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Gardening is both an art and science, encompassing plant cultivation, and ideal methods of nurturing their growth and development.
Sounds like a fantastic endeavor to take up as a hobby, right?
In this inescapable world of progress and innovation, this industry takes the cake and for a good reason.
Hydroponics systems are a mainstay in today’s modern indoor gardening systems–they allow for efficient gardening with a lot more ease and less space compared to conventional methods.
One of the most important parts of the modern gardener’s kit is the trusty hydroponics pump. With everything said so far, let’s dive in!
For those short with time, jump right ahead to:
What is an air pump

The essentials of hydroponics
The four key ingredients to your desired garden are air, sunlight, nutrients, and water.
Within traditional agriculture, the matter concerning plant oxygen intake usually presents no issue. Small fissures scatter throughout the soil and provide the plants with sufficient amounts of oxygen yet, with indoor controlled gardening, the submerged plants require, more often than not with a good quality air stone, these products provide oxygen to prevent the ecosystem from drowning within a nutrient solution.
Where are these pumps most commonly used?
The underlying goal of using hydroponics-oriented (or even those made for aquariums) air pumps is to deliver air into a designated reservoir, which will house the nutritional mixture. During that process, air stones inside the hydro tub convert the pumped air into bubbles that deliver the oxygen to the plants.
This way the nutrient solution is easy to absorb by the plants, thus ensuring the survival and flourishing of the plants.
You might wonder, why would a plant need this? Water already has oxygen in it, so why would dissolving the oxygen be a requirement?
The oxygen atoms that makeup water molecules chemically bound to those hydrogen atoms and are therefore unavailable to plants.
The fundamental idea behind hydroponic gardening revolves around placing plant roots submerged underwater from where the essential nutrients will be delivered.
Aeration of the plants
In case the water has no oxygen left, it will become stagnant, which will lead to the potential drowning of the plants and their death. Aerating the air is a top priority at all times.
This is where a hydroponic air pump comes into play. By delivering dissolved oxygen into the water, they prevent the growth of algae and different diseases that can affect your plants.
Thanks to this device, all the necessary needs of the roots (from nourishment to oxygen) are satisfied accordingly.
But that is not all! These products do a stellar job of keeping the temperature of the ecosystem consistent and almost identical to the one present in the room it is placed in.
Water pumps that are most commonly used in hydroponics usually comprise a submersible fountain and pond pumps that are widely available in a wide range of stores.
The role of an air pump extends far beyond merely preserving the life of the plants in question. It plays a vital role in absorbing hydroponic nutrients.
Some hydroponic systems, such as the deepwater culture (DWC) offer a novel approach to cultivating plants so the right choice falls upon what suits your needs the most.
With a setup air pump, air stones, and an air-line to a connection of both the air stones to the air pump you are ready to get down to working on your garden.
Do you need it for your hydroponic system

An interesting outlook towards the entirety of hydroponics is that the entirety of indoor production, with all of its benefits, is as available to you as it is to the International Space Station.
The future of this method grows brighter each year as the exclusion of pesticide usage, higher productivity, and shrinking the entire area that agricultural land uses leads to having this method available virtually anywhere!
The perfect system for a beginner
The learning curve can be steep for the duration of the learning period. It is for this reason alone that many gardeners take up hydroponics progressively, from simple to complicated systems.
It can be harsh for beginners to determine to optimize their hydroponic gardens when they are just starting out, so picking a less sophisticated system is highly advisable (more on that later on).
The variety of different methods places air pumps as either obligatory or facultative.
An example of an obligatory method would be the deep water culture. This option uses air pumps because roots are submerged in the water and they receive dissolved oxygen from the nutrient-rich water.
The relationships between oxygen and temperature
Oxygen levels are inversely proportional to temperature. At 20 degrees celsius, oxygen is around 10 ppm.
If the water gets heated because of sunlight or tropical climate, it reduces the level of oxygen availability in the water.
It plays a crucial role in sending hydroponic nutrients from the reservoir into the growth tray or flood table.
The pumpless method of hydroponic gardening
Optional usage of air pumps is also possible within methods such as the Kratky passive hydroponic technique for growing plants suspended above a reservoir of nutrient-rich water.
Because the essential attribute of this technique is the absence of circulation, it needs no additional inputs of water or nutrients after the original application, and no electricity, pumps, or water and oxygen it requires circulation systems.
If you opt for a pumpless method, it will usually work by lowering down the water level in the tank and making an air gap, allowing the plants to develop air roots that will absorb oxygen from the surrounding air in the created air gap, and the rest of the submerged roots will be used for the nutrient and water uptake.
Buying Guide

A wide variety of pumps are available to you, but the real question is “How can I choose the right one?”
Foremost, you have the option to choose pumps specifically designed for hydroponics while the alternatives might be designed to serve their role in aquariums, yet they all do the same thing most of the time.
So, how do we differentiate between pumps when the basic functionality, providing oxygen, remains the core essential?
Air pump attributes:
Every pump has a set of specifications that set it apart from the rest. They can be classified by the following:
- Energy usage
- Size
- Ease of use
- Weight
- Durability
- Gallons-per-hour
- Head Height
- Energy usage
- Waterproof
- Noise
- Air stones
- Airline tubing
- Maximum water depth
- Air volume
- Pressure
- Manufacturer’s warranty
Pump types
The type of pump you will want to get largely depends on the conditions of the system and the environment and can be classified into the following:
- sump
- air-centered
- peristaltic
- submersion-capable
- Inline model pumps
Gallons-per hour (more commonly referred to as GPH)
A general rule among gardeners when choosing the ideal pump for your garden is to calculate the gallons-per-hour (GPH). This capacity will be crucial in choosing the right pump.
GPH represents the flow rate within the units that remain contained within that flow rate. Some of them have “liters” per hour inscribed on them for easier calculations.
If, for example, your chosen product would operate within 300-500 GPH, it might mean that the devices with a dual sized adapter (two separate ones) that operate on both power levels.
Smaller ones will often a minimized GPH in a power comparison with their larger counterparts that will often give a much higher max GPH (which is why the size of the pump an important indicator of power).
An accurate formula for determining the ratio would be :
(T x 2)
The representation gives off the information of gallons you have per hour, multiplied by the number of towers times two.
The higher a pump needs to pump the water up, it will assert more pressure on itself from the weight of gravity and water.
Head Height (HH)
The “Maximum HH” is often used to describe a precise point from which back pressure (BP) exerted overreaches the capacity an individual pump can release.
What this means is that, if your device is operating within a specific height (let’s say 7-8 feet), the backpressure of equal value is given out on the device itself which will have to be overpowered before a steady flow of water is made available.
That is why, during the process of selecting an ideal product, placing a model that possesses an above-average HH is ideal (the higher the better, as it encompasses an abundant psi rating.
In case size becomes an issue, the ideal answer that would apply to most situations is to get a pump that would be slightly bigger than the calculated requirements for the designated system since the output can always be reduced while the maximum output will be limited to the product’s capacity.
When contemplating what choice to make before purchase, your primary concern ought to be the system you wish to employ, what kind of attributes are you looking for in your pump, and how easy it is to set up and maintain?
A rule of thumb regarding power measurement is around 500-600cc, which provides an ideal option for most users.
This segment of the requirements is handled rather easily, as many options you might stumble upon have the necessary or higher characteristics.
An important factor that can be essential for your choice is the system you plan to employ. As you can expect, certain pumps are designed for optimal performance in certain growing systems while others might present a detrimental barrier to success within the boundaries of an inadequate hydroponic technique.
Let’s take a look at one of the most common hydroponic systems you can come across:
Hydroponic systems

