Angel Wing Begonia Care

Angel Wing Begonia Care – How NOT To Kill Your Begonia

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Angel Wing Begonia is an exotic plant that can be kept indoors as well. It belongs to the family of Begoniaceae. This type of begonia originates from South America, and it is a perennial flowering plant.

Here’s Angel Wing Begonia care guide summary: It likes humidity and a lot of water. You can even water it every day during the summer! Angel winged begonia likes sunny places, but without direct sunlight, so make sure you find a nice, homey place for it. It is a ’hungry’ plant, so fertilizer is more than welcome, especially during the growth period. Also, since it is a fast grower, you can prune your begonia from time to time and create the desired foliage shape that way. Angel winged begonia likes room temperatures while being away from cold drafts. There are two ways of propagation. You can choose whether to do it in water or soil.

How to achieve all of that and adjust all the parameters listed above? Well, read the following article and enjoy nurturing your angel wing begonia!

Angel Wing Begonia Appearance

Angel Wing Begonia is loved throughout the world because it can be shaped in various ways and you can get a dwarf office plant, or a gigantic bush-like floor plant, growing up to 150 centimeters in height.

If you learn how to properly shape the angel wing begonia foliage, you’ll enjoy an exotic wildlife-like plant. The extraordinary name originates from begonia leaf shape – it closely resembles the wings of an angel.

People also call it the cane begonia. It is an exotic, extraordinary house plant.Angel wing plant has interesting shiny, deep green foliage.

The leaves have speckles and/or streaks.

The markings are usually red-colored.

If it is placed in the needed surroundings, begonia will thrive while producing magnificent flowers.

Flowers widely differ in color.

They go from white to red, pink, and orange tones.

Still, there are two ground rules to respect when growing begonias – sunlight and fertilizing requirements.

 Taking care of those two will ensure your angel wing begonia to thrive in the best possible way!

If you pay attention, you will have your begonia producing flowers all year round!

Pro-Tip: If you want to grow this type of begonia because of its wonderful foliage, and not the flowers, all you have to do is place the pot in low-light conditions.This will stop the plant from blooming.

Before I tell you more on Angel Wing Begonia care, take time to meet other Begonia plants:

Sunlight Requirements

Angel leaf begonia likes bright spots, yet with indirect sunlight.

Living under the impact of indirect sunlight, the plant will produce many colorful flowers.

If you place it in a darker spot, however, it will thrive as well, but without producing the flowers.

In nature, it lives protected from the direct sunlight, by larger plants and tree canopies.

Naturally, during the cold months, there is less sunlight outside, and it isn’t as strong as during spring and summer.

You can expose your begonia to larger quantities of sunlight in this period.

Ideally, put it in a position where it will be under the impact of morning light, while sheltered from afternoon light since in that period of the day the sun is much stronger.

Also, if you want to take your pot outside during late spring and summer, make sure you hide it from direct sunlight.

Watering Requirements

Angel wing begonias like humidity and water.

It is known as a thirsty plant.

Anyway, always let the topcoat of the soil dry out before you water the plant.

It likes a lot of water, but never let the soil become soggy and waterlogged.

During the hot months, you can easily water it every single day!

Don’t worry you won’t exaggerate, remember – it likes moist soil!

Of course, just as pretty much any other plant, it will create problems if overwatered.

The problems will lead to eventual root rot. 

Reduce the frequency of watering during the cold months, especially during winter.

Try to maintain enough humidity in the lower layers of the soil, while you let the top soil get a little dry.

However, never let your begonia soil become totally dried!

Also, when you’re watering, make sure the leaves don’t get wet – it may be the cause of various fungal infections.

Soil Requirements

You can buy a high-nutritious soil mix from your local flower shop.

However, begonia also likes soilless mixes (just make sure it has a high percentage of organic material).

 The soil should always be moist, but never soggy.

Anyway, if you read the previous paragraph, you got the essence of watering requirements.

Angel Wing Begonia potted plant
How to care for your indoor Angel Wing Begonia

Now, to get back to the soil requirements – although nutritious soil is very important, there is another essential parameter – drainage.

Make sure you provide your begonia with well-drained soil.

Add pebbles, sand, or even some smaller rocks in the container to assure the best level of drainage.

Humidity Requirements

All begonia cares about is humidity!

So, make sure you are up to its needs – provide it with enough humidity.

There are several ways to do so (besides watering, of course).

Mist your begonia with a light water spray.

