Hoya Serpens Care – Top Tips for Growing Hoya Serpens in 2022

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Hoya Serpens is one of the plants belonging to a Hoya genus. This exotic plant is also known as wax-flower among gardeners and is considered to be one of the most special species in this family. With its mesmerizing leaves that look like perfect circles and charming flowers of a pale green color, it will give life to every garden. Hoya Serpens is an original plant that has a really pleasant fragrance and blooms throughout the whole year.

Hoya Serpens Care Guide: Hoya Serpens is a plant that originates from the Hoya genus. With its amazing leaves that imitate circles and charming green flowers, Hoya Serpens is a real beauty that will add life to every garden. They should be carefully watered every two to three days. Hoya Serpens needs well-drained soil and medium temperatures in order to bloom, like most plants. It also needs to be exposed to a lot of light in order to survive, but you should never expose it to direct sunlight. Problems that affect Hoya Serpens are regular for all plants, so be prepared to deal with mold, aphids, and mealybugs.

You decided you want Hoya Serpens to enrich your garden? These are some of the information you will need in order to keep your plant healthy, thriving, and blooming:

  1. Genus of Hoya
  2. Looks of Hoya Serpens
  3. Soil requirements
  4. Watering
  5. Lighting
  6. Temperature
  7. Humidity
  8. Fertilization
  9. Propagating
  10. Repotting
  11. Common problems
  12. Frequently asked questions

Hoya Genus

The genus of Hoya gathers more than 200 different species of tropical plants, which are also often called wax-flower plants. Some of the most commonly known species are:

This genus originates from the Himalayan regions and is native to countries like India, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and can also be found in some regions of Australia.

Hoyas are evergreen plants which means that their foliage stays green throughout the whole year. This is the reason why they are one of the favorite plants among gardeners.

They are known as plants that tend to grow epiphytically on trees, but some of the species can also grow on the ground. A few species of Hoya can also develop in rocky areas.

Hoyas need to be grown in well-drained soil and need a lot of filtered light in order to bloom.

You can grow them as houseplants in your little garden or grow them in hanging baskets.

Looks of Hoya Serpens

looks of hoya serpens

Hoya Serpens is probably the most popular species of the Hoya genus among gardeners.

It is easily recognized by its almost perfectly round leaves and pale green flowers that exude a beautiful scent.

The flowers of Hoya Serpens are recognizable by their lime and pale green color. They also have a small white crown inside. During the growing season, they also bloom little pink flowers, which makes this plant even more charming.

Hoya Serpens is a plant that you can also easily recognize by its sweet fragrance. This scent gets a lot stronger during the summer when almost all of the flowers are fully open.

Their mesmerizing flowers and foliage will for sure make every garden nook look charming and lively, giving the surroundings a bit of color.

Soil Requirements for Hoya Serpens Care

All plants from the family of Genus need well-drained and rough soil.

Its soil should consist of some organic matter, and if you want to make sure your plant is thriving, you should add some peat soil mix that will feed the soil.

Perlite can also be a good addition to your soil, and I would recommend preparing the soil which will have both some peat and some perlite.

The roots of Hoya Serpens require enough air to grow well and preparing the soil that will include organic components like these will create an airy environment.

This plant prefers a soil that is slightly acidic, therefore the ideal pH balance for it is usually somewhere between 6.0 and 7.0.

Watering Hoya Serpens

As we already mentioned, Hoya Serpens originates from the Himalayan regions, therefore it has regular watering needs.

Hoya Serpens is a plant that is grown in an adequate soil, needs only a small amount of water every two days to grow properly.

It is recommended to water it with room-temperature water, especially during spring and summer.

If you prepared adequate soil that doesn’t hold water for too long, you won’t even need to water every part of the plant.

If you added a lot of peat or perlite to your potting mix, the soil might be holding on to more water than needed. This can cause a problem and seriously affect your plants’ roots, causing them to rot.

However, if you check your soil on a daily basis, you can prevent serious problems.

You can do it simply by putting your finger in the soil to inspect the dryness, but you can also use some of the soil moisture meters like this one.


Hoya Serpens usually grows between the trees and treetops and is used to getting a lot of diffused light.

If you want your plant to thrive, you have to imitate its natural habitat. In this case, it’s providing your Hoya Serpens with a lot of indirect and filtered sunlight.