Differentiating different classifications from one another
First and foremost, these systems fall into two distinctive categories: they can be either passive (where the liquid is re-used, often employed in basic methods of growing) or active (the liquid is subsequently subjected to change, more often employed in advanced commercial usage).
Active represents a system where the nutrient solution will be subjected to movement inside the tank while the passive counterparts are reliant on a wick or anchor for the growing media.
When getting a pump for yourself, especially pumps that will be working non-stop, maintenance and cleaning will be an integral part of their upkeep.
The composition: what constitutes an operational air pump
Despite all the fancy additions and capabilities of each individual product, the core of these items lies within electromagnets. The main body encases a coil that will be the main driving force, supported by impeller shafts that have a magnet itself.
As hydroponic pumps have mostly consisted of rather simple parts pieces, engaging in the maintenance process is likewise an easy endeavor, especially once it becomes a regular activity.
The parts can be disassembled and assembled with ease while the cleaning process can be done with a sponge, brush, or dish soap, preferably after every nutrient solution change.
Choosing a stagnant or active option for the desired ecosystem
Another exclusive discerning feature present within this area is the differentiation between recovery (RC) and non-recovery (NRC) options.
The main benefit of RC lies in its simplicity and lesser costs; the reusable fluids that were applied to one ecosystem can be transferred to another one.
The NRC places focus on using the solution of nutrients to their fullest extent, salvaging nothing due to the prioritization of growth of the product over the resources.
The type of pump you take will depend on the system immensely, hence they can be classified into 6 groups:
The Wick System
General info:
The original method, also the easiest and most basic system that is ideal for beginners.
This system holds the top place among options that are a breeze to maintain, it’s base function revolving around the circulation of necessary fluids that are housed within a holding unit to the designated plants.
This passive method is great for fast-growing options such as lettuce or herbs. The absence of both moving parts and the reliance on air pumps to function provides a marvelous choice for the average hydroponics enthusiast.
Even if it does not require electricity or an air pump, the inclusion of an aeration system greatly enhances its potency.
- Easy to set-up and affordable
- No complex mechanisms whatsoever
- Recirculation allows this method to be water-efficient
- Basic components include: one net pot, a holding unit (can be as simple as a mere bucket), and a pump (optional, often left out in the more basic set-up)
- It is not a good option for water-hungry plants
- Nutrient delivery is sub-par in comparison to other systems
- Functionality remains optimal as long as the grower’s production is within boundaries–small scale plant growing recommended
- A limited selection of plants flourish under this system
- Prone to toxic nutrient build-up within the growing media
Deep Water Culture (DWC)
General info:
The next step from the Wick system is the DWC. It falls into the “simple” category of hydroponics systems due to its relative ease of use and installation, which makes it great for beginners.
Plants that develop this way will be positioned in a soft holding placement, alongside a medium that will allow them to expand.
The core functionality behind this option lies behind providing the roots with a direct and stable supply of everything they need while the plants themselves are suspended above.
This system is regarded as the “purest” type of hydroponics, with gratifying results to back up the effort.
The air pump that is most commonly used in this kind of hydroponic system is similar to those found in aquariums, as a strength from 200 to 240 gallons-per-hour would accommodate most system types of this kind.
This is also the only system where an air pump is mandatory for it to function, where the alternative options utilize the airflow through which oxygen reaches the plant’s roots without the implementation of an air pump.
- Cheap and easy to set-up
- Water-saving
- Arguably one of the quickest growth methods
- Timesaving
- Root clogs
- Leaks
- Unsuitable for plants with a long growth time
- Not designed for growing big plants (although it can accommodate bigger plants than the Wick system)
- Pump daily maintenance is recommended (if it is installed)
Ebb and Flow System (EFS)
General info:
An elementary form of EFS includes all the basic components present from many other alternatives while including additional equipment to supplement precise functionality.
With a holding unit responsible for upholding both the plants and their medium of development, the fluid containers and air-providing systems can do their job without much intervention of the user.
This process is controlled by the settings of the timer, drastically lowering the possibility of the system failing due to human error in quantity or timing of nutrient delivery.
Desired liquid content levels are constant thanks to the integration of tubes that fill the role of an overflowing mechanism, ensuring quick emptying time for used liquids. The charm of this system lies in its ability to versatility and variety of plants that can be grown within it.
Determining the right pump
Determining the correct pump for this system can be tricky and, in most cases, this stage can be simplified by answering two questions:
1. How much water do I plan to use and will I want to increase the desired amount later on?
2. The HH value
The first necessary amount for the first necessity can be determined by simply filling the container with the desired water level while also keeping track of the number of gallons used if it is not already written on the container.
In the case of multiple growing chambers, multiplying the number of growing chambers by the water volume that was already tested will give off the required amount.
The second part is determined based on the correct measures for the water volume of the pump.
After doing all of the measurements, there should not be much of an issue in picking out the desired models.
- An unparalleled option for water-demanding plants
- Easy construction and maintenance
- A variety of growing medium can be applied
- Since this is a method that allows its users to freely salvage used up resources, instability in the liquid content is rather common.
- This system is somewhat susceptible to algae.
- It is almost imperative to possess an active power supply and an adequately powerful pump throughout the process.
- It requires some experience to maintain and set up the timer
- The amount of plant media is quite high
- Equipment failure can occur sometimes, causing root dryness
Nutrient Film Technique (N.F.T.)
General info:
While all hydroponic methods offer a differentiated approach towards growing plants, the NFT stands separately due to the unique characteristic of employing a constantly flowing stream of liquid to provide nutrients to the plants.
The system demands a strong and sturdy pump that will keep up with the dynamic setting of the system.
Pump strength requirements
The strength of the pump could be ideal to go from 700 gallons-per-hour (which would be a noisy option in most cases) to more silent but less powerful pumps with the power of about 320-400 GPH.
NFT methodology and variety represent a wide area that newcomers can adapt to their liking as long as one condition is fulfilled: a constant flow of water. Once that is assured, the entire process can seem like a breeze.
The importance of free flow and depth of the water
It cannot be stressed enough how much the reliability of this method hinges on the placement of pipes. Everything, from the speed of flow to the overall functionality of the entire ecosystem, will play out according to the aforementioned.
This, in most cases, is not a very deep-demanding choice, so even a mediocre amount of pumping power will be sufficient.
The most important quality regarding the speed of flow is more reliant on avoiding stagnancy then ensuring rapid, non stop circulation as stagnant fluid, which deprives the ecosystem of its essential materials rather quickly in this system, cause the most harm to the plants while even a slow flow will ensure their steady growth.
The momentum of the mechanism and its maximum extent represent two crucial factors in determining the GPH that will be pumped.
The velocity of the re-introduction of liquid is about ½ gallon and can be done within a designated timeframe (timed at the desired time) and thus can amount to an impressive quantity of water that will be reused.
- Easily maintained and set-up
- Easily maintained and set-up
- Lessened requirements for aeration due to the constant influx of liquid
- Nutrient solution recycling allows for significant water-saving
- There is no need for a growing medium for this system to function
- The air pump will have to keep on running 24/7, alongside available electricity
- Little room for error – the roots might dry very quickly in case of an air pump malfunction or power outage
- Functions optimally when the choice of plants is limited to smaller, faster-growing options.
Drip irrigation
General info:
An intermediate option, the beauty of hydroponic flexibility is exemplified in its diversity, and this method is a perfect example of that principle.
The discernable feature the drip system employs is contained within small emitters and tubes that drip nutrient-rich water onto your plants constantly, continuously flowing in this system while also having the option of non-recirculation.
A submersible air pump that can provide from 120 to 300 gallons per minute will go a long way for this option.
While picking a pump for a system as diverse and variable as the drip system it comes as a light breeze knowing that the same principle of water volume and might apply to the selection process.
Deciding the GPH tends to be more tedious yet also not as important as with other hydroponic systems because the drip system incorporates a gentle soaking of the plants which can be adjusted to last from 5 minutes, hours or 24/7 with adjustable volumes that deliver the water in appropriate quantities with the help of a timer.
Water pressure will remain a key factor in the process of consideration of the right pump. The higher the intended amount of plants and dripper devices, the water pressure will need to be higher.
- More control is given to the operator
- The system can be modified to suit the grower’s needs
- Lesser chance of equipment failure
- Lesser maintenance in the non-circulating variable
- The recirculating option requires pH and nutrient level maintenance
- The emitters and pipes and susceptible to clogging
- Care must be taken in measuring the correct amount of liquid distributed to the plant
Aeroponic system
General info:
An innovative approach, favored by seasoned growers, focuses on efficiency which improves on every aspect that the original hydroponics systems were based on.
The usage of water is only 20% compared to the other hydroponics system and the growth speed is visibly increased, making this method a prized jewel for veteran gardeners.
The aforementioned methodology can be divided into two separate categories: The classical – primordial method of providing water to the plants and the method reliant exclusively on pressure.
Levels of pressure
The classical system utilizes higher amounts of pressure ( from 60 to 90 psi in most cases) to achieve its desired effect.
Lower pressure spraying systems are ideal for a few tanks while the higher end of the spectrum is preferred in case of high-end production, similar to industry-levels of modernized agricultural production.
These ways of execution, on the other hand, are characterized by a lack of pumps due to the large number of cycles (switching the device constantly from on to off) would be detrimental to the equipment.
Instead, the abbreviation is conducted by compressing the two-sided storage unit (the purpose of said unit is to store air and necessary liquids which are both needed for operation).
With a pre-determined water alignment, stretching from the storage unit containing the mixture runs to the liquid delivering compartment of the system while the valve system is controlled with a pre-installed solenoid. The opening and closing intervals are set at a specific time that is designated by an installed timing gadget.
The counterpart, consisting of a lowered amount of pressure, usually goes with a standard submersible set of water pumps as the standard equipment set, yet requirements set a specific amount of water pressure to prevent the water trickling out of the sprinkler/mister heads.
Take note that the number of these devices you introduce into the system will accurately determine the pressure that will be required to be exerted to sustain it.
An important bit of information to remember is that the pumps which can be used under the water usually only give out GPH and head height information (and GPH is a measurement that shows the correct amount of volume).
Accessories That Go with the Air Pumps
When getting a dedicated model for yourself, the purchase is often accompanied by a selection of items that complement the desired result–a functioning hydroponic system of choice.
Nutrient solution- The bread and butter of the growing process, the solution of nutrients that will be required for an admirable garden to function will contain the following:
- Calcium
- Potassium
- Chlorine
- Nitrogen
- Iron
- Boron
- Magnesium
- Manganese
- Copper
- Zinc
- Molybdate
- Sulfur
- Phosphorus
These essential macronutrients will be the key elements that will deliver on the promise of high-quality produce after the process of growth reaches its end, although requirements extend far beyond picking the right ingredients.
Measurements of the nutrients, the quality of water, the pH levels, and the temperature all play a vital role, and thus testing the liquid solution in a lab is a good idea before putting it to practical use in the system.
Reservoir–A backbone of every hydroponic system, this piece of equipment is important, and investing a bigger sum of money for a good one is a fantastic idea, so pick the best of the best as it allows for the free circulation of the lifeblood of the hydroponic system–the nutrient solution that allows the plants to grow.
Role of the reservoir
The reservoir is the body that contains the entire system and its functions can be summed up as the following:
- Distribution of liquid to the plants
- Preparation and storage of the nutrient solution
- Oxygenation Of Nutrient Solution
- Maintains equal concentration of the nutrient solution
- Enables monitoring and modification of pH levels of a nutrient solution
- Allows for the temperature to be monitored and maintained
The designated role of a reservoir extends to a lot more than just holding in liquid as it houses the air stone/air diffuser, the air pump, and often a lid that will prevent the outside contaminants to reach the nutrient solution, keeping it pure and of the desired quality regardless of the setting.
Determining the right side of the reservoir is dependant entirely on the scale of the planned system to uphold, so it is not uncommon to take up a slightly bigger reservoir (size can range from 10 to 200+ gallons hydroponic reservoirs).
Temperature regulation
As temperature will definitely play a big role in maintaining ideal growth conditions (too low and the plants might determine that the growing season has ended and will stop growing or if it too high, they will be unable to hold on to oxygen and the growth process will be severely hindered).
The ideal temperature in the reservoir would be between 65-75 degrees Fahrenheit which can be supplemented with a water chiller during summer months and a water heater during the winter months as both of these additions strike a perfect balance that allows for constant temperature in the tank.
Putting emphasis on maintaining the reservoir is always a top priority for ensuring the longevity of the garden. This includes changing the water completely from time to time, monitoring the pH level and PPM or EC daily, and checking if there are any physical changes in the reservoir itself.
Delivery tubes–These components are tasked with delivering liquid to the plants.
Delivery tubes are the medium that sprays the nutrient solution/water upwards to ensure that the necessary minerals go through to reach the plant’s roots in the growing chamber and then go right back to the reservoir.
The recommended material construction for these parts of the system is composed of standard PVC tubing and connectors, as well as irrigation tubes and connectors that are most commonly seen in everyday gardens.
It is also a good idea to employ drip emitters or sprayers as they offer a more controllable dispersion of liquid but are susceptible to clogging.
Air stones and air diffusers – Getting into the business of hydroponic gardening requires more than just raw pump power to deliver the necessary oxygen to the plants, and this is where these two essentials come into play.
To create a livable atmosphere from where a plethora of plants can be nurtured to the fullest extent, diffusing oxygen plays out the role of providing usable air that goes through one of these products to deliver said the air in the form of bubbles that enriches the liquid with an abundant supply of oxygen.
Air stones are produced with porous rocks that have many small holes and can be found in various shapes and sizes.
When the air is pumped into the air stone, the latter absorbs the air and then releases it, ensuring even distribution of air in the form of air bubbles.
The biggest flaws of air stones, however, are that they get used up pretty quickly, and clogging, alongside developing a film build-up is not a rarity, which can seriously affect the performance and growth of the plants in the system.
They are not expensive nor hard to upkeep. On top of that, they are easy to find in most stores (including pet stores).
Air diffusers have the same purpose, yet are a different cadre altogether.
They are often made out of flexible tubes and thus contain a wider range of distributable holes. Their large size allows air diffusers to be bent into many unique shapes.
As the material is more akin to rubber, they give the grower more control of the manufacturing process while also reducing the load that is exerted on air pumps, prolonging their longevity. They are replaced less frequently and offer a substantially longer usage.
Used in conjunction with an air pump, diffusers and/or air stones enable the ecosystem to flourish.
Air manifolds and dividers – As a hydroponic garden grows in complexity and size, it is soon followed up with a need for how to divert the necessary oxygen and nutrient solution into each tank. This problem is most commonly resolved by manifolds and dividers.
Air manifolds give the gardener more control and allow for an adjustable flow of air.
Most manifolds are constructed to allow air stones or air diffusers access to air to ensure an equal airflow to each air stone or diffuser, usually numbering from 4 to 12 or more airways that are adjustable per the user’s needs.
They possess individual barbed valves that control each air outlet with precise design.
It allows the excess air pressure that comes from the air pump to escape to decrease pressure on the diaphragm of the pump, allowing for better performance and stability.
Dividers provide the much-needed space between plants. As the setting and diversity of the garden grow, so does the minimum growth space of each plant demand separation.
Dividers offer the gardener specified places that can accommodate a pre-determined plant with enough room to flourish unhindered.
Grow Lights–A facultative yet often bought choice are the grow lights. They differ from the standard household lights we are all accustomed to because they emit a definite color spectrum that imitates the sunlight plants use for photosynthesis.
Different grow lights are available for different hydroponic systems (depending on the size and the intensity) as they are invaluable if the setting where the plants grow has no or limited access to sunlight.
Product Reviews of 17 Best Air Pumps
1. Uniclife Adjustable 2 outlets oxygen pump UL40

