Too Much Miracle-Gro

What to Do When You Add Too Much Miracle-Gro?

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Exploring the most popular food for your plants, you will notice that Miracle-Gro is the most commonly mentioned one. It’s one of those all-purpose, relatively light fertilizers, so you feel like you can add it whenever you want. But then, strangely, instead of prospering, your plants start dying- has it anything to do with this product? Perhaps you added too much of it, isn’t that so?

Is there a way to solve the problem of too much Miracle-Gro on your plants? Yes, there is, don’t worry- here’s a brief instruction for you to deal with too much Miracle-Gro: 

  • Take all the visible food off the surface of the soil
  • Flush out the remaining particles of the product using water
  • Remove the damaged leaves and foliage
  • In case some pieces of plants are healthy- you could propagate them
  • Don’t expose your plant to too much sunlight

In this guide, I shall give you a more thorough explanation on what to do if you’ve added too much of this product to your plants. Also, I shall reveal which are telltale signs that your plant is receiving too much food.

Stay with me and enjoy it!

Introducing Miracle-Gro and Its Components

Before we get down to analysing what to do when you pour too much food, let’s take a closer look at the product itself.

As easily assumed from its name, this powerful liquid serves to encourage your plants’ development and make them grow faster. It is supposed to be some sort of a miracle for it.

The company has been present for several decades, since the 1940s, and that’s when the first fertilizer was produced.

Gradually, these gardening enthusiasts expanded the palette of products, striving to cover as many segments as possible and provide fans with full equipment.

Fertilizers aside, there are various sorts of soil revitalizers and mixes, seeds for plants, as well as the diversity of gardening tools, and much more than that.

What about ingredients? Does Miracle grow have nitrogen?

Having in mind that nitrogen is one of the most essential components for the proper development of plants, the manufactured took it as a base for its food. In addition to this, there are potassium and phosphorus, and other ingredients as well.

It’s very important to pay attention to the ratio of these nutrients, as each plant has different needs and requirements. That’s expressed as NPK (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium), with some numbers.

Exploring the spectrum of Miracle’s fertilizers, you will find the following to be the most popular ones:

  • Tomato fertilizer (18-18-21)
  • Product for Trees & Shrubs/ product for Flowers (15-10-9)
  • Food for roses (18-24-16)

As you can see, I included the ratio as well, which explains the best what are the specific needs of each of these groups of plants.

Besides these above-mentioned, you will also find Miracle gro all purpose plant food from the same manufacturer, which means its suitable for a wide range of commonly kept houseplants. Its NPK is 24-8-16.

All-Purpose Miracle-Gro

How Much Fertilizer is Ideal for Plants?

Taking a look at the ratio, you will see that each plant requires a different amount of these nutrients, which means there’s no universal answer to this question.

Also, none of the products has the same ratio of these ingredients.

What I personally do, and what I warmly advise you to do as well is to follow the instructions and do as said.

Adding more than necessary won’t make your plant grow faster, produce more flowers, but it can make the opposite effect.

Some plants are too sensitive, so you can basically burn them if you add too much of this or any other product.

As for Miracle-Gro, the approximate amount is a tablespoon of liquid, which you should, of course, mix with water. Let’s say a gallon, but if you have lots of plants then repeat this cycle.

Of course, if it happens by accident, don’t worry, you cannot kill your plant this instant.

But if you do it systematically, then you risk burning the roots and causing some other issues.

Too Much Miracle-Gro- What to Do?

By following the instructions, you can do nothing wrong, as your plant will receive just the right amount of food it needs.

But if you are new to this whole gardening thing, or you simply believe that more fertilizer will bring more flowers and more foliage to your plant, then you can make a mistake.

However, it’s still not a reason to panic, as there’s a solution, you can save your plant if you spot your mistakes on time.

Of course, no one will perform some experiments on purpose asking him/herself: “Oh, I wonder, what happens if I use too much Miracle gro?”