To make sure your plant will be blooming place it somewhere with a lot of diffused, but bright sunlight.

If you want to grow Hoya Serpens inside your house, you should make sure it is placed near the window that is facing the sun. You can also plant it on your terrace.

Direct sunlight and harsh UV rays can seriously harm your plant, so never expose your Hoya to it. Always keep it somewhere in partial shade.

Sometimes even filtered light can be too harsh for them, so control your plants’ leaves every now and then. If you see some burn marks on them, remove them to a place that gets less sunlight.

Hoya Serpens needs to be exposed to filtered sunlight for at least 4 to 6 hours a day. Anything less than this may obstruct the growth of your plant.

You can also use artificial light with this plant, but I would always recommend exposing it to natural sunlight. It is way healthier for your plant, even if it burns sometimes.


Originating from the Himalayan regions, Hoya Serpens can grow from really cold land. It requires a medium temperature which is pretty easy to maintain everywhere.

Its needs are not extreme and it is recommended to keep it in a place where the temperature is anywhere between 55 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit or 13 to 27 Celsius.

hoya serpens temperature

However, if you live in a very cold city or country, maintaining the ideal temperature for your Hoya may be challenging. Temperatures below 50 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 Celsius can harm your plant.

If you really want to grow Hoya Serpens in your garden, or it is the only place where you can grow it, make sure to use heat packs. The other option is to keep it near the heater if you can. But stay careful, too much heat can also be damaging.

Temperature fluctuations can also seriously harm your plant, so make sure it’s not exposed to cold wind or kept outside during these periods of the season.


Plants from the Hoya genus love humidity and Hoya Serpens is also one of them. Unfortunately, it can be quite difficult to maintain adequate humidity levels.

They can survive in places with moderate humidity a bit higher than 60%, but they thrive the best in places with extremely high humidity, up to 100%.

It is essential to maintain adequate humidity because your Hoya will stop growing when the humidity levels get low.

There are many different ways to maintain humidity levels, and probably the easiest one is to purchase a plant humidifier. Humidifiers like this one are very easy to use and will keep your plant healthy and blooming.

If buying a humidifier is too expensive for you, don’t worry, there are many cheaper ways to solve this problem.

The cheapest way is to keep your plant covered with a plastic bag. You should check up on your plant daily to make sure it gets enough air and water it regularly.

You can also try misting your plant as often as it is needed in order to make your soil humid enough.

Even though Hoya Serpens needs high humidity, don’t forget that an overly wet environment can make your plant rot.

Fertilizing Hoya Serpens

Hoya Serpens is a plant that doesn’t require fertilizers in order to grow properly, but it won’t mind getting some macronutrients from time to time.

You should find a high-quality fertilizer that you can also use on your other plants.

It is recommended to choose an organic fertilizer or a fertilizer that has a really high concentration of phosphorus. The presence of phosphorus will make your plants’ flowers grow faster and make their color more vivid.

These fertilizers should not be used more than 2 times a month because Hoya Serpens doesn’t have big feeding needs.

You can also opt for a liquid fertilizer which should be used only once a week.

Slow-release fertilizers are also a good option and they should be used at the beginning of spring and winter. Be careful with them, because they need to be applied to humid soil in order to absorb.

Always be careful while fertilizing your Hoya Serpens because it is easy to overfeed it, which can poison your plant.

Hoya Serpens Propagation

Hoya Serpens can be easily propagated, especially if you are an experienced gardener. Spring and summer are the seasons recommended for propagating.

hoya serpens propagation

Before you starting propagating Hoya make sure you have:

  • Sterilized gardening equipment
  • Protective clothing
  • An adequate potting mix
  • Growth powder
  • Water

Hoya Serpens should be propagated with its stems, and these are some of the steps you should be following to make sure your process is successful.

Prepare all of the equipment mentioned in the previous paragraph. Make sure all of your equipment is perfectly sterilized.

This is the first but also the most important step. If there are any germs or bacteria on your equipment, your plant will get contaminated.

Make sure your potting mix has all of the nutritive ingredients. You can also include some perlite or peat moss if you haven’t already.

Choose the stem you will cut. Make sure it is healthy and that the plant has already started blooming.

Cut Hoya’s stem and remove leaves off of it.

Put some growth hormone mixture on our stem for a little while. This will promote the growth of Hoya’s roots.