- Dual outlets
- High and low flow speed options
- The guaranteed sound minimum is 25 Db
- Low power consumption
- Compact
- Lightweight
- Adjustable flow rate
- 2 outlets
- Air pressure exertion is 0.016 Mpa
- The voltage of the pump is from 110 -120 V 60 Hz
- The power demands of this model are 4.0 W
What’s the best course of action one can take when faced with standards that demand quality and a reasonable price that will meet the expectations of a demanding hydroponic or aquarium setting whilst still bringing more value to the table?
Choosing the UL40.
This pump has the built quality reserved for high-end air pumps to back up the features it brings to the ecosystem.
The main idea that circulated during the designing process of the pump was to create a near soundless pump that will exceed performance expectations.
The UL40 works excellently in settings up to 100 gallons while still offering reliability and peak performance.
The lightweight frame, combined with the sleek engineering, gives it an edge in terms of overall portability and light power demands in comparison to its performance.
Besides being a high-end pump, especially for its price, its power consumption, size, and weight allow it to possess the best qualities of both high-end and portable air pumps – all in one!
If by any chance a higher amount of oxygen is required this pump has an easily adjustable flow control that caters to changing needs within an ecosystem.
That is far from all you get with this product as it comes pre-packed with additional accessories.
Check valves, connectors, air stones, and an air tube, all you need to set-up the desired ecosystem whilst saving on all the frustrations that would come with a big and clumsy pump.
- Easy to utilize and maintain
- Fantastic performance for small scale settings
- Versatility and adaptability
- Robust construction for such a lightweight and silent air pump
- A great option for when mobility is a necessity
- Affordable
- The included tubing and valves could be better
- This is a light-duty pump that cannot replace a dedicated commercial-class air pump
2. Vivosun 317- 1750 GPH Commercial Air Pump