It happens by accident, simply because one doesn’t know- but as I said, there’s nothing to worry about, everything can be solved.

Allow me to explain those steps from the beginning a bit closer, and you’ll see how simple it is.

Too Much Fertilizer

Take all the visible food off the surface of the soil

Let’s take All-Purpose product as a good example. This one is blue, so spotting the excessive amount of it on the soil’s surface shouldn’t be a problem.

You can remove it using an ice-cream scoop (a clean one, of course), or a small shovel if your plant is bigger.

Be careful and remove all the chunks, otherwise the next time you water those particles will enter deeper under the surface.

Getting rid of those is a more complicated process, so be thorough while removing- make as sure as you can there are no traces of it.

If you have sensitive hands, don’t forget to use gardening gloves.

Flush out the remaining particles of the product using water

For those particles that are already underneath the surface, the only solution is flushing.

This is the best way to remove all the excessive fertilizer, but you need to be extra careful when performing this.

Some plants have more sensitive roots, and are not quite tolerable to overwatering, so you could easily end up having two problems instead of one.

On the other hand, if you don’t flush it properly, those particles of fertilizer will still be inside, continuing to damage the roots.

When flushing, you can use tap water, as this is a one-time process, but if you have distilled, it’s a much better choice for your plant.

You can do this in the shower, or outdoors, using a garden hose. Let the water run about 30 minutes, no more than that.

After you finish it, allow your plant to dry properly, rearrange the watering schedule, and skip some until you are absolutely sure that the soil moisture level is adequate for your plant.

This should fix the issue.

Remove the damaged leaves and foliage

The above-mentioned step could be the final one if the plant itself is undamaged.

This would indicate that you’ve spotted the problem on time and reacted immediately.

However, if there are some dying or already dead leaves on your plant, then you need to move forward with some additional solutions.

Pruning is one of them, and this way, you will not only get rid of the damaged parts but eliminate the possibility of further spreading.

Take some tools, disinfect them, and get down to business.

Don’t be surprised if you end up with a somewhat naked plant, the point is to keep the healthy parts and remove the affected ones.

It’s for your plant’s health, that’s all you should have in mind.

In case some pieces of plants are healthy- you could propagate them

Looking at the pile of removed leaves in front of you- what’s the first thing that comes to your mind?

Throwing them?

Naaah, that’s not how a true gardener should think like!

Analyse that bunch of stems, branches, and leaves and see if there’s something propagation-worthy.

Look for some additional container, and soil, and pick the healthiest part to establish a new plant.

This is one of those situations where you truly have nothing to lose, but surprisingly, you may end up with a lovely new plant.

So, why not? Give it a try!

Don’t expose your plant to too much sunlight

When you combine an excessive amount of fertilizer, with an excessive amount of sunlight, you can only imagine the possible outcome- dead plant.

Okay, that’s the worst scenario, but still, you should never allow this to happen.

And this goes not only for those plants which do not tolerate direct sunlight but for all of them.

In this situation, the best would be to put it someplace shadier or use artificial light.

Once your plant has recovered and you are confident that it resumed its proper course of development and growth, you can accommodate it at its usual place.

Is Miracle-Gro the Best Product on Market?

Knowing that this product can cause so much damage, it surely makes you wonder whether you should use it after all.

But, you know what, this can happen with ANY product, so consider this guide a universal one for all these situations when a plant is over-fertilized.

 Miracle Gro for Plants

IMHO, I’d say that this food is, without any doubt, one of the most wanted among gardeners, and it is a top-quality product.

It comes from the company which is specialized in fertilizers and other accompanying tools and equipment for gardening.

If you use it as instructed, it will indeed contribute to better growth, and it will make your plants thrive.

Perhaps it would be better to ask- Is Miracle grow bad or good choice for my plants?

The answer depends on the plants you have and their specific needs for certain nutrients.

If those are compatible with Miracle’s specifications, then yes, it’s a good one for you.

Always use NPK as a reference, that’s the best direction to follow when choosing the right fertilizer for your plants.