After the stem has absorbed the growth hormone, put it in the potting mix.

If needed, add some water to the mix.

Place your pot or container so that is exposed to bright diffused light and make sure you water it regularly. Take care of it as much as you take care of the mother plant.

Tip: do not water the mix too often. Over-watering can make the roots rot.

The plant should start growing in about three weeks.

You should know that Hoya Serpens grows very fast, especially during the summer.


Hoya Serpens is a specific plant since it can grow on other plants too. This is connected to its Himalayan origins and the fact that it usually grows in the woods, among many different plants.

As we already mentioned, they are also epiphytic and are also bound to their roots which makes it a plant that doesn’t need to be repotted often.

No one can tell you when are the right time to repot your Hoya Serpens because it mainly depends on the environment it is grown in, organic matters, and fertilizers that you use to take care of them.

However, most gardeners suggest repotting them every two years. If you find it necessary, you can repot your plant once or maybe twice a year.

They need enough air and prefer having soil that is a bit dry, so it is recommended to use terracotta pots when repotting them.

Terracotta pots allow excess water to get out of the soil and allow the plant’s roots to breathe.

We know this plant is really beautiful and most people choose it to enrich their garden so you can put them in decorative, colorful pots but make sure to control the soil every now and then.

Common Problems of Hoya Serpens Care

Common Problems of Hoya Serpens Care

Hoya Serpens is resistant to many problems that affect regular plants because they originate from regions with hard living conditions. Some of the common problems that affect all plants from the genus of Hoya are mealybugs, pests and mold.

1. Mealybugs

Mealybugs are a problem that affects all plants, no matter what their living conditions are.

You can recognize them by white or grayish wax, and they are usually found under the leaves.

Sometimes they can attack the roots too, especially if the soil is overwatered.

If you recognize bugs attacking your Hoya Serpens, make sure to shower your plant with harsh water spray which will remove bugs off the plant’s leaves.

After you’ve washed your plant properly, treat every leaf of your plant with insecticidal spray or soap.

They are a common problem in gardening, so you will get rid of them pretty easily.

2. Aphids

Aphids produce honeydew which tends to develop fungus on your plant.

They usually attack Hoyas leaves, but sometimes can affect their flowers too, especially on small flowers with a lot of nectar.

Once the fungus is developed, your plant will slowly start dying out, because the fungus is feeding itself off of it.

You can destroy them using an insecticidal spray, or a gentle insecticidal soap.

3. Mold

Mold or sooty molds is a disease that usually affects plants that have flowers that produce a lot of nectar.

It is manifested as black molds that appear on leaves and flowers. They can be a consequence of aphids, whose honeydew accelerates mold development.

Frequently Asked Questions

What fertilizer should I use for my Hoya Serpens?

Hoya Serpens needs a fertilizer that is either organic or very rich in phosphorus so that it can bloom and thrive. I would suggest using this Dr. Earth Organic Bud & Bloom fertilizer which gives amazing results in a really short period of time.

Why is my Hoya Serpens not blooming?

Hoya Serpens is affected by many things like temperature fluctuations, too much light, or overwatering which can lead to a complete absence of its flowers. To make sure your Hoya will start flowering, always make sure you are taking care of it properly. Small changes can lead to big changes in plants’ blooming.

What are Hoya Serpens watering needs?

Hoya Serpens is a species that doesn’t require too much water to survive. You should water them every 2 to 3 days with room-temperature water. During spring and summer their soil can dry out a lot, so make sure you take extra care of them during these seasons, so your Hoya will get enough water.

Does Hoya Serpens like coffee grounds?

There is a large number of plants in the Hoya genus and some of them need really acidic soil, where coffee can be of great help. Hoya Serpens enjoys slightly acidic soil which means you can add some coffee to it, but you should be very careful.

When does Hoya Serpens bloom?

Hoya Serpens blooms during the spring and summer. Its flowers are small but very charming, enriched with a wonderful pale green color. If you are looking for a plant that will add some color to your little garden, Hoya Serpens is definitely the right choice.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, Hoya Serpens is a plant known for its adorning beauty that gives a special charm to every single garden. It is very easy to take care of, which makes her a favorite among gardeners.

If you are looking for a plant that does not need a lot of care and attention but still bloom beautifully, I believe Hoya Serpens is the right choice for you.

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