Aglaonema varieties

25+ Intriguing Aglaonema Varieties for Gardeners Fascinated by Chinese Evergreens

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Aglaonema is a genus of more than 20 herbaceous and ornamental species from southeastern Asia through New Guinea that belong to the family called Araceae. They feature green, glossy, and often variegated leaves in different shades of pink, inconspicuous flowers, and rarely tiny berries.

Growing tips: Aglaonema varieties are easy to grow when they are given a routine. Water and fertilize regularly with a soluble flower formula every other week. Deadhead faded blooms to bring on more flowers. Be on the lookout for mealybugs and aphids. Cut back when they become leggy. Propagate by taking 4-inch tip cuttings in the fall or grow it from seed.

Aglaonemas are no-fuss, colorful, and fun. These are foliage plants widely cultivated as indoor plants due to the easy care they require and low light preference, hence tolerant of some neglect.

Moreover, they belong to plants that can grow without sunlight. These aglaonema varieties are suitable for bedrooms, living rooms, and workspaces, including the offices without windows, and will thrive with very little care.

Now that you are familiar with the care requirements, it is time to choose some aglaonema varieties you want to cultivate. This article will help you do that.25+ Aglaonema – Chinese Evergreen Varieties

Aglaonema modestum – Summer Snapdragon

Summer Snapdragon is a sweet and small plant native to the American tropics that bears narrow green leaves shaped like little fence pickets and clusters of bold, colorful, and long-lasting flowers that open their throats wide, revealing a colored ruffle all around in shades of purple, pink and white. The loose flower spikes look airy, but they are actually very tough and support the marauding swarms of bees that adore them.

Flowers bloom year-round in frost-free areas and in spring through fall elsewhere in purple, white and pink combinations.

Mature plants achieve the height of 12 to 18 inches and spread to 12 inches.

Cultivars: “Angel Mist” and “Angel Face” are two popular cultivars with a wide range of colors and bi-colors.

Aglaonema modestum – Summer Snapdragon

Aglaonema Green Papaya

Whether you put it up in your living room or study, this foliage specimen adds a touch of interest with its deep green and dappled large and glossy leaves, and central pink venation.

Placed in a bright or dim room, it will thrive either way.

Aglaonema Green Papaya

Aglaonema brevispathum

This is an evergreen perennial specimen of Aglaonema that has deep green glossy lance-shaped leaves with cream to a white central vein.

It performs better outdoors in a shady location, but you can still cultivate it as a houseplant. Indoors, it is best to keep it in a bathroom, since it needs high humidity. If the air is dry, it will fold and the leaf edges will be dry.

Aglaonema brevispathum

Aglaonema Pink Moon

This is a rare ornamental species that bears large, oval, deep green glossy leaves with pink venation and pink moon-like specks that add to its attractiveness.

It is not demanding in terms of fertilizing and humidity and will thrive in less than ideal conditions and weekly hydration.

Aglaonema Pink Moon

Aglaonema Siam Aurora

Now, this is another show stopper. It has lance-shaped, glossy green leaves with hot pink central venation and leaf edges. The stems are also bright pink. It will brighten everyone’s mood throughout the year.

Keep the leaves free of dust at all times.

Aglaonema Siam Aurora

Aglaonema Red Anyanmanee

This aglaonema variety looks dazzling in a small pot placed on the tabletop.  It will transform your office from dull to vibrant and fun.

It has bright pink to red leaves and some dark green spots and margins. And what’s even better, the color will remain the same all year round and make your every morning more beautiful.

White or silver pots work best for this plant.

Aglaonema Red Anyanmanee

Aglaonema White Calcite

This is a gorgeous specimen that features lanceolate dark green leaves massively variegated with white to cream spots, which is an excellent home décor addition and perfect as a gift.

It is an easy-care and no-fuss species, tolerant of low light, so definitely give it a try.

Aglaonema White Calcite

Aglaonema Pride of Sumatra

Everyone would agree that this specimen resembles some croton varieties. It has colorful leaves and it is an ideal houseplant because it is well suited to low light conditions.

