overall neglected, start watering it regularly, provide it with adequate humidity and lighting conditions. Don’t forget to clean the dust from that precious foliage and then watch it thrive and progress into a true beauty of nature.

Can you grow a Thai Constellation from seed?

If you decide that you want to grow your own Thai Constellation Monstera plant, probably the first thing to do is googling for a seed to start with. Please have in mind that anyone who is selling these seeds is, to put it simply – a complete fraud.

Thai Constellation Monstera doesn’t grow from seed. It is bred from a tissue sample in a Thailand laboratory.

To be completely sure that you will get a real Thai Constellation plant, search for a young plant that has developed all the characteristics of the sort.

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