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Epipremnum aureum or Pothos is a trailing or climbing plant commonly grown indoors regardless of the hardiness zone. The reason why it is so widely popular is that it is a beginner-friendly and almost indestructible houseplant.
Commonly known as Devil’s Ivy, it is best displayed in a hanging basket in your home, so its large heart-shaped leaves can drape down and create a lush tropical effect. If you have one, the chances are that you would like to get new plants and share them. Let’s see how to propagate pothos plants.

How to Propagate Pothos Trought Steps
The best time to take Pothos cuttings is in spring or early summer. This will ensure the best results and the plant won’t be stressed. Propagate pothos plants in the morning.
If your plant has been neglected for some time, you want to give it a few weeks of regular water, fertilizer, and appropriate light before beginning the propagation process.
The easiest way to propagate Pothos is by taking stem cuttings. You can root them easily in water or in potting medium. Here is how.

Taking Stem Cuttings
Step 1: Prepare the Container and Medium
Prepare a small, clean pot with good drainage and special rooting soil. The rooting medium should be sterile, low in fertility, and well-drained so as to provide sufficient aeration. Ideally, you want to use coarse sand, peat, perlite.
Fill the container with your preferred medium, dampen it well. Then, use a chop-stick to make holes for the cuttings.
Step 2: Sterilize your tools
Sterilize your knife or scissors by dipping them in boiling water for a couple of seconds. Allow your instrument to cool before using it.
Step 3: Take Stem Cuttings
Choose a healthy pothos plant. Select a healthy stem tip from the upper part, the newest growth. Cut it just below a node. Make sure it is around 10 cm long.
Step 4: Remove Lower Leaves
Remove all but the topmost leaves from the cutting so that each cutting’s energy can go toward producing new roots. Remove any side shoots too so there is a length of bare stem to insert into soil.
Step 5: Rooting Hormone
Dip the cut end in water, then dip it in the rooting powder. Tap off the excess. Pour only the amount of rooting hormone you will need to avoid contaminating the powder in its container.
Step 6: Insert it
Insert the cuttings into the previously prepared holes. You want to insert from one-third to one-half its length into the medium. Position the cuttings at a reasonable distance to allow all leaves to absorb sunlight.
Step 7: Firm soil
Use your fingers to ensure the medium is in good contact with the stem. Remove any large air pockets.
Step 8: Cover with plastic
For the first 2 weeks after taking cuttings, enclose them in a plastic bag and place them away from direct sunlight. A plastic bag is essential because the cuttings have no way to replenish moisture lost through the leaves. If you are worried that the plastic bag will cause breakage, stick four sticks in the soil and put the bag over them.
Step 9: Misting
Each morning, remove the plastic bag and lightly mist the cuttings. Add water to the containers only if the medium seems to be drying out. Your goal is to keep it lightly moist, not extremely wet.
Step 10: Final steps
After three weeks, remove the plastic bag, but continue to mist daily and keep them out of bright light. When you notice signs of new growth, begin mixing a small amount of fertilizer into the water to replenish the moisture.
Rooting in Water

The first step for rooting Pothos stem cuttings in water is the same.
Step 1: Take a stem cutting just below a node. Remove a few leaves around the base of the cutting.
Step 2: Put the cutting in a glass jar filled with water, making sure that the cut ends remain submerged in water and that the leaf nodes are in contact with it.
Step 3: Put a cover or aluminum foil on the sides to promote local humidity. Place cuttings in indirect light to partial shade.
Step 4: Check the water level every few days. Refill if necessary.
In both cases, the cuttings will form roots between 3 to 4 weeks, but in some cases, it can take a month or two. After rooting, the cuttings can be transplanted into small containers filled with an adequate potting mix.
Final Word
Devil’s Ivy is an evergreen climbing plant in the family Araceae that blooms rarely, but its majestic glossy green heart-shaped leaves make up for it. The leaves can be variegated with bold yellow streaks, but most species are all green. Golden Pothos is the most popular species in the genus and one of the easiest houseplants to grow.
Taking cuttings is the most popular means of getting more plants. Try propagating it, multiply your Pothos collection and share it with your family and friends.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Does It Take For Pothos to Root in Water?
Pothos propagation in water can take between two weeks to more than one month to grow roots, so arm yourself with patience. As soon as you notice new pothos roots, you can leave pothos cuttings in water or transplant them in fresh soil.
Where Do I Cut My Pothos For Propagation?
To take pothos cuttings, select a healthy stem and cut it just below a leaf node, making sure the cutting it around 10 cm long. Make a clean cut using sterilized tools. Let the cutting root in glass jars or moist and sterilized potting medium.
Can Pothos Grow in Water?
Pothos cuttings can root in water. And yes, a pothos plant can grow in water too, as long as you provide the necessary conditions such as adequate light and some water-soluble fertilizer during the growing season. Still, some people prefer growing pothos plants in fresh potting soil.
How to Care for Pothos?
Provide filtered sun to light shade, temperatures between 15 and 24 degrees C, and moderate humidity. Water when the compost is somewhat dry from spring to autumn, in winter just keep moist. Fertilize monthly from spring to fall using a balanced liquid fertilizer. Prune in spring and remove yellowing leaves. Repot every 2 years. You can also tie its stems on a moss pole or trellis.
Is Pothos Toxic?
Yes, all parts of Pothos plants are toxic, so keep your children and pets away.