Best Indoor Plants Perfect When you Live in Apartment

6 Best Houseplants for Apartment

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Not everyone is gifted with space and sunlight that’s conducive for nursing plants and tending a garden. That’s a fact for people who live in apartments.

But if you’re a true plant mom or dad at heart, it’s not a hindrance! If you just started moving in, you can still nurse some lovely little greens in your humble abode. Good thing there are indoor plants that are easy to grow and easy to maintain even if you have limited space and your unit gets little sunlight.

best indoor plants perfect when you live in apartmentn

List of 6 Best Indoor Plants- Perfect When you Live in Apartment

1. Rubber Plant

If you’re living in an apartment that’s located in the city, space is not your only problem. Air pollution is something that you need to watch out for, too. Good thing, there are little ways that can help you clean the air in your unit. One of which is growing a rubber plant.

Rubber plants will not only beautify your room but can also help purify the air inside naturally.

The best thing about this plant is that it doesn’t require much attention. It only needs indirect sunlight, which is perfect for windowless rooms, and some water for a happy long life.

Watering Rubber Plant is quite simple. You only need to water it once it gets dry at the top of the soil. Then let it sit for a few minutes until you see water dripping from the bottom of the pot.

This way, it makes sure that all of your plants are watered thoroughly instead of just wetting their leaves.

The soil must be kept moist, but never soggy.

rubber fig

2. Pilea

Looking for a cute little plant to freshen up your workspace? Pilea is exactly what you need.

Pilea is popular for its cute size and circular green leaves. No wonder it’s considered by many as a perfect desk accessory! It doesn’t take up much real estate, so you have nothing to worry about if you’re pulling off a minimalist theme.

Because of its size, Pilea also requires minimal care. The best way to take care of this plant is by using the drench and dry technique.

All you have to do is to water them thoroughly first, but don’t drown them! Then let them be for a couple of days.

Next, check the soil if it’s totally dry. If it is, drench them again with water. But if not, wait a little longer for the next drenching.

This is one of the best indoor plants perfect when you live in apartment!

Chinese Money Plant

3. ZZ Plant

ZZ plant, which is also known as Zamioculcas zamiifolia, gets its name from the Latin words “zamia” which means “a cycad” and “folia” which means “leaves”.

The plant features long and shiny leaves that grow upright. It comes in a variety of colors such as yellow, green, cream, and silver. In terms of ease of care, ZZ Plant is no doubt one of the easiest indoor plants to take care off.

The ZZ plant is certainly not something to sleep on. If you’re a busy bee, this cute little green is worth your attention.

Just like rubber plants, this also requires little light and watering.

This house plant can liven up your space but won’t take so much of your time. It will survive both in shady areas of your apartment or even in bright-lit spots.

It also doesn’t require constant watering. So even if you forget to drizzle it once in a while, it will continue to grow its gorgeous wand-like stems and glowy oval-shaped leaves.

ZZ plants can survive without fertilizer. However, if you want it to grow faster and look healthier, fertilizing is the way to go. Fertilize once or twice a month with liquid houseplant food during the spring and summer seasons for best results.

Propagation is also possible. Just take some of the leaves and try layering them in a pot of moist soil. Keep the soil moist until new roots start to grow. Then you can transfer it to their own pot once they start growing.

Best Indoor Plants Perfect When you Live in Apartment

4. Anthurium

Give your room lots of love with this heart-shaped flower. It’s small so you can fill your room with several Anthurium plants. 

When it comes to maintenance, Anthurium falls between low maintenance and high maintenance.

Yes, it’s not a needy plant, but it’s also not like the ZZ plant that you can leave for a couple of days without water.

You’ll certainly have to work a little with this one, but trust us, that glow from the heart-shaped flower is all worth it!

To care for Anthurium, you must allow the soil to dry completely between waterings. Water every 2 days and up to once a week during winter.

Also, this plant is sensitive to sunlight. If you have a window where the sun strikes every afternoon, put an Anthurium plant near it so it can soak up enough light.

Fertilize every 2 weeks with a general-purpose houseplant fertilizer during the spring and summer months.


5. Snake Plant (Mother-in-Law’s Tongue)

This house plant is named after snakes because of its ability to attract them. Just kidding! It’s probably because of its pointy leaves and the reptile-like pattern that you can see on the leaves.

This indoor plant can give off warmth to your space, thanks to its bright yellow and green combination on the leaves.

Just like the other house plants on this list, it’s easy to maintain. Just put it where there’s indirect sunlight and water it occasionally. Watering it every 7 days is more than enough.

Just make sure to let the soil dry completely before watering it again. Don’t worry, though. It will be able to survive even if you forget to water it from time to time as long as you don’t waterlog them.

You can also fertilize this plant if you want to, but it’s not necessary.

Propagation is also possible. Just take cuttings or leaves and lay them on moist soil. Keep the soil moist until new roots start to grow, then transfer it to its own pot once it starts growing.

Pest and diseases can be a problem if you don’t water it often and give the plant proper care.

Repotting Snake Plant

6. Yucca Cane Plants

If you’re one of those homeowners who are not receiving sunlight because of the position of your flat, Yucca Cane Plant is one of the many plants that you can nurse indoors without worries.

It can thrive in dimmer areas, plus, it doesn’t need that much attention when it comes to watering. For this one, you can also use the drench and dry technique.

Just be sure to always check the dryness of the soil. If the soil is already dry, then you should water it. You can either use water or rainwater.

Also, Yucca Cane Plant does not need fertilizers at all. It has a high resistance to drought and requires less watering than other house plants mentioned in this list.

You can propagate it by division, but keep in mind that division may cause a permanent change in the leaf pattern.

In addition, Yucca Cane Plant has an elegant look that you can display anywhere you want around your room or office. It’s perfect in the corners of your living room because it can provide privacy.

So, what are you waiting for? Bring this plant home today and enjoy the warmth that it can provide!


Final Words

After reading this article, you should know the plants that you can place in your apartment. There are some cases when small homes may find themselves sterile, so it’s best to try growing these plants so they can boost your home’s appeal.

Before you decide to purchase these plants, it’s best that you also check for some things first like how much sunlight they need and the amount of water they require. This way, you can easily maintain them without worrying about their health or appearance.

Either way, all of these plants will surely look good anywhere around your home or office. You can bring a touch of nature inside, and they will surely brighten up the room.

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