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Here’s a true beauty for you!
It’s a Chinese evergreen of vivid leaves that will be a welcoming addition to your little home jungle. When I spotted it for the first time, I just knew – I have to have it!
Just like another Aglaonema – Aglaonema Pictum Tricolor.
Here are some other Aglaonema varieties, check them out.
I had some concerns at first about the care routine, but, after having it for a few years already I can safely say as follows. Silver Bay Aglaonema is so easy to care for. It’s like no effort plant. This is why it’s great for all those who are just starting to grow plants on their own. And, to prove how easy this all is, let’s start with…

Soil Requirements for Aglaonema Silver Bay
The simplicity of caring for our Silver Bay begins with the soil choice.
Literally, no stressing and fussing over this is needed.
As is the case with most aglaonemas, they prefer soils with good drainage properties.
Namely, aglaonemas, Silver Bay included, are prone to root rot when exposed to too much water.
This is why you should never let them sit in water.
As you guess, this is where the soil type kicks in.
Choose soil that quickly lets the extra water out and keeps only enough for the SB to take it in.
You can always try some of the commercial mixes, such as orchid mix based on the bark.
On the other hand, if you are a sucker for DIY projects, you can make your own mix using peat-based potting soil enriched with perlite.
Such a mixture will provide just the right condition water drainage wise for your Silver bay.
In any case, note that Aglaonema Silver Bay thrives in soils rich with nitrogen so make sure to give it plenty of it.
Finally, regarding the pH value of the soil (if you must know), go for the mildly acidic soils. These will be the best for ASB. If you aren’t sure where in the range the acidic soils are, then, know that it’s pH 5.6 – 6.5 we are discussing here.
So, to sum up, nitrogen-rich, well-draining soil is the best soil type to grow Aglaonema Silver Bay in.
Light Requirements