Feel free to do it every day during spring and summer.

Still, make sure you don’t overdo it since by that you will create a perfect environment for fungal diseases.

Put wet rock pebbles on a tray and place the whole pot on it.

A humidifier is an option, as well.

Of course, you can always group your houseplants and preserve the humidity that way.

Temperature Requirements

Make sure you establish a moderate, room temperature.

Since it is a tropical plant, it won’t like drafts, especially cold ones.

So, if you are often opening your windows, find a new place for your angel begonia.

Different sources of heat will also do damage – avoid hot drafts (for example, air conditioning), stoves, or heating vents.

If you keep your begonia outside, make sure you bring it in as soon as the temperature drops below 12 degrees Celsius.

Fertilizing Requirements

Fertilizing is quite important when it comes to angel wing begonias care.

Use regular food for houseplants. But with a high percentage of nitrogen.

This type of food will help inducing better, healthier foliage and bigger leaves in general.

If you are planning to grow your angel-winged begonia for flowers, you’ll need to use another fertilizing option.

Namely, you’ll need to find a fertilizer high in phosphorus.

Fertilize your begonia twice a month.

Blooming Angel Wing Begonia

Angelwing Begonia usually blooms throughout summer.

Nevertheless, it is known as a plant that could bloom all year round, as well.

The flowers are showy and colorful (they can be rather big as well – up to 12 cm across).

The texture is waxy and kind of sticky.

When you notice some of the flowers have faded, prune them.

This way, you’ll encourage new flower and foliage growth. The plant likes hanging baskets, as it can show-off its magnificent flowers this way.

Pruning Angel Wing Begonia

Angel wings plant is a fast-growing plant and can look pretty messy if left growing and shaping on its own.

Make sure you prune the overgrown stems once you notice them getting crowded.

Still, avoid pruning during the cold months.

Of course, if you want to get another look or shape, you can cut off ligneous stems at the plant base during springtime each year.

This way, the plant will preserve its rounded look.

Besides, by pruning, you stimulate the growth of fresh stems.

Repotting Angel Wing Begonia

If you notice the pot becoming too tight for your begonia, you can re-pot it.

However, always do it during (early) spring.

Use a container bigger only by size.

If you use a too big pot, it may stimulate root growth, but the plant itself will stagnate.

Propagating Angel Wing Begonia

You can propagate your angel wing begonia from stem cuttings.

Still, always make sure to use sterilized and sharp tools!

Take a long cutting (about 15 centimeters).

The stem should have a nod on it (one is enough, but a couple of nods are also okay).

Also, make sure the stem shouldn’t be flowering at that particular moment because the flowers will soak the nutrients.

Now, detach the foliage at the bottom of the stem.

Having done that, choose your preferred manner of propagation – in water or soil.

Propagating Angel Wing Begonia

If you want to cultivate it in water, use a see-through glass jar.

Fill it with some water (no more than half the jar)  and place the stem inside.

Make sure the down part of the plant is completely submerged in water.

Place the jar in a comfy, sunny spot, but away from direct sunlight.

If you’ve done everything as described, you can expect the roots in a couple of weeks.

On the other hand, if you want to cultivate it in soil, the method is different. Find a small container and place some damp soil in it.

Use a pencil or anything of similar looks to create a hole in the soil.

Firstly, you’ll need to dip the stem cutting in rooting hormone.

After that, gently place it into the hole you have previously made.

Firmly press the soil around the cuttings to encourage its balance.

The roots should appear in four to six weeks.

When you notice the roots, repot your begonia in a larger container.

Common Issues

Although it isn’t considered to be a problematic plant, you may get in trouble if aphids or spider mites come to visit.

To avoid the unpleasant visits, make sure you don’t overwater nor over-mist your begonia.

Try to maintain a healthy level of humidity, as well.

In addition, damp leaves and waterlogged soil is a big no!

Now, when it comes to aphids and spider mites, those are pest infections, and they will appear if the level of humidity is low.


How Do You Trim Angel Wing Begonias?

First of all, always keep in mind – the more you prune it, the more it will thrive (unless, of course, if you over-prune it). Use clean cutting gear and get to the busyness! There are no rules, simply form the shape you like! Through time, you will gain some expertise and manage to form the wanted shape.

Is Angel Wing Begonia Poisonous to Pets?

It isn’t poisonous, but it is toxic. Therefore, when it comes to angel-winged begonia care, you’ll want to keep it out of reach of children and your furry friends, as well!

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