The foliage is beautifully variegated in shades of green, white, yellow, and pink, along with red venation. The stems of this aglaonema variety are also pink.

Aglaonema Pride of Sumatra

Aglaonema Bidadari

Another plant that makes an ideal focal point in the living room or bedroom because of its unique variegation. It has large, shiny, and oval leaves spotted with pink, green, and cream.

The stems are short and thin and arranged quite densely, which gives the plant a fuller look.

And what’s even better, it doesn’t make a fuss and requires minimal care-ideal for busy growers.

Aglaonema Bidadari

Aglaonema Valentine

Vibrant and charming, this species has oval leaves with green margins and a splash of hot pink, which makes the plant distinct and recognizable at once. The leaves turn red with time.

It is a long-lived plant and will enliven your house throughout the year and not just on Valentine’s.

Aglaonema Valentine

Aglaonema “Stripes”

This species is a hybrid of Aglaonema x “Manila” and Aglaonema nitidum “Curtisii”.  It has very prominent foliage variegation in silvery white. The leaves of these aglaonema varieties can even grow more than 30 cm in length.

Aglaonema “Stripes”

Aglaonema nitidum

This is an evergreen species of aglaonema with large, deep green leaves and subtle venation. It is particularly fond of low-light, so it is ideal for an office or study. There is no better sight when reading than lovely and silent leafy friends.

Aglaonema nitidum

Aglaonema Sparkling Sarah

The lustrous leaves of this aglaonema variety are long, broad and they exhibit variegation in baby pink, cream, green, and a pink central vein. They appear on soft pink stems. It performs well in a living room or a bedroom. Display two Aglaonema Sparkling Sarah plants on each side of your night tables.

Aglaonema Sparkling Sarah

Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor

As indicated by its name, this species of aglaonema features three different tones of green – light, medium, and deep.

It has oval leaves and because of its unique coloration, Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor will need brighter light to maintain it than other varieties.

This beauty is among the rarest and most expensive aglaonemas, but if you spot it, seize the chance.

Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor

Aglaonema widuri ‘Red Peacock’

Unlike the previous species, this one requires a bit more light in order to develop pink, distinctive tones. The large leaves are mostly pink, including the central vein, but there are also tones of green.

Most aglaonema varieties, though, exhibit shades of green and pink, and whatever you choose, you will make a good choice.

Aglaonema widuri ‘Red Peacock’

Aglaonema First Diamond

Modest in its requirements and spectacular in its appearance – that’s Aglaonema First Diamond. Heavily variegated leaves in shades of green and white appear on short stems.

It looks especially dazzling in a neutral pot against a neutral background as a focal point.

Aglaonema First Diamond

Aglaonema Maria

Bring a tropical note into your home with this lanceolate, shiny dark green variety with light green or cream markings that add to the uniqueness of the plant.

Pair it with other colorful aglaonema plants for a lovely contrast, grouping them together to increase humidity. This plant is one of the aglaonema varieties that don’t need drainage holes.

Light shade is ideal for this one, but provides some bright light to maintain its distinct variegation.

Aglaonema Maria

Aglaonema ‘Cutlass’

This species thrives equally well indoors and outdoors. It has long and narrow knife-like leaves thanks to which the plant got its name.

The leaves of this aglaonema variety are cream with deep green edges and central venation.

Aglaonema ‘Cutlass’

Aglaonema Silver Bay

This species has oval, glossy, and variegated leaves in silver and green. The leaves can grow more than 13 cm long.

It isn’t difficult to obtain and it will grow quite quickly and produce new foliage every two weeks, given the right conditions.

Aglaonema Silver Bay

Aglaonema ‘Emerald Bay’

Emerald Bay is a dark green variety with silver central parts of the leaves and a pale green central vein. It makes a very luscious indoor plant and it is extremely tolerant of low light, more than other species.

Aglaonema ‘Emerald Bay’

Aglaonema ‘Harlequin’

This is a soft, pastel aglaonema extremely popular around the globe. It has oval green leaves with pink veins, but the plant goes almost completely yellow if given more light.