Do you wanna hear another great thing about Aglaonema Silver Bay?
You do?
Well, here it comes.
Aglaonema SB is known for its quality of tolerating low light conditions.
No, wait!
Let me put it like this.
A. Silver Bay is a plant that is best kept at low light. It does not require too much bright sun so, dimmed light without direct exposure is the best growing condition.
This makes Silver Bay an excellent choice for all those rooms without windows.
Like I said, lacking direct exposure will not affect Aglaonema Silver Bay at all.
Instead, this is the preferred growing condition.
Moreover, the rooms with fluorescent lights are also a good setting for Aglaonema Silver B.
If, however, your rooms are bright and airy, you can make the perfect setting for the ASB by imitating the conditions from its natural habitat.
Namely, in nature, this plant is typically found under taller plants so is fully sheltered from direct sun exposure.
You can mimic this situation at your home by placing Aglaonema Silver Bay under the tall plants you have at home.
Clustering your plants like this is both aesthetically pleasing and is also highly functional.
Watering Schedule for Aglaonema Silver Bay
Ok, here’s the first thing you can really mess up with ASB!
The watering schedule is rather important here since one apparently small mistake can cost you a lot.
When I say that Aglaonema Silver Bay likes well-draining soil this actually meant that it prefers low watering conditions.
Still, I’m not saying you can and should leave it without water for days.
That’s not good either.
Instead, maintain a regular watering schedule and water it when 2-3 top inches of soil are dry.
When you water it and notice there is excess water in the tray, pour this out.
I wouldn’t take any chances if I were you.
Root rot is a serious problem and the quickest way to kill your plant. Of course, root rot happens due to too much moisture/water in the soil.
On the other hand, you should also avoid leaving it to dry out completely, especially not over longer periods.
That will cause all sorts of other problems that can have serious consequences.
Practically, check your Aglaonema Silver Bay every 2-3 days to see what’s going on.
Of course, in wintertime, you can reduce watering to a minimum. In the dormant stage, this plant won’t need much water. Accordingly, watering once a week will be just fine.
Temperature and Humidity Requirements
Yeah, this duo now.
I believe you do understand why these always come together.
However, just to make things a bit more clear, let me go one by one.
Temperature Requirements
Let me say it loud and clear – Aglaonema Silver Bay is not keen on the cold.
You need to make sure that the temperature where you keep your ASB is anywhere in between 65°F and 80°F (18°C to 26°C).
This is the optimum temperature range if you want your lovely shrub to thrive.
Everything below or above this range, especially if it is long-term exposure, will just stress the plant unnecessarily resulting in a long recovery process.
Moreover, whatever you do, make sure that the temperature where you keep Aglaonema Silver Bay doesn’t get below 60°F (15°C).
This would be the quickest way to kill it.
The reason is simple – this plant is native to subtropical and tropical regions of New Guinea and Asia.
So, stay within the range!
Humidity Requirements
I cannot stress enough how crucial this condition is.
Namely, I mentioned the regions where you can find this silver beauty in nature.
So, how do you imagine these regions?
High temp. and high humidity or high temperature and dry air?
Hmm, think twice!
This plant is naturally found in high humidity settings, so you need to make sure that you give it as near conditions as possible.
Dry conditions are not tolerated, so the more humidity the better.
Now, if you do live in a drier climate, you can mist or spray the plant occasionally so as to increase the humidity levels.
This is great for another reason.
Namely, A. Silver Bay can retain water in its leaves for a while. This is great both functionally and visually.
Functionally, you get a moisture-rich, healthy leaf, and visually the plant looks lush and beautiful.
Humidifiers are also an option, of course.
Specifically, you also need to pay attention to move Aglaonema Silver Bay away from the draft and vents (air-conditioning included). This will additionally dry out the leaves which will affect the overall plant health.
Fertilizing Requirements
To be perfectly honest with you here, there comes a time when no matter what you do, you will have to boost your plants just a little bit.
This is quite normal.
Personally, I don’t like to do it.
But, on the other hand, I don’t want to torture my plants if I see them struggling.
Accordingly, a little fertilizer will be a welcoming addition to the care routine.
Of course, you already know that the fertilizer should be added only during the active growth season.
If you aren’t sure when this is, it’s during spring and summer, and just a little bit in the autumn.
As for the proper fertilizer choice, I’d strongly recommend a liquid one, specifically designed for houseplants.
Dilute it as instructed on the package and use it on Aglaonema Silver bay to promote its growth or help it recover after a challenging period.
Naturally, try not to overdo it with the fertilizer. Too much of it will just give you an additional headache.
Pruning Aglaonema Silver Bay
Here’s yet another reason to prove Aglaonema Silver is a rather easy plant to care about!
Pruning, what pruning?
What is that?
Now, seriously, you don’t have to stress over this one.
The only instance when you might have to prune Aglaonema Silver Bay is when you notice some of its leaves are drying and dying.
This typically happens with its bottom leaves that are known for getting a yellow texture eventually leading to death.
These are the leaves you need to prune so they don’t affect the others.
When you prune, make sure to use clean tools.
If the tools are infected, they could pass the infection on to the part of the leaf that remains on the stem which would endanger the plant overall.
So, disinfect the tools just in case!
Repotting Aglaonema Silver Bay

Repotting is an important step in every plant care routine for practical reasons.
Obviously, as the stem and leaves grow, the root network grows as well.
Once the roots reach the sides and the bottom of the pot, that’s your cue.
But, how can you know that this has happened?
Well, this is how!
ASB is a slow grower whose growth you can control by the pot that you plant it in.
If you plant it in a smaller pot, the root system will develop up to a certain point and then the growth will be directed to the stem and leaves.
In an intermediate pot, you can expect the leaves some 10-12 in. long (30 cm) and 4 in. wide (10 cm).
Still, whichever pot that you opt for, every or every other year you should repot A. Silver.
In this way, you will provide the continuity of nutrition since during this 1 or 2-year period Silver bay will have consumed the nutrients from the previous soil.
Of course, each repotting means one size up with pots.
This is how you provide more space for the roots to grow and consume nutrition, maintaining the visible part of the plant nice and healthy.
There is another reason why repotting might be a good idea, and that is the visual aspect.
Yes, I am referring to the pots!
This is the time when you can choose a new pot color or material that blends with the environment, or that gives contrast.
That, of course, depends on what you want to achieve.
Whichever the case, I’d strongly advise that you go for a pot with a tray so you can drain the excess water easily since we’re talking about a root rot-sensitive plant.
Propagating Aglaonema Silver Bay
Propagating Aglaonema Silver Bay from Stem Cuttings
Propagation from stem cuttings is the most common way to reproduce Aglaonema Silver Bay.
Besides being the most common, it is also the most efficient.
The procedure is quite simple and is ideal for all of you beginners out there with not quite yet a green thumb.
What you need to do is locate new offshoots that have a minimum of 5 leaves to be developed.
The next step is to place (i.e. plant) the cutting in the coco-peat mic and to keep it at the proper propagating conditions.
Long story short, such conditions include room temperature and indirect sunlight.
With these ideal conditions, you can expect the cutting to develop a new offshoot in some 24 – 45 days.
I know it seems like an eternity, but it will be worth your while!
Propagating ASB from Seeds
Here’s another way to propagate Aglaonema Silver Bay.
What’s it gonna take is seeds from ASB’s flower (yeah, it flowers).
Soak the seeds in acidic water before actual propagation.
And, for the propagation itself, you will need germination soil or coco-peat.
Sprinkle the seeds on top of the soil and cover them with a thin layer of soil.
Again, the ideal propagation setting is indirect sun and room temperature.
Note that the procedure is way slower here since the first results will be visible after 45 to 60 days.
Not great, not terrible.
Propagating ASB from Tissue