- Premium built quality and heat dissipation
- Impressive maximum air pressure (0.02mpa)
- Pumps 60 liters of air each minute
- Produces sound just under 60 decibels
- Dual Diaphragm provides a reliable source of oxygenation
- Integral molding of thickened aluminum offers great heat control
- 32W power usage provides an affordable option for long-term work periods
For consumers whose needs extend far beyond the operating ranges of ordinary air pumps, this heavy-duty machine is up for any job.
As this is a rugged pump, constructed for long operations without supervision, the manufacturers spared no expense – it is made out of high-quality aluminum.
This powerhouse can, thanks to its strong electromagnetic motor, withstand a great deal of air pressure whilst delivering a large amount of air over 6 valve outlets that can be adjusted to the user’s preference.
An important detail regarding this air pump is that it is prone to producing large amounts of heat.
As a strong market competitor in terms of raw power, this air pump presents an ideal candidate for whatever purpose you may want your air pump to possess above-average performance and consistency.
While the material of the product itself will not be damaged by the periodic heat produced, it is preferable to separate it from all potentially flammable objects.
The product comes with a set of manifolds and outlet nozzles, both made out of high-grade aluminum and copper, giving the user all the necessary parts and equipment to immediately install and enjoy the benefits this fantastic pump offers.
- A fantastic option for hydroponic gardening, ponds or aquariums, great results in every scenario
- Both rugged and portable
- Comes with additional accessories
- Adjustable power and pressure settings
- Affordable
- Heat generation can be quite high
- Slightly bigger and heavier than the average pump of its class
3. Hydrofarm Active Aqua Air Pump, 4 outlets version

