Haworthia Cooperi

Haworthia Cooperi – The Coolest Tips for Cooper’s Haworthia Care

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If you are looking for an unusual and truly rare plant, I’ve got one for you, my dearest ones- Haworthia Cooperi! I remember seeing it for the first time – I was like, what mysterious creation is this?! So translucent, so bluish-green that I couldn’t quite pin it down, but still enchanting. TBH, for a moment there I thought it’s some artificial plant!

Got me fooled! Still, I knew I had to have it right away. Now you must think how keeping Haworthia Cooperi alive is an impossible task; but, you won’t believe the extent of how wrong you are.

Care guide highlights: Haworthia Cooperi needs soil with excellent drainage. Move it away from direct sunlight and water it once per 7 to 10 days. It can tolerate various temperature and humidity levels, but try to avoid too frequent fluctuations. Cooper’s Haworthia doesn’t require fertilization. Repot the plant when the rosette reaches the pot edge.

Let me show you the best Haworthia Cooperi care tips:

  1. Soil Requirements
  2. Light Requirements
  3. Watering Requirements
  4. Temperature
  5. Humidity Requirements
  6. Fertilizer
  7. Pruning and Repotting
  8. Propagation
  9. Common Problems
  10. Frequently Asked Questions

If you are a fan of rare plants, and especially, if you are fascinated by this translucent green beauty with leaves resembling marbles, you’ve come to the right place- keep reading!

Haworthia Cooperi Soil Requirements

When we discuss any plant maintenance routine, the first step to deal with is, ALWAYS, without exception the soil.

This is where the plant gets its food from so you need to be careful here.

And, now let me tell you exactly what kind of soil is the best one for this Haworthia.

The first fact you need to know is – excellent drainage. This is a prerequisite for soil that you will use to plant Haworthia Cooperi.

Accordingly, some sandy soil will be the best option. If you aren’t sure how to achieve this, you can go for cacti mix and add some perlite to it. Again, this is the simplest option.

Still, if you do not have any cacti mix at hand, you can always make a perfect mixture of soil yourself.

All you need to do is take potting soil, perlite and coarse sand and mix them all in equal parts.

Such a mixture will provide the optimum drainage properties for the soil since Haworthia Cooperi will not tolerate wet soil.

These optimum drainage properties actually mean that the soil will keep the water for just enough time for the plant to take in as much as necessary.

The excess will simply fall through.

Of course, this is not all!

Haworthia Cooperi needs well-draining soil

I got some more soil-related hacks.

For example, did you know that perlite is not the only means to provide the best soil drainage?

Besides this lovely material, you can also try aquarium gravel (the fine one) or chunks of activated coal.

Mind, though, that fine sand can cause some issues with porosity, so be careful.

Related: Best Potting Soil For Indoor Plants

Light Requirements for Hawthoria Cooperi Care

I’ve heard people say Haworthia Cooperi is a plant contradictory to itself.

Some say to have seen it thrive in full sun, some say shady places are the best choice.

Speaking honestly, the truth is (always) somewhere in between.

Accordingly, Cooper’s Haworthia requires plenty of bright light, but never direct exposure.

Light Requirements for Hawthoria Cooperi Care

To understand better what you need to do, just bear in mind the natural habitat of Haworthia Cooperi.

That is, when found in nature, this Haworthia typically grows underground so is fully protected from direct sun exposure.

In such conditions, the small “glass windows” you can see at the leaf tops absorb the light making the plant grow.

In a way, you need to try to do something similar in your home.

Still, this does not mean you have to bury it fully underground. Just move it as far away from the direct sunlight as possible, but still, try to give it enough bright sunlight.

Loosely translated to normal people talk, keep it near an east-facing window.

This is the optimum place since there will be some direct sun in the morning when the intensity is low and for the rest of the day, Haworthia Cooperi will receive just the right amount of sun.

Have you already fell in love with Haworthia plant? Here comes more:

Haworthia Cooperi Watering Requirements

Did I mention Haworthia Cooperi is a succulent?

It can spend days on end without water. It is highly drought-tolerant so you needn’t worry if you forget to give it water for a few days.

Moreover, this quality of Haworthia Cooperi’s is all the more pronounced if you keep it away from the sun (which you should).

Now, if we’re talking schedule, consistency is what you need to pay attention to.

Every deviation from the established schedule just causes unnecessary stress to the plant.

As for some actual timing, I persist in watering my Haworhia C once a week during summertime. Or, I sometimes stretch this period to 10 days.

Like I said, drought is well tolerated.

Haworthia Cooperi Watering Requirements

Still, if you are not sure whether you should water or not at a certain point, run a simple check.

Test the soil to see if it is completely dry. For example, lift the pot from the tray to see if there are any traces of water. If you do see them, let the plant be. It’s not the time to water yet.

However, if it is obviously dry, that’s your cue.

If your findings are inconclusive, skip watering just as well.

It’s better to leave it dry than soaking wet.

On the other hand, watering this Haworthia during the winter months is a different story.

The plant is dormant at the time and will not need much water. In such a scenario, I sometimes let almost 2 weeks, if not more, pass before I water again.