Yeah, try it!
But, you need to be very, very, very careful with this one.
Namely, here you need to separate a plant part from the parent plant by the roots.
After this, plant the separated plant in a brand new container.
Again, keep it in partial sunlight.
Finally, in some 5 to 10 days this new plant should be developing its own roots.
Common Problems in ASB Care Routine

Honestly, you can’t avoid these.
Eventually, some issue will appear with your Aglaonema Silver Bay no matter what you do.
Typically, we are talking about two lines of issues.
The first one is related to poor/inadequate care routine and the second one is related to the common pests.
Let’s go one by one.
Care Issues
The biggest issue you will face here is separate types of root rot.
I will not go into details with technical terms and names, I will go directly to the solution.
Namely, the main reason for root rot with Aglaonema Silver Bay is too much water.
This is why I cannot stress enough the importance of a proper watering schedule as described in the relevant section.
Besides root rotting, excessive moisture can also lead to a fungus infection that is just another unnecessary headache.
There are also issues with inadequate light, such as too strong a light.
Too low a light will not be a problem, but direct exposure can be detrimental seeing how it can scorch and burn the leaves (yeah, pruning would be your next step).
Sometimes, these just seem unavoidable.
And, pests indeed they are.
The most common pests that you could find on your Aglaonema are aphids, spider mites, mealybugs and scales.
Beware of these especially during the propagation stage cause you don’t need them endangering your fragile plant all the more.
If you notice these on your plant, you can get rid of them with soaps or other pesticides.
If the infection is severe, I must warn you that you must not use higher concentrations of insecticide thinking it will solve the problem faster.
Instead, dilute and use as instructed since higher concentrations can affect the plant too.
And, we’ve reached the last chapter.
Aglaonemas are appealing plants and we all want to have them.
Still, we keep having some unresolved issues and questions regarding these so let me try to give you the answers to resolve your doubts once and for all.
Let’s go.
1. Is Aglaonema Silver Bay rare?
Actually, no.
I see why you must think so, but our beauty Silver Bay doesn’t fall under the rare category.
I am certain your friends have it (so you can propagate it) or that you can find it in the nearby florist shop.
2. Is Aglaonema Silver Bay toxic?
Yeah, you should look out for this one.
Just in case, use gloves when handling ASB since it can cause skin irritation.
Moreover, keep it away from your pets!
It is toxic to cats and dogs and some of the poisoning symptoms are fatigue, diarrhoea, and disorientation
3. Can I propagate Silver Bay?
Yes, you can indeed!
Moreover, I told you how so you don’t have to bang your head against a wall thinking how to get more SB in your home.
Just go back a few paragraphs and this is it.
4. Does Aglaonema Silver Bay need bright light?
No. Indirect, shaded, low light is what you need to go for.
Direct exposure is the second major issue here so whatever you do, keep it in low light.
5. Is Aglaonema Silver Bay variegated?
Actually, no. It merely has these beautiful silver leaves that look magnificent.
There are variegated forms of it, but Aglaonema Silver Bay is not variegated per se.
So, my dearest ones, you have just read the ultimate tips and tricks on how to grow another beautiful Aglaonema in your home – Aglaonema Silver Bay.
This beauty will be a great addition to your indoor tropical jungle that will give you the Asian jungle vibe any time of the day.
And, I am sure that with tips and tricks you will raise a true beauty!
See ya!