- 6-Watts power consumption
- Weights 3.1-pound
- The maximum decibels of the pump is around 45
- 0.08 maximum amperage
- 4 air output outlets
- Steady airflow and pressure can be easily managed by the artificial rubber
- Works out 15 liters of air per minute
Hailing from one of the oldest and most reputable US-based wholesale companies, this product is a real jack of all trades within the world of air pumps.
The jackpot this air pump absolutely nails down is the true defining characteristic of a universal product: getting each penny’s worth of value.
The pump is equipped with a special multi-level muffler which ensures smooth operation throughout the entire work period of the pump.
For a high volume pump, the level of silence, even on the highest of settings, is very impressive.
The Active Aqua air pump has low power needs on both high and low power modes, boasting impressive specs within an undemanding, lightweight package.
The four separate independent outlets give the user many more options for regulating the airflow.
This option also allows the user to pick the size that best fits the user’s preference. All in all a great option that leaves little room for error.
- Great in all areas
- Can be set up and left to work without supervision
- Sturdy build quality
- Reputable background with a 1-year warranty
- Excellent coverage with 4 outlets
- Impressive amperage (0.08)
- Comes in 4 different sizes
- Compared to heavy-duty air pumps, this model works best within small-scale ecosystem environments
4. Hydrofarm Active Aqua Air Pump, 2 outlets version

- Silent operation at around 40 decibels
- The maximum amperage od this pump is 0.025
- 3-watts power consumption
- 7.8 liter per minute output
- 125 GPH
- As with the previous model, it comes with a 1-year warranty
- Artificial rubber for keeping the desired airflow and pressure under control
- Weighs just 1.4 pounds
While it may seem like the toned-down version of its big brother pump with 4 outlets, this little machine has the spark of a great device in it as well.
Less weight, two times less power consumption, and less sound while still packing quite a punch, this pump is ideal for small aquariums/hydroponic gardens.
The even more affordable option might offer less power yet it still comes with all the features that make its big brother a quality choice for professionals and amateurs alike.
- If a small operating environment is in question, this option is a real bargain
- More portable and even less demanding than the larger counterpart
- Affordable
- Comes in four different sizes
- Compared to its bigger brother model, it subsidizes lower performance for a quieter and less demanding overall quality
- The power limitations make this pump perform poorly in large ecosystems
5. VIVOSUN 332GPH Air Pump 14W 4 Outlet

- 21 liters of air per minute
- Highly adjustable distributors that allow for highly flexible air dispersion options
- Weights about 1.79 kg
- The strength of the air pressure is exactly 0.037MPa, putting it in the above-average category of air pumps
- High heat resistance thanks to the integral molding of aluminum thickened beforehand
Coming from one of the leading California-based companies, dedicated to supplying the market with the highest quality goods, this pump is no exception to the golden standards set by the manufacturer.
The materials and parts exemplify the fine craftsmanship and experience of the producers.
With this product, the worry of water or light physical denting is a thing of the past due to the durable aluminum construction.
The level of stability is noteworthy on this pump as the combination of a rubber base, rubber pads, and dampening sponges control both heat and friction to a large extent.
It is also discreet within its designated operating parameters: even on high power mode, it will not cross the average satisfying levels of silence. It works like a charm when left without supervision.
On the performance scale, this pump has enough power to spare for multiple air dispersion elements without sacrificing power for either the output valve.
Accessories that are immediately made available, such as the divider manifold and the connector tube, offer the user excellent variability of air distribution.
With a small amount of energy usage, low volume, and strong characteristics, this air pump represents a great option for settings that demand efficiency and constant, reliable workloads of an air pump.
- A quality choice that fulfills that combines strong design and great performance
- It can be left to work alone without any worry whatsoever
- High levels of air pressure and silence
- Great heat resistance
- Adjustable airflow speed on the fly
- Acceptable levels of energy usage
- 1 year of service included
- Despite the built-in heat resistance, this air pump can sometimes get really hot
6. General Hydroponics HGC728040 Dual Diaphragm Air Pump