All plants, including aglaonema varieties, are said to relieve feelings of anxiety, depression, and stress and this species is the perfect candidate to test that hypothesis.

Aglaonema ‘Harlequin’

Aglaonema Chocolate

This species looks exactly as its name suggests – sweet and irresistible. It has dark green glossy leaves with red or yellow venation, yet some leaves are entirely red with bright pink venation. Stunning, right?

It is a unique species not so common in cultivation, so you might have difficulties obtaining one for yourself.

Aglaonema chocolate

Aglaonema Creta

Add an element of fun and excitement to your home with this colorful aglaonema. It has oval leaves spotted with cream and bright pink venation as well as on the edge of the leaves.

Your living room or home office will be transformed and more welcoming without much effort. Match it with other green varieties for a burst of color and contrast.

Both undemanding and fun, it is great for people who are always on the go and quite busy and brighten their mood and home.

Aglaonema creta

Aglaonema ‘Silver Queen’

This species is the emblem of Chinese evergreens and it is also one of the most commonly cultivated aglaonema species.

It has lanceolate cream leaves adorned with deep green all over the leaves: on the edges, in the center, including the central vein. Moderate light is ideal for it.

Aglaonema ‘Silver Queen’

Aglaonema ‘Suzy’

Aglaonema “Suzy” is a species that has bright green leaves with pale pink or yellow central veins. It will develop more such tones if exposed to more light. This aglaonema variety is popular both as a houseplant and an outdoor plant.

Aglaonema ‘Suzy’

Aglaonema Pink Dalmatian

This species features thick and oval glossy green foliage spotted with pink all over the leaf blades, hence the plant’s very name.

Each leaf displays different leaf variegation and the contrast between deep green and pale pink is mesmerizing.

It looks best against a pale pink background in a white pot.

Aglaonema ‘Red Gold’

Aglaonema ‘Red Gold’

A personal favorite of mine, this aglaonema has pale green leaves framed with bright red, which makes a gorgeous contrast.

It performs well indoors or outdoors in shaded planters. Stems and leaves also exhibit some tones of red.

Aglaonema ‘Red Gold’

Aglaonema Varieties FAQ

Are aglaonema plants poisonous?

Aglaonema varieties are toxic because they contain calcium oxalate crystals. They cause irritation, dysphagia and rash if ingested. These symptoms can occur a week or two from the moment of ingestion.

How to care for aglaonemas?

Aglaonema varieties thrive in normal household conditions: low to medium light, regular temperature and humidity for most species, as well as watering once the top surface of the soil feels dry. The soil should be well-drained, organic, and fertile. Amend the native soils to improve structure and fertility and drainage if you are planting aglaonema varieties outside. Mulch after planting outdoors.

What are the main issues with aglaonemas?

If you overwater, apply too much fertilizer, or use tap water, the leaf tips will dry out and become brown. Adopt healthy habits and use distilled or rainwater instead. Aglaonema varieties may also be visited by spider mites, scales, mealybugs, and aphids, so inspect them regularly and routinely.

How long do Chinese evergreen plants live?

Aglaonema varieties are slow-growing species that can live up to 10 years if given the right conditions and care.

How big do aglaonema plants get?

They can grow up to two feet long and grow to be quite compact and elegant plants. You won’t have to repot any of the aglaonema varieties often.


Stunning, air-purifying, and easy to care for, aglaonema species make great additions for greening your living space. Group them together with photos and sansevieria species to inject curiosity and interest into the display.

Whether displayed in a kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room, or office, aglaonema varieties bring color, fun, interest, and a lively, welcoming mood to your rooms. Besides, they filter pollution from the air as you sleep or work in your office.

Match them with Ponytail Palm, Pothos, ZZ Plant, Orchids, Jungle Queen, Anthurium inside or outside for more colorful gardens. Alternatively, select some other plants that prefer shade such as begonias or impatiens.

Which of these aglaonema varieties is your favorite? Share your impressions with me!

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