How to Tell if Your Plant Has Enough Fertilizer?

Even if you use Miracle gro all purpose, which is a universal one, there’s still a chance to make a mistake and add too much of it.

Of course, these consequences are not visible immediately but after using Miracle grow for a while you will spot some changes which will indicate that something’s going on.

But waiting until they become visible will make it more difficult to save the plant, so the sooner you react the better.

What happens if you use too much Miracle gro for a longer period of time?

These are some of the changes and signs of distress you will notice:

Too little flowers, too much foliage

Knowing that Miracle grow for plants promotes overall growth, it comes as more than logical to end up with a bunch of leaves and no flowers.

Although on the surface it may not be the most typical signal that your plant is experiencing any stress, still if you know that it should bloom and you see no flowers, then you have used too much Miracle grow.

An excessive amount of fertilizer somewhat obstructs flower production, and it promotes the growth of foliage, so rearrange the fertilizing schedule.

And make sure you follow the instruction on the label.

Deformed or discolored leaves

Anything that is not in line with the ordinary appearance of the plant’s leaves and overall foliage is a signal that something is happening.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be a result of over-fertilization, but if you already suspect, then it could be a confirmation of it.

When a plant receives nutrients in inadequate quantities, it will change the appearance and color of leaves, showing you that it is somehow suffering.

How will those leaves look like?

They may become wilted, or non-symmetrical. Also, they can appear to be too brittle, crinkled, limp, and the edges can curl around as well.

Unless you have some variegated plant that already has those discolored parts as a part of its natural look, then your plant is getting too much food.

Those yellowish, red, and brownish parts, or quite opposite, the pale ones, these are all signals that your plant is experiencing some issues.

If you’ve been wondering can Miracle gro burn plants, the answer is yes- and excessively crispy and brown leaves will tell you that this is the problem.

Furthermore, if you’ve been wondering can too much Miracle gro kill plants, the answer is positive- again, as systematic over-fertilization can do just that.

Plants become weaker and slow down the development

Each plant has its course of progress, which doesn’t fluctuate a lot, but if you have the feeling that it looks the same for some longer period of time, that’s the result of overfeeding.

A plant that develops too slowly will also have undersized roots, stems as well as foliage.

Just like the first telltale sign, it may not be one of the most typical signals that a plant is suffering, it is some sort of warning to you to check what’s going on.


Can you use too much Miracle grow?

Yes, it is possible to use too much of this product and cause some damages to your plant, if you do it systematically.
But it can happen with any other product if you don’t follow the instruction on a label.

Can you overfeed plants with Miracle grow?

Yes, it is possible to over-fertilize your plants using this or any other nourishing liquid. That’s why you should use the exact amount of it- not more not less than that.

How do you use Miracle grow on indoor plants?

It mainly depends on the type of indoor plants you have- each one has its specific needs. Also, it’s important to purchase an adequate product, the one whose NPK is compatible with your plant’s requirements for specific nutrients.

How often to use Miracle grow?

The frequency of fertilization depends on the plant itself but the phase of development itself also dictates how often apply Miracle grow.

When a plant is in the active phase of development, fertilization is more frequent, but when it’s in the dormant phase, it doesn’t require as much food.

How long does Miracle grow last?

The product itself has a shelf life around 3 to five years, but you should always check the expiration date before you feed your plants. Never ever use a product which is expired, that can damage your plant just as overfeeding, or even worse.

Always buy it base on the number, size, and type of plants you have. Those who have several pots will use the product a bit slower, while gardeners with 50+ plants will use it faster.

Final Thoughts

Now that you know how to use miracle gro adequately and what can happen if you frequently overfeed your plant, pay attention.

I always look things on the brighter side and always do my best to save it, but if it’s impossible, don’t blame yourself- after all, you are just a human being, not a magician!

How much Miracle gro per plant you usually apply? How do you solve over-fertilization issues?

Leave some comments, I can’t wait to hear from you!

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