- High-performance capabilities (320 GPh)
- Outfitted with four durable and adjustable valves
- Weighs just 1.36 pounds
- Durable frame construction and parts
- Requires a constant 8 watts power supply
A heavy-duty air pump that is designed to withstand all manner of weathers whilst being left to operate outside is rare to come by, but not impossible, as this product represents a fresh new idea within the world of hydroponics.
The specifications and overall build quality assure optimal performance in every setting this pump is placed in.
High pump output assures satisfaction in both small and big ecosystems.
The efficiency of air dispersion is powerful enough to effectively sustain 8 WaterFarm units without any negative consequence.
The sleek design is backed up with a durable construction, ensuring the remains long in usage without any issues.
The addition of the Dual Diaphragm system extends the usefulness of the pump further, making it truly a satisfying choice for any occasion.
- Reputable company background that constructed this pump specifically for the use within the hydroponics field
- Excellent reliability and quality construction
- Quite powerful, ideal for both small and large reservoirs
- Portable
- Periodic leaks can occur
- Hefty price tag
- Manifolds that are shipped with the product can sometimes be leaky
- Cheap packaging
7. EcoPlus HGC728457 Eco Air5 Commercial Air Pump

- 1300GPH output
- 5.22 psi pressure
- 120 volt
- Output nozzles that come with the pump are manufactured in 1/2 and 3/8 fittings
- The frequency of this pump is around 60Hz
- Great for commercial use
If commercial production, large-scale aquariums, and gardens need to be provided with just the right amount of air, this air pump will fulfill your needs with flying colors.
As this is product falls into the heavier class of air pumps, it will need additional space to operate.
It features industry-standard built quality and a sturdy casing, perfect in case the environment that it will be placed it is not ideal.
The components used in its fabrication, from the cylinders to the pistons, are made out of durable materials. The main material used is aluminum.
This class of air pumps is ideal for industry-grade production or large aquariums most often seen in shops.
The pump comes alongside a chrome air manifold. This addition, equipped with 8 flow outlet valves that can be adjusted by the user to fit their needs, providing a great option for multiple growing outlets.
The ease of use fits the experience of all types of users.
Regardless of the challenge, this pump aims to please and is designed to accommodate demanding requirements.
- Impressive performance specs
- Frequently used by large-scale growers
- Ease of maintenance and use
- Responsive customer service in case of an issue
- The product might need to be serviced every so often under heavy workloads
- The pistons are prone to damage after some time
- Prone to high amounts of heat
8. VIVOSUN 285 GPH Air Pump

- Energy efficiency and resistance to degradation is provided by steel engine cylinder and piston construction
- Sound production is under 60 decibels
- 1.4-meter power cord length
- Maximum performance allows for up to 18 liters of air per minute
- The maximum flow is 285 GPH
Made to fulfill the hefty requirements of hobbyists and professionals alike, Vivosun has made sure to outfit this pump with the latest improvements within the industry.
The premium quality aluminum construction ensures efficient heat dispersion and operational longevity of the pump.
This pump packs a great amount of air pressure and a satisfying dispersion amongst 4 valve outlets.
The aluminum material used for the production of this pump ensures durability and optimal performance against most types of elemental or physical hindrances.
VIVOSUN’s electromagnetic motor is designed around raw power and the optional distribution between valve outlets without limiting the amount of air that goes into each outlet to the point of unsustainability.
It fulfills the standard for most high-end air pumps and offers great specifications in comparison to the products within its price range.
This pump will save you both energy and time whilst giving you above-average functionality within a sleek design, it is hard to go wrong with the benefits this pump offers.
- Great energy efficiency
- Great resistance to degradation
- Good value
- Up to 18l per minute
- None so far
9. VIVOSUN Air Pump 3W

- 1.8-pound weight
- Enough power for 0.8 water depth
- Ideal for small hydroponic/aquarium settings with 2 outlets available
- Oil-free motor lubrication
- The sound produced is just under 40 decibels
- 1-year warranty
A miniature air pump that falls into a completely new category due to its unique features, this product represents a unique option for specific circumstances.
The feature that sets this product apart is the aspect of total portability that is made available thanks to the built-in lithium battery pack.
This is what made this model so popular amongst fishmarket salesmen and hobbyists that require a portable system to commit to their task.
For a pump for its size and power demands, its performance levels are fantastically managed and distributed among 5 power levels.
The smooth controls for choosing each volume of power is enabled by a touch screen interface, making extremely quick and easy adjustments possible.
This great pump comes in a kit that contains a pair of reverse flow valves, horse pipes, and air stones. The inclusion of rubberized feet further improves on the noise and vibration cancelation qualities.
This is a testament that stylish and miniature designs can truly possess great practical efficiency.
- Innovative and beautiful
- Unmatched in terms of portability
- Long battery life
- Lightweight
- Great value in comparison to the price
- Weak on the performance scale compared to larger models
- Unsuited for commercial or any larger setting outside its operational range
10. EcoPlus 126 GPH (480 LPH, 3W) Air Pump

- 4.5 liters per minute
- Double dampening noise reduction system
- 120V power source
- The weight of the product is 1.4 pounds
- The Dual-chamber oscillating feature allows for stability and high performance
- One year warranty
Indoor gardening is becoming a mainstream norm due to the voracious approach towards new methods within gardening, brought up by the advancement of technology.
This air pump exemplifies the new principles of indoor gardening. With high output and stable pressure, it aims to please a different utilization of its capabilities- from small fish tanks to medium-sized hydroponic gardens.
The inner components are durable and the outer casing is resistant to physical dents and elemental effects.
The intense output of bubbles ensures oxygenation of the targeted tanks is always present, which is the reason this pump has seen widespread usage in many areas.
This option excels in out-door settings where the qualities of the pump can be demonstrated without causing disturbances. The main problem would be the loudness and sometimes the heat.
It is also a very silent option, perfect in-doors even if left to work during the entire night without supervision.
Operational efficiency without oil and raw power make this pump a solid all-rounder. With the inclusion of air dividers, it has enough power to accommodate from four to twenty-two outlets handily.
- Great built quality
- Powerful
- Undeniably favorable in most scenarios you would need an air pump in
- Great price for the fantastic features it offers
- The pump can start producing a loud-pitched humming sound after prolonged use
- Not a great option if silence is a priority
- A jack-of-all-trades pump but it does not excels in any particular area
11. EcoPlus HGC728459 Eco Air7 Air Pump