By the way, avoid stressing the plant by watering it with cool water.

Lukewarm water is the ideal option. Besides, it is known that the plants grown indoor should be watered with water kept at room temperature.

And, speaking of…

Related: Best Plant Watering Spikes


Hot, hot, hot, is what we’d say if we were to describe the native habitat of Haworthia Cooperi.

Hot as in South Africa hot, to be more precise.

This is precisely why Haworthia Cooperi is accustomed and adapted to warm climate (temperature) throughout the year.

And, this is not all!

Did you know that H. Cooperi can also tolerate cooler temps?

Now, again, bear in mind that consistency is the desired effect.

Having said that Haworthia Cooperi can TOLERATE both warm and cool temp, let’s see what is ideal (cause, that’s what we need to strive to).

The desired and ideal temperature for HC is what we call “normal” room temperature, i.e. 68 – 72°F (20-22°C).

Make sure that this is the optimum temp. condition for your HC at all times.

If we’re talking extremes, try not to go below 40°F (4°C) and over 90°F (32°C). 

Everything lower or higher, respectively, can be detrimental for this lovely succulent, especially if it is exposed to such conditions over a longer period of time.

Haworthia Cooperi can tolerate both warm and cool temperatures

Humidity Requirements

Air humidity is the next factor that contributes to the proper care for any plant.

Sometimes you need to pay attention that the air is not too dry so you have to mist the plant, etc., etc.

On the other hand, you also have to make sure that humidity is not too high and then dry out the air when necessary.

Our Haworthia Cooperi here is like – do what you want, I couldn’t care less!

Seriously, everything works for Haworthia C. Presuming the moisture in the pot and around the root is OK, any humidity condition is acceptable for this Haworthia.

So, no need to fuss over this.

In any case, make sure that the air circulation is optimum so there aren’t any root issues, such as rot.


It’s old news that I am not a fan of fertilizers and boosting the growth of plants in this way.

Instead, I try to keep all other factors optimised so there is no need for any artificial aid.

Still, if you notice your plant struggling or you just simply wish to have it grow faster, a little fertilizer is OK.

If you’re not so zealous about plant fertilizing in general, then here are some great news for you.

Haworthia Cooperi does not require fertilisation.

It consumes only so little nutrients and quite so slowly, so you can forsake the fertilizer completely.

Although, when your plant is all grown-up, you can feed it some succulent fertilizer, but quite diluted so the concentration is rather low.

Try to avoid chemical (artificial) fertilizers since they are too strong for succulents.

The best you can do is add some organic manure in the potting mix, preferably the slow-release one, and that will feed the plant just fine.

Pruning and Repotting Haworthia Cooperi

These two are something we can call the final touch in the plant care routine.

Let’s check one by one!

Pruning and Repotting Haworthia Cooperi


Let’s say you notice a leaf or two on your Hawortia Cooperi are yellow?

What would you do?

Why, of course, you would pinch them out.

Barring the overall appealing looks, you will grant your plant in this way, you will also keep its health at the highest level.

The damaged leaves simply look bad and even if it’s only two of them, soon they could endanger the overall plant.

Another instance when pruning is desirable is when you want to shape your plant into a certain pattern.

Just pinch out the protruding leaves, the ones that do not follow this pattern and that would be all.

By the way, do not throw these leaves away.

Use them for propagation instead (more on that later).

Prune Haworthia cooperi to shape it the way you want


The first thing that you need to know is that our cute little succulent doesn’t have to be frequently repotted.

It’s a slow-grower so you can relax.

You’ll know it’s time to repot once the rosette reaches the pot edge.

At that time, you need to place it into a container larger than the previous one.

Again, remember, it’s a slow grower we are talking about (yeah, don’t expect miracles here), so just an inch larger (read, wider) pot will suffice.

As for pot depth, don’t go for a deep one. The ideal depth for a pot is the one that is just a tad taller than the plant itself.

I will not go into pot color details, I believe you’ll manage on your somehow.

Now, as for pot materials, I can’t tell you which one to choose. You will do that based on what matches the other plant pots in your home.

Maybe you like them all to be the same or maybe you are a mix-and-match type.

It’s all up to you.

Repot Haworthia Cooper when the rosette reaches the pot edge

However, while I do know that Haworthia Cooperi looks magnificent in a ceramic pot, I’d still suggest you carefully think about such a choice.

Somehow, succulents seem to get along more than well with terracotta pots in terms of visual appearance.

More importantly, though, terracotta pots are the best choice for succulents since they provide the best air circulation throughout the soil.

In this way, they help regulate the soil moisture and in this way aid in maintaining the plant generally healthy.

‘Cause, good air circulation means optimum moisture and optimum moisture means no root rot.

All of this together leads to a healthy root and a healthy Haworthia Cooperi.

Related: Cutest Planters For Indoor Garden

Propagation Procedure

We have a plant, we like a plant, we want more of this plant.

We want it in our bedroom, we want it in the kitchen, we want it on the mantlepiece, we want it in the bathroom, in the windowsills – we want it everywhere.