- 200 Wattz power usage
- 3566 GPH output
- 6.96 psi rating
- 120 V input
- Weights 13.2 pounds
- Comes with chrome air manifolds
- 1-year warranty
For just those occasions when you need to bring out the big guns, this air pump is right up your alley.
Featuring a metallic outer body with durable components on the inside, this giant pump brings raw power as its main quality.
This “beast” of a machine consumes a lot of power and dishes out a large amount of air.
Commonly used for maintaining large aquarium or hydroponic complexes, this class of air pumps is often employed by companies or by demanding professionals.
It is heavy, cumbersome as well as loud. These features point it out as a static heavy-duty pump that prioritizes performance above everything else.
It comes with a chrome air manifold which ranges from 6 to 12 outlets. Each outlet will be supplied with a strong quantity of air with ease.
Such power comes at the cost of extreme heat as it is not uncommon for the pump to damage itself through extremely hot temperatures that it exerts during prolonged workloads.
- OveAn extremely high amount of power
- Efficient air dispersion and flow
- Excellent for commercial, static use
- Due to the massive amounts of heat, damage to the accessories and the pump itself can occur
- Very loud
- Heavy and hard to transport compared to the alternatives
- Quite costly
- Servicing the pump might become necessary after 4-5 months of continuous work
12. Lewisia 35W Commercial Air Pump, 6 Outlets

- 35W energy usage
- Heat control and dissipation material – copper and aluminum alloy
- 794GPH max flow
- 6 outlets
- Voltage is 110V/60Hz
- 0.03 mpa maximum air pressure
- 40 liters per minute maximum air output
- A copper outlet nozzle, connector tube, and air manifold are all included
- 1.2kg weight
In the market for a brand new pump with additional outlets and multifunctionality to boot? This premium-quality air pump pays its pricetag in spades in every situation.
This bad boy dissipates heat extremely easily, thanks to the heat-radiating plates made out of aluminum alloy, which marks it as one of the exclusive choices for when long work periods are a must.
The main advantage the pump has is that it can accommodate a larger number of water farms with the possibility of adding multiple air stones that can be used immediately without repercussion.
Driven by a well built electromagnetic motor that consumes a moderate amount of energy for producing optimal results for supplying 6 separate outlets, this choice is a mix of both personal and industrial air pumps.
It has seen widespread use, from small ponds to industrialized production, without many complaints nor issues.
The quality of the product extends beyond the pump itself as it comes equipped with additional items that are necessary for optimal operation efficiency, excluding the need for additional spendings.
The pistons and cylinders are premium quality and as durable as the exterior of the pump.
With high-performance specifications, high-quality build, and an acceptable price, this option represents a real bargain for widespread usage within or outside its intended utilization.
- Powerful and reliable
- A fantastic choice for ecosystems that have multiple tanks with moderate to high oxygen requirements
- Commendable portability
- Stellar performance in a large variety of scenarios
- Comes with an entire kit
- Lessened elemental resistance of the pump itself – should never be submerged in water
- The pump is rather noisy
13. TopYart Ultra Silent Air Pump

- The power rating of the pump is 5W
- The voltage rating is 220 volts
- Plastic construction
- The weight of the entire package is 327 grams
- Tube length is 100cm, 115cm
- Max pressure is 0.015 MPA
- The Max power of the pump is 3.5 liters per minute
- Oil-free
A combination of miniature size and economic power-saving features have always been desired among fish tank enthusiasts who wish to save up on space and electricity whilst still having acceptable performance outputs. This pump came out as a solution.
The assembly and setup of the air pump are easy and are done in 6 easy to follow steps.
The elegance of this product endorses practicality as its highest value, both in terms of aesthetics and usage, being easy to maintain whilst requiring minimal amounts of it.
This little pump consumes low amounts on all power modes while still remaining effective in regulating air displacement and delivering an ample amount of oxygen to the desired tanks.
Despite the small size of this product, it is equipped with many features that make it stand out among alternatives.
The regulating valves ensure excellent air displacement while the default operating mode consumes low amounts of power, ensuring continuous operation without sacrificing long service life.
The multi-level muffler that is installed in this pump assures the pump will remain silent even on higher power levels.
The double-headed feature allows the use of the pump to extend to two separate tanks at the same time. It comes with 2 air stones and a 2m silicone tube, both of high quality.
All in all, a nicely built little pump that will cover the needs of most users who don’t plan to overextend on the pre-determined usage specifics.
- Multifunctionality of this air pump allows for it to be used in almost any setting
- Extremely lightweight, pocket portable air pump
- Low energy usage
- Affordable
- Low noise production due to the multi-level muffler
- Free accessories included
- Low maintenance and longevity
- Fragile due to the light plastic casting
- Performance-wise, this pump is ideal for small tanks that don’t place a high demand on the air pump
- Vibrations at random intervals can occur during prolonged use
14. HORTIPOTS DWC Air Pump for Hydroponic Bubbler Bucket System

- No clogging
- No heat generated
- 5-gallon performance
- Compatible with most HortiPots Aeroponic Clone Machines systems
- 1.57 pounds
- A hydroponic product that is not reliant on air stones
Tired of airstone reliant products? Looking for an entirely new system to provide oxygen to your plants/fish? This amazing innovation has you covered
Without clogging and heatproof, this diffuser air bubbler kit delivers millions of air bubbles that contain excellently dissolved oxygen each minute.
This product is designed to operate in with all HortiPots Aeroponic Clone Machines (CM24, CM35, CM48, CM70, CM96, and CM140) to deliver maximum levels of evenly distributed oxygen.
This lightweight air pump can fit almost anywhere and, with 8 Site DWC Hydroponic Bubbler using 3 inch Net Cups, it can easily fulfill the needs of small aquariums and miniature hydroponic gardens with no issues.
It can be used to fill a 5-gallon bucket within a DWC system and many of its derivates.
A small and multifunctional mini pump, this is a great choice for everyone looking for minimum performance, maintenance, and issue-free pumps that can fulfill multiple functions for every kind of user.
- Not reliant on air stones
- Very low energy consumption
- Very light and portable
- Affordable
- Great for miniature garden, hydroponic, or fish ecosystems
- Silent
- Due to the fragile construction, it should be handled with care
- Low performance, low air pressure
- Limited areas of use
15. VIVOSUN 80GPH Battery Air Pump

- Air pressure – 0.118 Mpa (Single jet function)
- Steady airflow
- Portable battery
- Four modes
- 18 adjustable pressure levels
- Frequency: 50-60 HZ
- Voltage: 100-240V
- Max flow: 40GPH
If you are ready to pay an extra buck for performance and quality that you can count on in every situation, another marvel from the famous VIVOSUN has you covered.
The elegant design is fashioned to accommodate a luxurious feel and look of the device with a soft, cool outlining wave texture. The dual power supplies supplement its awesome qualities even further in the case of an unexpected power outage.
It sports 18 adjustable pressure levels that can be changed within a moment’s notice while the dual-jet functionality allows for strong maximum airflow.
The entire package comes with 2 tubes, 2 well-built check valves, 2 air stones, one power cord, a 2-way, and a 3-way connector. All of these additions further add to the quality of the product itself by delivering more variety to each operational mode.
The large LCD screen is strong and resistant to scratches. This addition separates the controlling configuration of this pump from the rest with an included auto-lock function.
This air pump is modernized towards delivering the newest technological innovations within the air pump industry with the end goal of providing a strong, reliable, and hassle-free product for every kind of user in the market.
The air output is steady and precise while the multiple working modes allow for the independent operation in changing ecosystems and circumstances. The guaranteed silence during most operational modes is assured.
The pump is outfitted with 4 independent operation modes that will adapt to changing circumstances; if a power outage were to occur, the pump will immediately activate intermittent operations to conserve as much power as it can to continue working as much as possible.
With a strong battery and powerful operational efficiency to back up the stylish design, this pump delivers beauty and raw power in one neatly packed package that is sure to please.
- Quality and sturdy build
- Low power consumption and portable battery pack allow the air pump to be used anywhere and anytime
- Different modes of operation and flow control make it ideal for medium and small-sized ecosystems.
- Very silent
- High performance and changing high levels of control within seconds make it a premium choice for users who may want to reuse their air pumps in different scenarios altogether
- You can even use it as a portable phone charger, thanks to the integrated USB port
- Affordable, especially considering all the benefits it brings
- The pump itself should be kept out of water
- It can sometimes stop working for short periods
16. Simple Deluxe LGPUMPAIR38 Air Pump

- This pump dishes out 38 liters of air per minute
- Less than 60 decibels of air under normal operation conditions
- The outlet nozzles are constructed of high-grade copper
- Runs on 18W
- Weights a mere 2.97 pounds
- The inner sponge cover reinforces the silencing qualities of this pump
- The maximum air pressure is extremely satisfying (over 0.02 mpa)
Constructed out of ZL 102 aluminum alloy of the highest quality, this product is built to last and supply a multitude of aquariums and/or hydroponic systems from 6 adjustable valve outlets with a rich supply of oxygen.
The quality of the compressed air that comes out of this pump is higher than average due to the lack of lubricants.
The Simple Deluxe has a powerful 18W electromagnetic motor that produces strong air pressure whilst delivering an excellent amount of air to each valve outlet. The outlet nozzles are made out of 100% copper and the user will enjoy a long-lasting service life of both the pump and the accessories alike.
The pump has a rubber base, shockproof and water-resistant qualities, and a steel engine Cylinder Piston that is constructed of material which is resistant to wear and tear whilst being energy-saving and economical.
You can choose between 4 different GPH models based on what you need. The 1.5 meters power cord allows for ample room between the pump and the pond, plant root, or aquarium that you plan to provide oxygen to.
Ideal for both small, medium, and large ecosystems and resistant to environmental elements, this pump is one of the best options for diverse and silent air pump classes that are high-quality and affordable at the same time.
- OveGreat durability and above-average specs put it in a higher-class of air pumps currently available
- Excellent for a multitude of situations
- Quality materials and build quality.
- If it does not suit your needs, you can always return it within 30 days.
- Affordable
- Although flexible in it’s use, it performs best from small to middle-sized tanks
- The pump can overheat sometimes
17. EcoPlus 728450 Air Pump

- Weights 2.45 pounds
- 6 flow outlet valves that are adjustable to the user’s needs
- 120-volt ETL listed
- 1-year warranty
- Comes with a chrome air manifold
- Current is 0.25 A
- The PsI rating of the pump is 2.9
- The output is 793 gph
Looking for a commercial air pump that delivers on the golden standard for industry-grade quality and still being affordable to the average consumer? If so, this is the real deal!
Seeing widespread use within the professional industry, this air pump brings excellence and quality into play thanks to its numerous qualities, provided by the EcoPlus, a brand well-known for the quality of its products.
Giving high output, air pressure, and solid tube size, this pump will satisfy just about any tank with its high-performance specifications.
The materials it is made of are top-notch, the parts, from the Cylinders to the pistons, are excellently built. All of the aforementioned make this pump out to be an example of industrially-utilized air pumps that give their users unparalleled performance.
The two output nozzles come in sizes of 1/5 and 3/8. The entire set also includes chrome air manifolds that are usually included in higher-grade productions.
The pump’s power source, corded electric cable, is durable and strong enough to withstand most types of pressure exerted on it.
If you need a strong and reliable pump for commercial usage, this air pump packs a lot of power without generating too much heat nor noise.
- Does not generate too much heat or noise
- Affordable
- Offers a satisfactory user experience even after prolonged use
- The addition of a high-quality air manifold extends the basic value, the accessory is strong and durable
- Powerful and reliable
- Unexpected vibrations can occur
- Itself pump itself should be kept away from the water