Luckily for us , most of the plants are rather easy to propagate.

Haworthia Cooperi included.

Haworthia cooperi new roots

Like, even if you had the blackest thumb of all, you still couldn’t fail at propagating Haworthia Coopery.

It just propagates so easily.

One way to propagate Haworthia C is through stem cuttings and another is through leaves.

Whichever of the two that you opt for, you can place it either in water or soil.

As is the case with most of the plants, propagating during the spring and/or summer season is the best.

A step by step procedure would be something like this.

1. Propagating Haworthia Cooperi from Leaf Cuttings in Soil

For this, you will need a couple of healthy and well-kept leaves, bugs and pest free, to be cut from the plant.

Make sure that you cut under the node because otherwise, the cuttings are useless.

You should leave the cuttings rest for a day till they form calluses on the place where you made the cut. This will prevent rot which simply must be avoided at the time.

After this, just place the leaves into a pot filled with sterile potting mix. 

Mind the spacing, though. You will have to leave some 2 inches in between the leaves so they have enough space to grow.

Plant them using the same potting mixture as is in the original pot.

2. Propagation in Water

Practically, the procedure is more or less the same.

Take the cuttings and place them in water instead of soil.

Add some fresh water every now and then till you see new roots forming from the cutting.

Haworthia cooperi propagation

Propagation through Separating Offset

If we’re talking natural propagation, this is it, then.

As it grows old, HC develops tiny offspring around its base.

These are excellent for propagation and are practically an effortless method.

Once these grow sufficiently, you just take them from the mother plant and pot them into the fresh soil.

And, there you have it – a brand new Haworthia Cooperi.

Common Problems of Haworthia Cooperi Care

And, finally, we come to the nasty part.

In any plant care, there comes a time when you have to pay attention to whether something is happening to your plant that is endangering its overall well-being.

When it comes to Haworthia Cooperi, these are the biggest issues you can encounter.

Common Problems of Haworthia Cooperi Care

1. Root Rot

This is one of the major issues you can deal with when growing HC.

However, know that the reason for this is most typically too much moisture.

Of course, the primary cause is overwatering, so I believe you are now absolutely clear as to why too much water is never good for HC.

Next, keeping Haworthia Cooperi at insufficient light and poorly ventilated air can also lead to increased moisture and consequently to the rotting of the root.

Finally, the first sign of root rotting is that the plant seems displaced at the base.

You can fix this by skipping watering for a week until the soil dries out and moving the plant to a brighter place (remember, though, no direct exposure!).

Or, if the damage is too big, take the cuttings from healthy leaves and plant them as previously described.

2. Fungus Infection

Fungus infection problem is directly linked to the previous one and they typically co-occur.

In such a situation, the infection affects the top soil layer (up to an inch deep) and the main cause is too much moisture.

You can fix it by letting the soil dry completely before the next watering.

We know that fungi thrive in moist conditions, so deprive them of this privilege.

3. Mealybugs

The most typical pest, of course!

You can figure out mealybugs attacked your plant when you see that the leaves are falling off.

This can be a huge issue if not detected early.

However, as prevention, you can use neem oil on Haworthia Cooperi every 15 days.

Or, once the infection is advanced, insecticidal soap is the best solution.

Washing the plant could also be an option, but that can go both ways.

The risk is entirely up to you.

Inspect Haworthia cooperi regularly to spot any mealy bugs on time

Frequently Asked Questions

Plant caring routine may not be as simple as it seems at first.

Even though you look for all the tips and tricks and you ask around what else you can do for your plant, and you do get the answers, there will always be some additional things you will not be clear about or you’ll need them reconfirmed.

Accordingly, these are the most frequent questions I’ve been asked regarding Haworthia Cooperi care.

How big do Haworthia cooperi get?

Haworthia Cooperi is a slow and low-growing plant so the biggest it grows some 2 – 4 inches (5 – 10 cm) both in width and height. This makes it a perfect plant for tiny living space.

Why is my Haworthia Cooperi shriveling?

Here we have an either/or situation and the two possible scenarios are complete opposites. Both too much and too little water can cause shriveling. Which one happened in your case is very easy to check. Just look at the soil – if wet, then over-watering is the cause, if not- it’s the opposite.

Can you propagate Haworthia Cooperi?

Why, of course, you can. I’ve described at length how you can propagate it from the offset or the leaf cuttings. You can place these either in water and wait for stems or you can place them directly in moist soil and see a brand new plant start growing in a few weeks.

How do you separate Haworthia Cooperi?

Carefully, that is how! You can separate the offshoot with a clean tool and transfer it into the new soil or water.

When should I repot Haworthia Cooperi?

Practically, you should transfer your Cooper’s Haworthia into a new pot once there is no more space for it to grow in the current pot. You will know it’s time when the soil in the pot has completely hardened or when the leaves start touching the edge of the pot. Spring and summertime are the ideal time to do it.


That would be all on Haworthia Cooperi.

It’s an easy to grow plant and definitely (ha)worth ya time and effort.

It will make your living space dreamy so I don’t see a reason why not to get one today.

Don’t forget to leave the photos in the comments!


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